
Chapter 7.6 - The Price of Admission

Serin sat with Darius, Allister, and Jericho, as well as a single other person. The five of them sat at a table the morning of the harvest festival. The first member sitting there was a woman who had been an adult when she arrived to Haven several years back.

Rikka was a former human slave that was from the GWA. A 'failed breeder' was what she was labeled as there, however here she was just known as 'Rikka'. Although failed is a fairly loose term. It wasn't that Rikka was unable to conceive, it was more that she was fearful of men. She had several nightmare-inducing sessions where her title of 'breeder' had been attempted to be forced upon her, even though at the time she was without a partner. She had, of course, lashed out. Ever since she had difficulty being touched by men.

It was a twofold reason for Rikka to request to become a host for a parasite. The first reason is because she had always been fascinated by magic, but being from the GWA her mana pool was damaged from birth. She could learn magic and improve her ability and mana pool, but to do so she would need to access the mana pool available to those that hosted a parasite. 'Gotta have magic to grow magic' was a saying for a reason.

Also she had heard that the parasites can help retrain the brain to cure maladies of the mind. Rikka had always wanted children, but not how the GWA planned to make them. However if she were to pursue her dream of motherhood, she would need to get over her crippling fear of a man's touch.

As a member of the protectorate, a host for her new friend Marco, and as a female, she was primed for the special assignment that she had been selected for.

This is why Rikka sat with every important human in the region, as well as the Lord of the Nation.

Serin began to speak. "Rikka, thank you for coming to see us. The requirements for this mission were somewhat difficult to fulfill. You and Marco were selected because of the interview you were given. The fact that you showed positive values in alignment with being a keeper of the gates, as well as your intent to sire children."

Rikka nodded. She had already gone over all this with Edel after he had met with her first. So now, she was ready for whatever the mission was.

"What is it you need us to do?"

[Volunteered already, am I?] can a wry response from her guest.

Serin, not hearing the response from Marco, answered the question.

"We have heard rumors of a human only celebration somewhere during today's Harvest Festival. Although it's not against the law to choose who you celebrate with, the banning of other races from an establishment is. Your job will be to find the location, assess the legal ramifications of the activities of the event, and then to contact us to come and assess the situation. We will then pass judgement."

Rikka understood. Although she was human, she knew what it was like to deal with being ostracized. A 'failed breeder' is the lowest form of life in the GWA. Even other slaves sneer at them.

But many things had changed. She was an expert fighter now, excelling at the Archery and ranged engagement skills, which was a rarity among fighters, and usually the domain of Rangers and other seekers of the Wild.

For now though, Rikka mentally prepared herself. Mostly by talking to Marco.

[Marco, I will need you to weaken my fear response and keep my libido in check while on this mission. I will be required to seem like a normal reveler and shouldn't refuse to drink, but i do not want it to greatly affect my mind.]

[Rikka, I can do this, but I must remind you that you should take time to work through your emotions naturally to have a more positive impact. I will do as you ask, but you will pay for it later.]

[Marco, will I be worse than when you found me?]


[Then how bad can it be?]

[... I worry about you bipeds sometimes..]


Even in a city that was reveling in the celebration of the first day of the harvest festival, it did not take long for Rikka to find the bar in question.

'The Winking Minx', a relatively new establishment that prided itself on traditional cuisine from the Northern Kingdoms' Mont Region, was definitely the root cause of contention. Rikka had found it by asking for 'human only' establishments. A few times when she got curious looks she responded with "I am low level and I want my child to be human. That is my right.", which usually scared off any who questioned her decision.

Soon enough, she did find it. There was a doorman who was checking plates. This was almost unheard of, both in general and for the Harvest festival. In general because outside Haven it made you a target for the roaming gangs of bandits.

But here it made sense. If you were worried about non-humans at an event, checking a plate was the easiest way past this. Rikka had heard there was a way to fake this information, but it was a fairly high power among the changelings only, and most of them were deployed on special assignment.

It was then Rikka realized the fatal flaw. When they viewed her, they would see she had a guest. Would they consider her a 'non-human'? Rikka only had one way to figure out.

"Welcome to the Winking Minx. Please show us your plate to verify your information before enjoying today's festivities."

Rikka showed both. The doorman frowned. "I am sorry but this establishment has strict rules for today's festivities…" Rikka's face soured, "I have a non-driver passenger attached for medical purposes only. They do not have any sort of control."

The doorman shifted, "I don't know. I have my orders, I will have to get the manager."

Rikka shook her head, "It's really no bother, you can trust me, I am nearly non-functional without the passenger and 'it' has no control over my actions."

