
Chapter 7.12 - The Winder Job

"Isn't it Spring already?!"

"Looks like this part of Terra hasn't gotten the message yet."

Cere and Hera were joking back and forth as their autocart carried them North. They had left Ston a few weeks back as the brutal winter started to wrap up. Now however each day they headed north, the air grew colder, the ground grew harder, and the land grew more desolate. They had left the mud of spring dew for the cracking frozen ground of a winter not yet ready to pass.

This was the frozen north. They had passed one of the last burbs on their maps about two days ago, and they were aware there were no known civilizations passed that point. But they continued on.

That was because they had earned their information, and they would be taking apart their enemy, no matter where they hid.

A month prior, thanks to the seductive skills of a few of the Siren's members, and the ability to bypass questioning by diviners, The Sirens had gained access to an invitation only banquet. This banquet was being held at one of the estates in the town surrounding Castle Hargrave, the de facto capital of the Northern Kingdoms.

And it was not a cheap affair. The guests of this banquet were paying 20k credits a plate for dinner, and they listened to guest speakers who gave reports on Haven, on Ston, on Haven's Allies, and whatever else they could speak on in frightful tones.

This was an anti-Haven gathering. All of the credits collected went to finance 'various anti-Haven initiatives'. And it seemed that security was weak. Specifically the 20k credit plate of dinner was enough to discourage most spies. But not the Sirens.

As Ulrica and her team flittered around the banquet networking with the various nobles, merchants, and guilds present a few common themes became apparent. These people were rich, not only in credit and material wealth but also in information, as they talked openly about things that were going on in Haven. Some of it truth, some of it fiction, some of it classified. It was rather distressing. But even more distressing is that everyone had their reason for being there and to hate Haven. Whether it was a loss in revenue from Ston, or a lack of experience for troops sent to fight after the armistice, or the new requirements for 'tribute' set by the Grand Marshall, everyone was upset with Haven, and it was being used as the scapegoat for all their problems.

It was here that the Sirens were able to find someone who was open and willing about stopping Haven more directly. This was who would be referred to as 'the financier', the next target for the Sirens.

The financier, also known as the Ruby Baron, Sir Johnathan Winder, or 'Johnny' to his favored concubines, was a bit too open with his participation in stopping Haven, and had openly stated that those in attendance should look at funding the 'moderate rebels' that stood against Haven.

It had taken Hera and Ulrica most of the night, but through a bit of intrigue and seduction, they were able to learn that this specifically meant providing The Chimaeras with monetary assistance, as well as weapons and Rubies, which were a catalyst for crystalline explosives.

This was why he was their next target, this was why the Sirens traveled from Hargrave to Ston then continued north. The Winder estate sat on the largest Ruby mine that had been discovered on the continent. Around it was built a mining town, with a small personal army, ramparts and pallisades, watchtowers and storehouses. It was roughly 250 civilians and 200 soldiers in what was dubbed 'Outpost Winder'.

As the Sirens arrived at the 'special invitation' of Sir Winder, they were surprised to see a well functioning town. Happy people well cared for worked these mines. Families were raised and even though it was the desolate cold north, ample food was provided. It was a happy carefree place, and one had to look closely to see anything else. Such as there were more than the average amount of armed guards. The gatehouse divined all those who entered and asked their race. The light poles and walls were plastered in anti-Haven propaganda. The Bards sang songs of the evils of the 'Monsters of the Valley'.

And the people had bought it. They had equated their safe and carefree life to the lack of non-humans, and since it was well known that farther south there was nothing but violence and monsters, that must be because of Haven.

[Quite the show of False Equivalency, eh?] Mina spoke to Hera, who was driving the autocart. Hera activated the ring she wore which clouded her thoughts to anyone attempting to read them.

[We are running quiet unless the damper our thoughts, remember? I would be hard pressed to explain why there are two distinct voices in my head.]

[You could tell them we are 'crazy'] Mina mused.

[Lets just stick to the plan.]


Soon enough they made their way to the guesthouse of Sir Winder. Servants assisted them in carrying their luggage into the house. "You are lightly armed for such beautiful women. And your Content are not branded. How did you manage that?"

