
Chapter 5.22 - The Aftermath

Serin went to see the dignitaries off at the gates. When he arrived, there was a commotion, as to be expected. He was aware that the dignitaries would try to get Serin's people to commit a faux pas that would tip the balance of negotiation in their favor, so a last minute attempt was almost something to make Serin smirk. He saw as Simon and Jasmine were at the gates.

"You took our people prisoner! Bewitched them! Return them to us at once you filthy breeder or I shall have your head on a pike."

Simon from the Grand woods alliance was less threatening now that of the 24 of the entourage he came in with, only 3 remained. Jasmine, ever the stoic, smiled, "Your citizen willfully emigrated to our nation last night once the formal gala had concluded. As you have not received any notification of wrongdoing, we used no magical power to sway their decision. Your words have no merit, and you have no right to lay a hand on me. So be on your way, Simon of the Grand Woods Alliance, and return only with words that 'breeders' are free." Jasmine's smile showed the upmost contempt, and had pushed the diplomat over the edge.

Simon could hear no more of it and before Arch could stop him, Simon had struck, slicing a gash across Jasmin's neck.

Serin received an immediate notification, "Due to the unprovoked assault by a bound dignitary, the Nation of Haven receives a temporary buff against all conflicts involving the Grand Woods Alliance

Jasmin made no move to attack, and as Serin moved to intercept, Dana and Lisbet stopped him. "We ask you to wait this out lord, as she said you wouldn't agree."

Serin tried to counter, "Even if the nation gets the upper hand in the long run, bringing her back means nightmares for the rest of her life! She will be required to drink the dreamless sleep potion for the rest of her days." Lisbet had a tear in her eye, " After what happened to her in the Alliance, She already does." Serin was shocked. Jasmin made no move to stem the bleeding but instead just sat down. Despite her neck being partially severed.

Simon, back to his senses, dropped to his knees and tried to stem the bleeding. Jasmine made no move to stop him. As light left her eyes, she smiled.

Serin received a set of notifications. "Due to the unprovoked assault by a bound dignitary leading to the Death of a citizen, the Nation of Haven gains a permanent buff against the Grand Woods Alliance. This extends to all future Military, Diplomatic, Economic, and Social engagements."

Serin just blinked. Serin walked over and collected the body of Jasmin, then Serin looked at Simon, "I suggest you leave, as your protection from the divines just ended."

Simon looked and it was correct, his golden scroll was torn asunder and no longer gave off its faint light.

Simon, angered, pulled his sword. "If I am not bound, there is no more I can damage, is there? I can kill you now and it would not be any worse!"

Serin smiled, Dana smiled, and as Simon drew his second weapon Dana dropped down and did what no changeling ever did. Dana shifted her form to look vile and monstrous, exacerbating her form and adding in several horns and scales. Dana kicked away the dagger while she grabbed Simon's sword arm, breaking it in the process. Dana, in full view of the remaining dignitaries, plunged her hand through Simon's armpit, between two ribs, and pulled out his heart. Then she looked at the younger of the two diplomats from the Northern Kingdoms, and smiled as she bit into Simons still beating heart.

Serin had watched the setup, but he didn't agree. He also didn't agree with what followed.

Terrified by what he had seen, Michael the younger of the two diplomats from the Northern Kingdoms, started to back away from this sight. He felt as if something grabbed his arm and without thinking turned around and stabbed.

Lelia, holding a bouquet of flowers, looked down, as the knife had penetrated the thin cotton dress she was wearing. The wound would be fatal if not treated, and Serin knew what Lelia wanted. So he stood by. He received the notification telling him of an unprovoked attack, But Serin didn't believe in using his people in such a way.

Paris grabbed Michael, "Get on board you fool!. When that maiden's life ends, so does your divine protection!"

And with that, Serin watched. Lelia, looked tired, and sat down. The moonlight lilies soaked in blood.

Sarween had taken the time to get into their autocarts and already left. They knew that they did not also wish to tamper with divine protection, nor did they wish to tamper with a ruler that would let his citizens die to gain the upperhand on other nations.

Serin waited. Finally, the second notification came in, letting him know Lelia had passed. "Move them to the town square. After they return, please have them reprimanded, then promoted, then given an award."

Serin then carried Jasmine himself. Jericho was going to give him an earful when he got back.


Returning to the town square with Jasmine's body, two great things happened. The first was, it seemed that bringing someone back no longer over extended Serin. It dropped his mana to less than 200, but never to zero. It meant he no longer had to go unconscious to bring someone back. Seeing his affinity with the spell, as well as the skill with the Life Magic Archetype, it was no wonder.

The second was he was held blameless. Instead, as he had a meal and drink with Olma, they watched as Jasmine and Jericho had an argument.

