
One Hit Wonder?

The usual karaoke booth full of life was silent today. It had been quiet for the past few days enough though it was booked out every day like usual. The sound of lousy karaoke and banter was met with cold silence and a few empty conversations. This was the cruel reality for Zinnia now. She came to the karaoke booth as it was the only thing she could do. The others, more or less, felt the same. Emil and Percy had tagged along these past few days for the simple reason to cheer her up. With the mixture of being banned, Gale being hospitalised and Alton quitting she wasn't in her usual carefree spirits. Emil was the most bothered by this. He stared idly at her as Zinnia stared at her phone overlooking the V.I.R.A.L news. Alton, of course, was making headlines alongside serval more mental overloads. 

Losing his patience, he grumbled, picking up the remote scrolling through the wide choice of songs. "Choose the cheesiest song you can think of, and you can have the pleasure of hearing me sing it. If that's what it takes to bloody cheer up a noob like you, I'll do it."

"Was it all just a misunderstanding?" She whispered.

"Where did that come from?" He barked, turning to her. "Sitting here and sulking over the matter won't change anything. You keep up as this and Alton wins."

"But everything he said to me, it was all true. I was too fixated with my dream of being like my mum. I never actually cared about streaming. It was all falling apart the moment I was a part of the team."

"Zinnia that's not true… don't lie to yourself. We were all the same. Everyone was just caught up having fun we forgot the goal."

Zinnia frowned curling up on the sofa. "Alton was already gone when I got home last night. Told Rebecca the details. He's on the news and every podcast right now. He made it big, I should feel happy for him but… why am I so, so. So cross?!"

"Alright, I need all of you to turn the volume down by eleven," Iris grumbled sliding the booth door open. She had a lollipop in her mouth, which fell out as she spoke. She quickly jolted down, picking it up, giving it a little look, she shrugged her shoulders. "Three-second rule." 

"What are you doing here?" Zinnia tutted not wanting to see anyone.

"To cheer you up. I brought fried chicken."

Zinnia gave a faint chuckle tearing up. "Fried chicken sounds good."

Iris set it all up as she sat down next to Zinnia. "I got into a fight with my sister this morning. Over the stupidest thing… she learned what happened with you all. She was so determined to help you, but I told her no. She's got enough on her mind we don't need to drag her into this mess. And Alton told us not too."

"You take orders from him? Don't know if you forgot noob but he's not apart of the team anymore. Can't exactly blame him mind you. If I was given an offer from Vanguard, I would take it. An idiot would turn that down."

"Alton was that idiot," Percy stated. "Remember he already had turned it down he said four months ago. Maybe he really did believe in this team?"

"Or took pity on us." Zinnia frowned. "Is this how it's going to be? Pokiero was truly a fluke. We were destined to fail."

"Hush, hush with the sad talk and eat your chicken," Iris ordered swinging her drumstick around. "If this all a big problem, why not just close the account down and join me? I'd welcome you loveable losers with open arms. We could show Alton not to mess with us!"

"Give up Team Rhapsody? No, I couldn't."

"Huh? Why not?! If Alton wants to run away to the big kids, why can't you? It's not like we aren't already friends anyway… we are friends, right?"

"It's because she still believes Alton will come back." Emil jabbed at.

Iris took a bite from her chicken giving Zinnia the all-seeing judgemental look. "Seriously? Give me a break, why would he come back when he's got all that he needs. Fame, fortune. Why would he need to come back for?"

"Because Alton hates the idea of being famous. It terrifies him."

Iris gave a confused look not catching on. "He'd picked the wrong profession then."

"Alton will come back. The wind says so."

"Right… Zinnia no offence. I like you. I do, but that's dumb. Like super dumb. Like beyond dumb. The wind can't say those sorts of things. The wind just usually goes whoosh and boom I've dropped my ice cream, and it's on the floor. The wind isn't going to guide us into finding a way to get Alton back."

As Iris went off on one, the booth door was pulled open with a mighty force as an albino girl in a gothic black dress standing in the doorway smiling. "Found. You."

"What the heck?"

The girl stepped in, looking at each one taking a deep breath. "It really is you guys. Thank God I got it right this time."

