
Chapter 5.19 - Breakfast in Ruins

Serin laughed as he checked out the building. The building had retained too much structural damage to stay the same, so Serin personally saw to its redesign. After the broken furniture, debris, and blood was cleaned up, Serin went to work redesigning and reallocating the craft. He knew the Dhamphir would be present, so he ensure the walls and ceiling on the side of the rising sone were complete, and everywhere else he left partially open to the elements. He would put glass in at a later time.

Serin had discussed with Liza, Rufala, and a few of the newly plated battle medics that their healing was not to be completed until 3pm. Serin did not want the company, but he also did not want to expose exactly how powerful their medical corps was. The only way Serin was sure he could have a better healing group was if he had selected the perk for it at the citystate level.

So while 6 of the 8 dignitaries were healing, Serin invited Jeffrey and Iris to breakfast.

A full course meal was of course served. Serin had invited Olma and Nok. Nok was given special permission to be out of school. There were also a few young present, representative of each race.

When Jeffry and Iris arrived they were stunned. There were two open seats at Serin's table, while there were several tables spread out with various members of each race taking a table.

Serin smiled, "King Jeffrey and Princess Iris, welcome, there are seats available at my table."

As Jeffrey and Iris sat Serin introduced them. "Jeffrey and Iris, this is Olma, my beholden. Also our first son Nok."

Jeffrey and Iris were amazed. It was a small changeling, "He must be 5 years old."

Serin laughed, "It might seem that way, but he just started school. Changelings age faster through their earliest stages and take more time as children."

Iris laughed, "I am sort of glad that she is with you. Always seeing you by yourself i was worried my father might try to marry me off."

Jeffrey laughed nervously. Serin followed suit. Then as he took a sip of water Olma made it worse.

"I don't see the problem." Serin choked on said water.

Serin quickly took the reigns of the conversation. "As you can see, changelings have a truly unique viewpoint on relationships. Olma is my beholden. She is my love, but to her I am much more. I give her strength. Her race does not claim others territorially except from other changelings."

Olma smiled, and it was sincere. Iris realized that she might have to shift her world view, and refrain from making any comments, even jokingly, should she wish to avoid trouble.

Serin smiled, "Nok is our son, but he is not a prince. Our leader is not selected by right of birth, nor is it determined by strength of arm. Only those who have chosen the correct path may be eligible for being the Lord."

This made Serin smile, "It helps because it also does not limit by race. Anyone could be the lord after I pass."

Jeffrey and Iris were stunned, "You have that much faith in your people?"

Serin smiled, "I do. Plus you could aim your hidden pistol at my head and pull the trigger and i guarantee your shot would miss."

Jeffrey laughed, "Well you caught me. I have a pistol on me. But it isn't for you."

Serin replied, "I know. And I am truely thankful you braved the wilds to come and visit."

Then wishing to break the silence said, "Are you ready for introductions from the other groups?"

Jeffrey and Iris smiled, "of course. Who will we meet first?"

Serin smiled, "Other than the humans, we will introduce you in order of their emigration to our nation."

Serin motioned and up came Ephraim and Lady Eris and well as a Demis child. "These are the demis. Their namesake is derived from their markings that resemble that of the beasts of the land. Physically they are taller and stronger than your average human, faster as well. They are capable of feats of strength, speed, or guile based on their demis. Also when they have offspring, having more than 2 at a time is not unusual for the demis. Ephraim, what's the record in our town?"

Ephraim laughed, "seven. We had to assign two childcare workers just for that brood."

Serin continued, "Culturally, as you can tell from their dress and mannerisms, the Demis are polite and conservative, preferring to become bonded with only one other mate. There are a handful of Demis that have bonded outside their race but it is rather rare."

Jeffrey looked at the child, "Other than his eyes, he looks no different than a human."

Ephraim laughed, "We Demis have an idea what we will become as we grow up. But until we receive our plate, the only identifier to our race is our eyes, yellow and bright."

Serin smiled, "We have also learned that the Curse of contentment belongs solely to humans. No other race encountered is affected by it."

This left Jeffrey and Iris shocked. Serin continued, "Additionally, Demis stay at children until they have reached level 15, which they then rapidly grow to adults. Although this leaves them overall weaker in stats vs. level when compared to other races, they make up for it with being able to develop at the speed a nation needs. Demis can grow to be crafters and artisans during times of peace, or can force their growth during times of war. We prefer to let Demis grow regularly with the other children. It is better for their development. And gladly we haven't had to force growth more then 2 years from any Demis due to emergencies."

