
Chapter 8.3 - The Keening Crystals

The call was made, the trumpets sounded, the beat of the drum, and the cry of those who wished for a violent end to this conflict.

Within an hour of the meeting between Serin and his advisors, now the War Council, missives were issued to the Saranei, the Quiet Flight, those who flew swiftest, the Fae of the Winds, who waited outside for their orders. One by one, each of them was dispatched to their assignments.

Akin, son of Kiri, flew with the speed of the northern wind, his was one of the more dangerous regions, as the airspace was occupied by both trained and wild dragons. As Akin flew, he used his innate magic to lower his presence, making monsters, or in his case dragons, care not for his existence. They were simple creatures in the end, and he used his inborn magic to inform them, 'I am not a foe, I am like a bird in the wind.' Akin was relieved whether by the dragons' training or by lack of interest, the untrained dragons did not impede his journey. His incoming flight was already being met by the dragon ground crew, kobolds trained in ensuring the landing areas were kept clear, and he was motioned where to land. Within moments he had landed and made his way into the commander's quarters, where she sat with her dragon rider lieutenants. They were going over divisions of teams, final recruitments, and which dragons could be brought along riderless, as a form of shock troop to be used in areas where collateral damage was not a concern.

"Princess Iris, this one brings missives from the capital." Akin bowed. The fae were innately subservient to the other races, and it showed in their mannerisms. Although all races of Haven were equal, the fae got unnerved by being treated as equals, so over the years the other races learned to adjust to their mannerisms. Princess Iris took the first missive. "There is one missive, where is the other."

"This one apologizes Princess Iris, but the First missive must be read and acknowledged before the second can be read."

Princess Iris cracked open the wax seal on the missive, and felt a magic unfamiliar course through her. Akin bowed as he spoke, "This one apologizes for the manipulation, but per the instructions of the great lord, I am to ask you the following question. Have you ever participated in carnal relations with those of non-human descent?"

"No I have not. Noth that I wouldn't, its just I haven't really had the opportunity, focused as I am on my career. I sometimes feel I am missing out, but out of all the handsome races of Haven I can't honestly choose. The strong Demis with their cute tails, or maybe a changeling that can look like any man I choose. Even the Fae with their soft skin and light hair have a sort of strange glow to them. I really don't get out much, and to be honest i feel I have missed out much being stationed here with these soldiers. Divines it's been years since…" the magic faded and Princess Iris, in front of her subordinates began to glow red with embarrassment. She then read the missive.

"This one apologizes for the deception, but as it speaks of in the first missive, until each human under your command is 'defiled in action by the word of the cult', you are not allowed to proceed to war preparations. This one carries with it passess for each of those assigned to the dragon riders to either proceed under escort to 'The Facade' or to report to the watchtower until the end of the conflict."

Princess Iris was stubborn, but smiled. Her troops would need the night off. "We will go, can you hand over the second missive?"

"Apologies princess, but this one is under the strictest of orders not to hand over war plans until you have met the specified requirements."

Princess Iris, the Commander of the dragon riders, looked at her lieutenants. "Take the men and women under our command to the facade, any who do not wish to go have a night of revelry are to wait here where they will be detained indefinitely. You, messenger, what is your name?"

"This one is called Akin, Princess."

"Akin, I have much to do, and not much time to spare. Does your race live up to its reputation for 'fastest delivery'?"

Akin's sharktooth smile beamed, "This one would be willing to assist if the princess requests, yes."

Commander Iris Thul, royal daughter of Jeffrey Thul, who had put duty before all, looked at her soldiers. "You have your orders, so unless you would like to get in line for the Fae's services, I recommend you get to it."

The once shy princess who blushed at the thought of becoming one of the great lord's concubines now treated such an important union as a business formality.

These decades had changed many people, and not all for the better.

Missives were sent to all of the various command groups. The Protectorate Legions, the Unblooded of Cadet City, the HAS Navy, The Forged Shock troops to name a few, each with their own deceptions, their own offers.

It was a strange evening, but that was not the strangest thing that would happen.


"Herald, the time is nigh. Is the circle prepared?"

"It is, your grace. The sacrifices have also prepared, ready to join her in the embrace of her undying flame."

Somewhere far away from Haven, there was an empty circle cut into the stone. Inside were intricate designs also carved. Surrounding the massive circle were dozens of men and women, the infirm and societies elders, fervent faithful all. They stood ready, before the heralds that stood inside the circle.

One by one, they walked up, laying down along the edge of the circle, so that their head rest in a small alcove. There were hundreds of people, their bodies in prostration.

Each one by one did not move as their throats were deftly sliced.

Over 100 were willingly sacrificed in moments.

The blood partially filled the stone. As each was drained of the last drops of life, they were moved aside, and another willingly took their place. This continued without pause, the circle slowly closing, and as the blood filled the crevice, in far away haven, in the center of town, inside the assembly hall of Haven, cracks appeared in the ground.

Outside the sacrificial site, two hundred fifty thousand, the 'bloody vanguard' stood prepared.

Among their ranks was a high ranking intelligence officer. He was second only to the Military Intelligence Commanding General, who really made his recommendations off this officer's reports. This officer though, stood stunned.

'This was supposed a speech, a pass and review, and an explanation of how they were to break through Haven's defenses', thought the intelligence officer, 'not the actual attack!'

Nighmora, the changeling deep cover agent, had to finally break cover. Her face had been worn and slowly aged for so many years that it felt like it was cracked porcelain on their face. There was one object they kept at all times, a rare item personally crafted for him. To avoid the random searches, it was kept in his [inventory] space, a magic kept secret from outsiders of Haven.

To a casual observer, Nighmora seemed to reach into nowhere and pull out an object. A recall stone. However, the activation of such powerful magic caused her cover to break, and within moments of the use of this magic the inquisitors, always wary of spies, jumped to detain Nighmora. Those in the GWA were not supposed to know how to use magic other than blood magic, and the Inquisitors were trained in the detection of magic, not that it was needed. Such a display of magic and a magically dead area would be felt by anyone, even those not attuned to the fluctuations of mana. So while they moved to detain, Nighmora crushed the stone, landing inside a place they had not seen in 20 years.

Within the Backroom of the House of Masks, Nighmora was met with guns pulled by the desk workers of Haven's spy network. Nighmora dropped their mask, changing back to their natural form for the first time in over 20 years.

Dana walked up, stunned at this now burned asset. "Report."

Nighmora screamed, "Sound the alarm! The Cult will be breaking through within the hour!"

Dana said, "there were no reports of our enemy within 100 miles of the gate."

Nighmora, gasps "Search my memories, they made a [gate] as large as the cathedral, powered by the willing sacrifices of hundreds, and there stands ready a quarter million troops to come through!"

Dana's eyes went wide, "Arm up". And Dana then used her magic to begin sending emergency [messages]. Soon, the crystal sirens, keening through the night, aroused all. Haven had several forms of alarm. There was the bell network, which let the town know that there was a fire, rampaging, creature, or other natural disaster. Then there were the mountain horns, which blew three times to signify enemy troops were in sight of the watchtower. Then there were the Keening Crystals.

The Keening Crystals, they were used to inform the city of breach of perimeter by enemy force.


My next chapter contains a minor spoiler for my other book, 'The Shadow and Her Giant'. So if you don't know how romance novels play out, you may want to skip the next chapter, I can include a small 1 paragraph recap in the following chapter.

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