Olma was confused, "Why is Jericho mad?"

Serin smiled, "Because someone hurt and killed his wife."

Olma looked confused, "But you brought her back, what's the issue?"

Serin looked sadly, "What if I couldn't?"

Olma then understood. There was a lot taken for granted in their nation. Serin looked at his Mana. It would take another 3 hours to be back to capacity, minus the few hundred he had for constant passive effects.

This was both good and bad. He did not like the effects bringing people back had. They all had nightmares. It was as if they could never again feel at complete peace with themselves. It was too steep a price to pay for an advantage on his neighbors in his opinion. But not in theirs Serin thought.

Serin sat with Olma. He may be their Lord and Sovereign, but this Nation had become a living breathing thing. And although he was a key piece, he was glad it was able to function without his direct supervision. He noticed that although he gained some experience while resolving matters of state, his personal growth and level had barely moved during all of the work towards the Announcement ceremony. Although he was the strongest in the nation and one of the strongest in the known continent, Serin couldn't rest on his laurels. He had to continue to work, continue to improve. He just had to be careful. Last time his INT shot too high, he almost died. So Serin would need to ensure his stats rose together. And since he was almost in the same situation with his INT again, Serin would have to figure out the best way to increase.

Jericho had stopped fighting with Jasmine and the were laughing again. Jericho seeing Serin's face crinkled up, knew he could probably offer some sage advice.

"So boy who let my wife die, what troubles you?"

Serin smiled, Jericho was always one to make light of terrible circumstances. "I need to improve my non-INT stats and I am just trying to figure out the best way to improve them."

Jericho smiled, "I would say purchasing EXP stones help. They speed along how quickly your skills and spells can raise themselves." Serin replied, "Yes, but they are expensive with stats over Novice."

Jericho looked at Serin as Serin answered his own question, but Serin vocalized it just to rub it in. "I know you have hundreds of skills and spells you have never touched, sitting at level 1 Novice skills. You can also purchase more from the Adventurer's guild donation account."

Serin then though about it. He already had his main combat and utilitarian skills. So since his goal was to raise his stats through his skills, he could simply focus on levelling those novice skills to intermediate.

Serin smiled and walked over to the Adventurer's Guild receptionist. "Good Evening Lord Serin and congratulations on the Announcement. It was handled quite skillfully. How may I assist you this evening?"

Serin smiled, "What is the cost for Novice EXP stones?"

The attendant smiled, "the 2 hour stone is 1000 credits and increases exp for any skills in its stat by 50%. They can be used in conjunction with other EXP stones but cannot be stacked."

Serin smiled, "I will take 100 of them for each stat category."

The attendant smiled, "Will someone be busy I take it?"

Serin smiled, "Always."

Serin then took his bag of stones from the attendant, then stopped, "I forgot to mention. I spoke with Guide. He says hello as well, and told me to tell you 'The fox is waiting.'"

For an instant, Serin was sure that he could see a bit of surprise from the attendant, but it was gone before he could mentally confirm.

"Understood Lord Serin, and thank you."

Serin smiled, "Also do you have an idea where i can find a Manual of Piety?"

The Attendant's eyes sparkled. "That is quite rare. You may find it as a quest reward, as part of a Monster's treasure, or hidden in the world. Where did you find the last Manual?"

Serin laughed, "Well Jericho found it in an auction house."

The attendant smiled. Serin knew. He walked over to Dana, who was sitting with Flick and Edel. Dana smiled "Evening Lord Serin, we are celebrating out victory against the other Nations, as well as the future plans for solidifying alliances. Care to join? Or is there something you needed specifically?"

Serin looked, "I need our hunter seeker teams to be on the lookout for an item."

Dana looked at Serin, "What is it and where shall they look?"

Serin replied, "It is a book. It is called the Manual of Piety and the best bet is in a private treasure collection or at an underground auction."

Dana nodded, "what funds should be allotted? We will need to bring the counsel together to discuss any major changes." Serin waved her off, "Personal account, 1 million credits."

Dana was surprised. Serin rarely used his own funds for things. She knew he was involved lightly with almost every major industry, and although the majority of profits went towards the nation, she was aware roughly 20% of all of the gains that were acquired by the city went to his personal discretionary account.

Dana asked, "are you sure?"

Serin looked, "I am sure. What else do I need credits for?"

Serin feigned a lack of worry, he had just spent 90% of his wealth in the last 10 minutes.

"I can always get more." Serin said.

Serin waited to bring back Lelia, then he would create a plan for raising his stats.


Chapter out. Its late for me as my friends had a dinner party (we all quarantine so it works out)

Stay Boundless Friends

Srinlifecreators' thoughts
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