Iris asked, "Is there a disadvantage to this forced growth?"

Ephraim looked a bit sad, "Yes. Their class and skills become narrowed, and an emphasis is given in martial or magical prowess. However their mind has not developed rapidly. A rapidly grown Demis takes more time to develop past the thoughts and emotions of a child. So we put them into extended training programs within the protectorate to ensure that they gain balance."

Ephraim then bowed, "We thank you for your time. And if you have any questions, we will answer them as best as possible."

Ehpraim then walked away and Serin motioned for Bilol and Dana to come with a small changeling boy. Serin didn't recognize the boy, but would swear he looked like Jericho.

Bilol and Dana bowed. They were in their natural form. "You have already learned a bit about the changelings. We are called 'those that change' in our mother tongue. As you have determined our viewpoints on relationships are radically different compared to Demis or humans. However due to that, we have almost tripled our population since arriving."

Jeffrey was stunned, "How do you take care of them all?"

Dana smiled, "Our nation has established multiple programs for childcare, and in the words of a fairly famous adventurer around here 'My kid's nanny makes as much as I did when i was doing kill quests everyday.'"

Iris laughed, "but really, how much is an example of a nanny?"

Serin smiled, "I can tell you what we paid Luna, our live-in Nanny. We brought every stat to 50 and paid her 200 credits per week with meals and lodging included until Nok was old enough to go to the academy."

Jeffrey was floored. "Are there many positions still available?"

Serin winced, "not as much. Things have stabilized around here and without an influx of young to overtake our nannies, we have come to a stable arrangement, but that is what i am willing to pay for childcare."

Iris was also impressed, "This must be an extremely rich nation."

Serin laughed, "It is! But that is for a closed door conversation. Too many ears. Just know that the goods you see here are what we are willing to show. Imagine what we are not willing to show."

Serin then motioned to Dana who continued, "Unlike other races, we do not gain attribute points for raising skills or leveling up. And it is extremely difficult for us to learn new skills from teachers. The only skills we are inherently good at are unarmed martial arts and shapeshifting."

Iris was confused, "You are all such powerful people. We can feel it. If you don't gain attributes or skills from leveling up, how are you so powerful?"

Bilol smiled, showing his full row of sparp teeth. "We gain the experience of that which we consume. Should we kill it ourselves, we gain a higher amount. We can only get this experience once. Unless we kill and consume a stronger version of the same creature."

Jeffrey was confused and a bit frightened, "So you kill and eat monsters? If you killed and ate me would you gain experience?"

Bilol laughed, "We honor the kill. We are not savages. And yes. But if I killed and ate you, I would get nothing from it. Not because I wouldn't get experience from human meat. But because I have already consumed a human and he was much more powerful that you are."

Jeffrey looked a bit shaken when Serin interrupted. "The Northern Kingdoms sent the entire Desert Sons Company to eradicate us. We did not let their sacrifice go to waste."

Then Jeffrey understood. These were truly alien people. "So the totems. That is why you want them so badly."

Serin smiled, "you figured it out. We have a place with numerous high level creatures, but to train our youngest changelings we need a safer environment for them to learn on weaker creatures. Your totems are that solution, and we would gladly solve every crisis affecting your nation to get our hands on that power."

Jeffrey smiled. He now realized why Serin had willingly traded so much for the 7 totems he had and the alliance for the promise of future totems. This race needed variety and violence. They needed controlled turoil and chaos. They needed change. Serin just wanted to put that in a box.

"So what humans do the younglings eat?"

Serin laughed, "they are still too weak to dispatch any human of note, and consuming a plated race is an honor. Changelings eating the different races isn't taboo here. But we have had enough attempted interlopers that all but the youngest changelings have had a taste."

Serin then laughed, "It also reduces the probability of having Content if you tell lazy children they will become food for changelings." Everyone laughed at this, Jeffrey and Iris thinking it a joke.

With that Bilol and Dana returned to their table. Next Uriel and Sutemos walked up and bowed. "Greetings again King Jeffrey and Princess Iris. Although you have met us before, I am princess Sutemos, or Sute to my friends. Next to me is Prince Uriel. We represent the last of the Lybringer and Skygge peoples, but our race is collectively known as the planetouched."