"Ugh, who are you?" Percy muttered slightly creeped out.

The girl looked lost before gasping. "My most sincere apologies. I did not mean to intrude on your gathering. Please forgive me. My name is Scarlett of the Dawn family. It's. Nice. To. Meet. You!"

"Dawn? As in THE Dawns?" Iris asked.

"You are true, correct. I am the only daughter to the Dawn manor. It is a pleasure to meet you, Iris Hawthorne."

"Hmm. Well, isn't this a turn of events?" She mutters.

"I'm sorry I don't follow who are the Dawns?"

"They are like the Montague family but like three times richer. But your family don't fund V.I.R.A.L, so what are you doing here?"

"Right, sorry. I tend to forget the minor details. I am a streamer like you." She states as her eyes begin to glow a crimson red.

"Whoa, that's pretty cool. Is that your superpower?" Percy asked.

"Now, now. Don't you know its rude to ask a girl what her powers are?" Scarlett insisted on stepping in. "I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours first."

"While this is all fun and all, why are you here? If you don't mind me asking?" Zinnia asked.

"Again, these things tend to slip my mind. Apologies. I was hoping to meet the whole party. But alas Alton has already made like the wind bullseye. Ha, get it… ah, do not worry." She laughed softly to herself. "I came here to meet Team Rhapsody."

"What business have you got with them?" Iris butted in.

"Like I said, I came here to meet Team Rhapsody. Although I do really admire your work to Violet." Scarlett smiled sending shivers down Iris' spine.

"How can someone look so innocent and cute yet be just as scary," Iris muttered spooked out. "Come to think of it I should probably make up with Alice… see you guys later."

Iris left in a hurry as Scarlett gave a puzzled look prodding her cheek. "Ahh, what a shame and here I was hoping we could all chat more. Might I say how exciting this is for me! Meeting Team Rhapsody. I am indeed a big fan of your work."

"You're a fan. Of us?" Zinnia slurred.

"Why yes, who wouldn't? Your bold and heroic means speak wonders to me. I feel your work on a different level and understand your motive and goal quite well." She informed, placing a hand over her chest. "I have just been dying to meet you all. Might I say you don't disappoint?"

"Well, this wasn't what I was expecting. To think noobs like you have a fangirl…"

Scarlett sat down next to Zinnia her eyes closed as she placed her hands on her lap. "When I heard about the ban and Alton, I was deeply moved. The road he is going down only leads to ruin."

"Excuse me?"

"Oh, I apologise. I suppose I should explain myself." Scarlett mustered showing a pack of tarot cards. "It appears Alton's fate only leads to ruin if left unchecked."

"What? Why is that? You know something."

"Perhaps I do. This is all exciting, isn't it? Holding the answers. Before I decide to or not allow me a moment of your time. Please choose a card." Zinnia eyed the cards playing to Scarlett's games. She pointed to the card on the far left as Scarlett turned it over. "Oh my. Well, isn't this exciting. The fool tarot arcana. It's a sign of new beginnings which might bring excitement and potential but only if you are full of courage. Please another." 

Zinnia met with her demands picking the middle card. "What's this one?"

"Hmm, the high priestess card. How fascinating. A great mystery has clouded over you—one which you may not solve. The path and answers will not be as straight forward. Another if you may?" Zinnia chose the second to the end. "Let's see. Well, just as I expected. The star Arcana. One that represents hope and joy. It seems you may hold the key to solving the mystery bested on you. But also hope that your journey may bring a bright end. One more please."

Zinnia now thoroughly intrigued took one last card. Scarlett stared on conflicted as she bit her lip. "Well, this is unexpecting. The hanged man arcana. It seems fate isn't the kindest."

"What does that mean?"

"Usually it's nothing too much to worry about. But given the circumstances. It appears to see your goal through to the end a great sacrifice might have to be made. If you look at the card the hanged man is also known as a willing martyr, to accomplish your goal, you might have to sacrifice something very close to you."

"What goal? What are you talking about?"

Scarlett shuffles her card up, pulling one holding it up. It was the tower arcana. "Were you not paying attention? It appears I might have to spell it out. Why the goal to save Alton from certain doom."

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