['it'? I am hurt!] Marco responded to her failing to call Marco a 'he'. It was in jest, as Rikka was acting a part, so Marco wasn't truly hurt.

The doorman shook his head, "Miss, you could be lyin', plus i have to check with the manager."

Rikka knew the easiest way to get this golem of a man to change his mind would be to make a scene.

[We need to make a scene. It will cause a crowd, and crowds are bad for places that are doing shady things.]

"I will show you. Marco, cease limbic assistance."

[I am sorry for this Rikka] Rikka felt as if an icicle was stabbed into her heart, and her chest stopped moving. She tried to scream at an unseen imaginary fear, but her voice was not there. Here vision narrowed and her hands shook violently. She collapsed on the ground.

She heard muffled voices as a crowd formed. She couldn't focus on anything.

[Rikka, focus on my voice, or the fear will consume you and you will pass out. The manager has arrived. I am reasserting control of the limbic system and releasing a reserve of glutamate blockers from my reserve. Try not to do any fear inducing activities for a few days until my reserves can be built back up.]


Rikka found herself on a fainting chair inside a nice room inside the Winking Minx. She was still a bit wet from her cold sweat but she had a towel and was dabbing herself off. She knew she smelled of fear.

"I am terribly sorry for our doorman. He was under strict orders you see, and although you are given admittance, because I didn't clarify and he was unsure how to handle your passenger."

Rikka tasted bile, but did not feel vomit. They must have brought her in and cleaned her up.

In front of her was a kinder looking older gentleman. "Welcome to the Winking Minx, I am its owner and proprietor Gene. I have let our doorman know that any parasites that are strictly passengers are allowed entry into our establishment. I want to thank you for coming to us in search of 'life's bounty', and I can assure you that everyone inside the establishment is human, as is requested by our clientele.

It was Rikka's turn, "I have my reasons for wanting my child to be human, but what is your reason for making sure only humans were allowed here?"

Gene smiled, "Many men and women want to have children that are human. This is their choice. And as someone who studies plants, I can tell you, that if certain safeguards are not put in place, the entire population of the world may end up changeling or construct. And since changelings don't produce well with their own kind, and constructs only breed constructs, there is a chance that it could cause an end to plated life. I want to ensure that there are many future generations of humans. And I am perfectly aware of the other private parties being held across Haven for all the other races. To ensure future genetic diversity and the continuation of every race, it is important that a portion of the populace is safeguarded during this event by segregation."

Rikka realized this man was passionate, and not racist. So regardless of how his patrons felt, his actions did not violate the spirit of the law. But that did not matter. Rikka could only act within her station.

Rikka's smile left. "Although you may not appreciate my next words Gene, please know that I appreciate yours, and I hope it works out."

Rikka pulled out a small badge and Gene blanched instantly.

"Sergeant Rikka and Lieutenant Marco, Special Investigators for Haven Inquisitor Team. You are hereby being detained until the assigned representative arrives. Everything you have said has been duly noted by us and will be kept for the record of the event."

Gene asked, "If you are appreciative of what I said, why am I being detained?"

Rikka gave a sad smile, "Gene, please note that you are being detained based on an accidental grievance. Had your actions been for the purpose of Malice, you would be arrested and face trial. For now, we just have to wait, and have a discussion."


Rikka sat with Gene and Serin, who was the closest nearby to Rikka when she pinged the leaders.

Serin started "Don't mistake my words. I am truly grateful for what you have done, but it is still in violation of the law. You cannot bar admittance to an establishment based on race. Ever."

Gene looked downtrodden, Serin continued, "I have already spoken with the other council members, and besides the changelings, every single race was doing the same thing for the same reason. And while it is laudable that the races were working together in such a way, it was still unfair to the changelings. Bilol understands your reasoning, but all it takes is one formal complaint and we would be forced to take serious action."

Gene asked, "If you plan on letting everyone in, you realize that my patrons will just find another way right? And next time it will breed discontent."

Serin nodded, "I am aware. So I have come to a compromise. You cannot restrict entry to your establishment based on race, however," Serin produced a giant box of bangles. "You can establish a dress code. These were made as a method to practice magic and are normally used in interrogations. They are a simple bangle bracelet that turns red when the the wearer uses magic to include divination or illusion. It also lets off a small electric shock." Serin winked.

Gene smiled, "So…"

Serin nodded, "Anyone trying to hide their appearance, even changelings, will cause the bracelet to glow red and will shock them. You can make their wear mandatory although you probably won't like it."

