
There's No Place Like Home Part 2

"Keep going!"

"Have we lost them?"

"I don't see any more of them!"

"Wait where's Alton?"

Team Rhapsody stopped looking around the forest now looking paranoid. "Shit! We were too fixated with getting away I didn't even see Alton." Emil ranted.

"Well, what are we doing? We need to go and find him."

"Zinnia, I do agree, but it's too dangerous. He could be anywhere."

"So what? We just leave him."

"Whoa!" Alton yelled, jumping out from the bushes panting. "You guys agreed to ditch me? That's cold." He flicked small traces of ice from his wrist. "I was just holding them back."

"We thought you died!" Percy argued.

"Me? Dead. Please it's going to take a lot more than some mossy boys to kill me."

"Speaking of which, what were those things? They all just came out of nowhere."

Next chapter