
Chapter 8.1 - Holy War

Serin thought about his representative's words. Jericho dared speak in such a way to him, it meant that he was serious. They were friends once, they had often had drinks together, fought together, bled together. Now their relationship was, at best, strained. Jericho did not disagree with Lord Serin, but such decisions he had made take their toll on a soul that is not broken.

Jericho had not been broken like Serin had. Serin remembered his plate, remembered the [heartless] trait he had gained. He looked at Jericho, still waiting for a response.

Serin stood, "Alright Jericho. I will bite. Court is adjourned until we get back."

As Serin left Jericho spoke, "I believe that our enemy has announced their intent for war to their population."

Serin listened, "If they had declared war, I would have heard about it."

Jericho shook his head. "If the GWA nation had declared formal war against you, then as the leader of the nation you would have been informed. However doing that would have imposed a severe penalty due to their diplomatic faux pas so many years ago. I believe they have announced a Holy War, a crusade to cleanse the land of the impure."

Serin nodded, "What makes you say so, and what are the implications?"

Jericho continued as they made their brisk walk towards the Cathedral. "Well, the implications are that unlike a state vs. state conflict, they receive no deficit, and the cult of Mephystra gains additional benefit from the slaying of non-humans. Put plainly, we will be in for quite a battle."

They arrived at the cathedral as Jericho went over what information their sleeper agents had pushed to them. "Jericho you have explained the implications, but have not stated why you believe this holy war has started."

Jericho motioned for Serin to enter. In the cathedral he was met with the representatives from every race of Haven. "I see you were all brought in on this. Good. If this turns out to be something, I will have less to do." But as Serin looked, he saw resolve. These were a people prepared to survive.

Serin then met with Archbishop Gius. "It has been a long time since you have graced our halls, Lord Serin. We welcome you in the light…"

"Spare the formalities Gius, what is it that I 'need to see'."

Gius nodded, and brought forth the Manual of Piety. It had been a long time since this manual had been read through. Serin remembered the last time he was in the church. He had scoured the manual, trying to find a way to petition the gods to bring back his family. He left the church empty handed, having not found a solution. It seems the gods couldn't or wouldn't help. This was his first time back within their hallowed walls.

It was then that Gius flipped to two sections that were previously blank.


[When two religions fail to find an amicable co-existence and a [Holy War] is declared, The opposing religion is considered Heresy, and members of that church cannot hide under the gaze of clerics of the opposing church.]

[Holy War]

[A Holy War is when the Religious body of one religion declares a war against that of another religion. This war can be to impose a change in faith to believers by whatever means necessary. The Attacking Faith is considered victorious if their enemy faith declares formal defeat. The defender however need only capture a majority of the holy sites of the attacker. The Attacker, even if it captures or destroys the defender's holy site, is not considered victorious unless the defender declares total defeat. Both the attacker and defender will appoint a Saint to be given two chances to discuss strategy with their Patron Divine. The first meeting is anytime after the Holy War is declared. The second is only after the War is concluded for the formal negotiation.]

Note: If this section appears and you have not declared a Holy War, a Holy War has been declared against you.]

"Serin, we would like to appoint you as the Saint that will discuss preparations with Gideon."

Serin was unsure. "I left the active church a long time ago Gius, I have no reason to return to the fold, let alone act as a beacon of faith."

Gius shook his head. "I feel it in my Soul, Lord Serin. As the Archbishop, I lead our people in times of peace and defend them in times of war. I am a shield. You are the sword, and what we need is a sword."

Serin mused over his words. "So it is time then. So be it. With much reservation, I accept your appointment Archbishop. Now how in the divines do we get the formalities over with so we can begin our march?"

And in an instant, Serin was transported.


It had been many years since one of these meetings. This time, however Serin was not met with the bare nondescript room of the Guide. He was in Guideon's private chamber. It was a peaceful rock garden, above him floated [gates] to many worlds that Serin could feel both wonder and terror slipping out of.

"Ah. Serin, welcome back to the fold."

Serin grumbled. "Gideon, keeper of the gates, Patron Divine of my Lands. I have been appointed as Saint for this war I am already weary of."

Gideon smiled, "It is life you are weary of, not war. You are weary of it because there is only pain each day of this life, and it's a life that will be naturally quite long, due to your choices."

Serin narrowed his eyes at Gideon. Gideon got the distinct impression that should he continue he might find out if it is possible for a mortal to kill a god in battle. Gideon then continued.

"Very well. You and I will discuss what has happened, what you must do, and what you must make sure does not happen. I ask that you listen very carefully because after that I will tell you a secret, and it should not be shared past us, as Mephrystra's power has greatly increased, and she can hear what is in the hearts of pure humans."

"Very well, but if you waste my time, I will find a way to murder a Divine."

Gideon smiled, "that's the spirit!. Now to start, as your Patron, my life is already on the line. Much of the power that a patron divine has is based on the belief and prayers of my faithful. It has been rocky of late, so I would ask that your rile up the faith base. A little fire and brimstone with one of those speeches you were so fond of. In return I can empower the clerics of my flock."

Serin looked, "You said you would start with what has happened."

Gideon smiled, "Fair enough. I will not get ahead of myself. My devious sister Mephystra has answered the prayers of her faithful, and as it has been near twenty years since the herald made his announcement, the Matrificat of her flame have decided that enough time has passed for us to have retreated, but more importantly, they have bred enough humans for this war. Right now their standing number is somewhere between 800,000 and 1,000,000. I can only estimate by the power of her faith. And other than their faith, I cannot speculate on any other information. That's what your spies are for.

Anyways, they have declared Holy War against Myself and the Keepers of the Gates. Their goal is conversion, which means they demand all followers in Haven adopt their religion. While on the surface this seems a rather innocuous request, their tenants of faith demand the purging of non-humans, so most of my followers, your citizens, would be put to death upon conversion. Therefore, under no circumstances do you resign the battle, as surely it will doom all of those that call this place home.

To win, you will need to claim the holy sites found in 8 of the GWA's largest cities. I do not know where they are, but I do know there are 15, and 8 gives you the majority. This will allow you to declare victory, and demand reparations as the victor."

"Why not just burn and destroy the entire nation?"

"Ah, save that for AFTER your victory against this religion, won't you? If you destroy them in one fell swoop, you can't declare reparations, can you?"

"Why do I care?"

Gideon then smiled, "Well, listen close as I tell you the why its important, and how to do it so that we both end up on top."

Serin narrowed his eyes, but as he listened, his eyes grew dark with rage.


When he was back in temple, his rage had not subsided. "Archbishop Gius, Have our people gather at the regional courtyards for a broadcast. Today we go to war."

I say again, please don't leave me gifts. If you really want to gift me coins, wait until my 2nd book is 'pay to read' and pay for those chapters. Thanks

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