Gene looked confused, Serin continued. "Most people in Haven do not know how to use makeup and there are many warrior classes that may not have increased their charisma stat to keep up with their age. This turns red for "all" illusions, to include the common simple [disguise] magic that is commonplace here during the Harvest Festival.

Gene laughed. "I yield Serin. I will gladly take the bracelets. If the people who patronize my bar are upset with how their carefully selected clientele look, they can order more drinks."


Elsewhere in the back alleys of Ston, Hera and Mina were chasing down their prey. Hera's prey must have maxed their DEX stat because they were quickly outpacing Hera. Hera and her team, The Sirens, were the specially handpicked wetwork team created by Dana. Today they had found and raided a Chimaera cell in Ston.

[Take a left here]

Hera didn't fail to listen to Mina's directions. Mina had memorized every map of every area they had encountered.

[Duck into this shop and jump through the front window]

As Hera did so she crashed into her target.

Unable to run, her target tried to fight. Several fiery lines of red crystal shot out from her target, failing to pierce the inner lining of Hera's lightweight combat suit.

Hera, upset at the situation cast 'sleep' on the target, but the person shook it off and prepared to cast again when Mina said [Rock to your left]

Hera grabbed the rock and swung it at her target. Where sleep magic failed, 'sleep rock' succeeded, knocking their target out cold.

Hera removed the target's hood. Underneath it was a girl with short dark hair. As Hera began binding her target, she found knives. Dozens of knives.

Hera picked her up and carried her off. Her appearance was that of a blond woman with ratty hair, but when a guard came to ask why she was kidnapping someone, she flashed her changeling face and winked.

Hera met with the rest of her team. While she and Lia the Construct had run off to chase the two escaping members of this Chimaera cell, the remainder of the cell fought and died. Now Ulrica, the de facto leader of the team, led the effort to sweep the small safehouse for information to lead to other Chimaera assets and cells. Lia had already returned, her face sliced, but her target unconscious. Hera would never be comfortable fighting a Construct. They do not care for their own safety when fighting. It's why they beat changelings.

But now the two unconscious targets sat in a barren room. Cere was guarding them. Lybringers looked human, until you stood one next to a human. You could see their glow even when they tried to hide it, and although not noticeable when they stood alone, standing next to a human caused the human to appear 'dull'.

Ulrica smiled, "I think we might have found a viable target. Lana, collect all the documentation. We are leaving this place in 15 minutes. First to wake up our new friends. Their interrogation will be easy. We have been approved to force guests onto them."

Ulrica walked in where Cere was spinning a blade by the hilt on her index finger, obviously bored.

Ulrica summoned a ball of water and splashed it on their guests. It was the young girl and a boy the same age. They could have been brother and sister by their resemblance.

As they were coming to, Ulrica was beginning the speech she had prepared. "You see, wayward children, Life is a series of choices…" As Ulrica paused in her speech she heard one of the two mumble something. Ulrica leaned in, "What was that?"

The boy's eyes were fire. Then his body started to glow. "SUFFER NOT THE ALIEN"

Lana and Lia pulled Cere and Ulrica out of the room, shielding them from the blast.

They had turned blood into fire. [Self Immolation]

What remained was two piles of ash in the shape of the two terrorists. Most of the materials that Lana and Lia had not already seized and stored were burned to ash. Lana and Lia were heavily damaged, but would survive.

Hera blinked. Ulrica looked at Hera who was frozen. "Fear Breeds Fanatics. And the only cure for a fanaticism is to swiftly release them from this mortal coil."

These were the first casualties of their endeavor. Hera knew they wouldn't be the last.


Good Morning Readers! A bit of a late start, as it was raining this morning, and I type away after i get settled in my location for the day.

To all of you that have continued to read my book *after* the weekly recommended, just know that I try to update 1 chapter M-Th, and 2 chapters Friday.

I do not typically drop chapters Saturday or Sunday. I have a life and 2 jobs, and until writing pays better than both of them combined (it won't) I will stick to my release schedule.

Also, sometimes chapters won't drop. maybe a missed day. Maybe a missed week. I still have a life. and if I forced myself to write chapters, they would not be as interesting, well written, or enjoyable. And I don't want to waste my time writing a chapter you would feel you wasted your time reading. ;-)

Also, this is still a free book. So if you could drop your stones off here it would be appreciated. Since I won't ever win the metric of 'most profitable book' I need to win when it comes to your opinion.

Also, I read every comment and paragraph comment. And i appreciate every single one*.

And as always, Stay boundless friends!

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