Ulrica smiled, "They were purchased from an expert trainer from Sarween. They are about as capable of Servants as we will need, so after we settle in, you will not be required."

The curt brush off would have upset these servants, but they were well trained and simply bowed and left.

Ulrica started speaking, "Knowing this Lord he will want to hear our gossip, so I bought a nifty device from those clever Sarween rascals. A girl needs her secrets, you know" and with that activated an anti-probe block, protecting the room from Intermediate level attempts to scry or eavesdrop. Ulrica then began her team's brief.

"With that up, here is an overview. Our credentials have us as daughters of Merchants and the unsullied nobles of Ston. We are here on invitation from Sir Winder, and I expect he will plan to try to marry one of us. Cere is acting as our swordmaster and guard, while myself and Hera are the two daughters. Lana and Lia will act as our Content handmaidens. Lana and Lia, your activation word is 'Pineapple'. Until this word is spoken, you are to act as handmaidens. You will not protect us or shield us from violence except imminent death until this word is spoken. You will also not react to physical violence or answer questions from anyone but myself or Hera. You are to act as a Construct. If they place a hot poker against your face, you will not react. Any damage done will be healed." Hera continued.

"Tonight, Hera and I will be 'seduced' by Lord Winder. While this happens, Lana and Lia will take these weapons and kill no more than 6 of the soldiers that roam the forests." Ulrica produced a few leftover goblin weapons from her [inventory]. "You will not be seen, and if you are, witnesses will be killed, and their bodies will be stored in your inventory. When you have completed this tonight, you will ready yourself for inspection, and ensure you left no evidence on yourself."


As predicted, Sir 'Johnny' attempted to seduce Hera and Ulrica, and as planned, they 'fell' for his seductions. Cere stayed guard next to Sir Johnathan's guard outside their room while Lana and Lia went to do the wetwork.

The next morning after bodies in the forest were discovered, Johnny flew into a rage, Hera and Ulrica feigned innocence, and since their only 'well trained' person was outside Johnny's room all night the only external suspects were the Constructs. After Sir Winder gained his composure he had breakfast served, where a serving maid 'accidentally' spilled hot tea on the two handmaidens. Their lack of reaction to being soaked in boiling tea was enough evidence that they were indeed Content and not disguised humans.

It was then that the investigation started. Based on the lack of footprints in the snow, and the wounds of the soldiers, it was determined to be a roaming goblin force. They were rare this far north, but at least it was not a frost dragon. He was an elder dragon that slept in the mountain, and usually kept most monsters away.


The next morning, as Hera and Ulrica 'awoke' next to Johnny, they knew there were more bodies. As this was the plan. And then the next.

Each day that passed, more were killed in the night. After five days, the troops stopped patrolling the woods, and the town was put on lockdown.

Then it was goblin arrows that flew and killed two guards on the palisades. During the inspection, they found that the goblin arrows had special arrowheads that were made using slivers of frost dragon plate.

This led Johnny to the conclusion that the frost dragon known to slumber in the region had died, and the goblins had grown stronger. It was logical based on the evidence presented.

Therefore Sir Johnathan did what any sane person would do to curb the threat.

Sir Johnny burned down the forest.

The night it burned two things happened. The Sirens left the outpost, their inventories filled with the contents of Johnny's vault.

And Sir Johnathan Winder was immolated, 'Suffer not the Alien' written upon the walls.

As their autocart retreated from the scene, the remaining ill equipped outpost guards met their fate to an ancient frost dragon had awoken by the burning of the forest of its domain. The humans it had viewed as nothing more than insects had kept the goblins out and kept its forests clean, but since it's forest was destroyed, it would have its vengeance. The dragon thankfully was too focused on destroying the outpost and killing its occupants in a rage to notice a single autocart in the distance.

As they left, Hera realized they had robbed the noble of a large portion of rubies, caused the destruction of the town and the death of its inhabitants, many of them innocent civilians, and pinned everything on the Chimaeras.

The waters were getting murky indeed.


This chapter could have easily been written as an 80k word book. Maybe if enough people ask.

Good Morning Readers!

There might be a few delay releases this week as I am going back and cleaning up the earlier chapters at the request of some readers.

As always, Stay boundless Friends!

Srinlifecreators' thoughts
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