Iris was stunned, "You aren't human? I could have sworn out of everyone here you were just the human table."

Uriel laughed, "I thank your kind words, but no. I am a Lybringer. Those touched by light."

Uriel let his magic out, and he began to glow, a radiance of a halo above his head. "My people can shed light on the darkest depths, and should we cast it on those that are dead, they suffer pain, with the weakest undead turning in fear. We also have larger mana reserves when compared to similar humans."

Uriel let his light back in, and bowed to Sutemos, She took off her hat revealing small round horns. "We of the Skygge are touched by the blood of a darker lord." The room began to darken. "We control shadow and fire and are harmed by neither. Also our minds are extremely strong to attempts to beguile and charm, as these are our ways."

The shadows receded. "We also make the best Ginger based teas in any known land. So stop by any one of our six small teashops and have a bite and glass. First one is always on the house."

This made everyone laugh and broke the strange silence, as the display was magnificent. Jeffrey smiled, "What was your home like?"

Both Sutemos and Uriel looked a bit sad. Serin pipped in, "Jeffrey, there will be a presentation by dedicated storytellers at the gala, might i suggest until then. For many it is an extremely painful memory."

Sutemos interrupted, "I am sorry Lord Serin but I must comment."

Serin, having never seen Sutemos have an outburst, motioned to her. "King Jeffrey, we are so glad to have found you as a true friend. Both Uriel and I come from two different people, but the reason for us being here is our nations hated eachother so much that their hate destroyed our world."

Jeffrey was confused, "How can hate destroy a world?"

Serin looked at him, "I am aware of the magics of it which I will not share but it is possible but destroy a world with the correct spell. It may have been an accident, but I was there when it happened. I watched a sun was created on the horizon, mountains were blown away like sand as oceans vaporized. It was a nightmare. I wished for peace between our nations so i could explain this danger, but i don't think that day will be during this occasion.

Jeffrey was stunned. He didn't know how to process. "That is why you fight so hard. Why you put so much effort behind the raising of children. You are all the last of your kind, truely."

Serin nodded. Sutemos bowed and she and Uriel went back where Narissa was crying. As prideful as the dragon was, she might genuinely care for Uriel's feelings it seemed.

Serin motioned to Shurik who arrived with Sasha and Ahna.

Shurik began "We are the Gole. We can be identified by our small size, and our neon colored hair. Also our tattoos. These were not a choice. " Shurik winced at the memory. "At 1.25m we are the smallest and physically weakest of the race. But what we lack in physical ability we make up for in other ways. I am a Mechanist Gole, and all of artifice and technomancy is at my control."

The newest design by Jorvik then came to life, with four metal tentacles adorned with numerous tools were there as well as shielding plates. Then Serin saw it. Shurik's new armor design. Hundreds of small metal plate like scales came out and formed a complete suit up to the hands and feet, Shurik smiled, "We are truely the masters of technology, although I wished the Sarween were here, so we could get their input, but i heard they angered the golden queen. Maybe next time." Shurik's face did not match his words. Shurik was as angry as any towns member, as the entire nation viewed the Sarween Technocracy as terrorists after their saboteur.

Shurik willed away the arms and plates into his backpack, and next was Sasha, "I am a guardian Gole. I cannot control the finer metals of my brother, but I can control the element of earth." Sasha formed an arm of rock "I can encase myself if i wish and form the shape of a rock golem. As I grow in power, the larger the golem."

Sasha released the rock and it tumbled to the ground. "We are still not quite combat capable, but when it comes to construction and earthworks, we excel more than anyone."

Finally the last was Ahna. She had a single quartz floating above her head. "Greetings. I am Ahna of the Lancer Gole. We specialize in psionic power. I am still working on my abilities, but as a lancer my ability deals with memories and the mind. I hope the floating crystal is enough of a presentation, as most of my skills are quite painful and deadly to higher sentient lifeforms. But hopefully I can give you this."

Ahna smiled and her hair, eyes, and single quartz lit up. Suddenly both Jeffrey and Iris were back, sitting on a swing over a cliff dwelling as Jeffrey smiled and pointed at the stars telling a child Iris stories about the stars.

Although the moment was brief, both Jeffrey and Iris came back, looked at each other and hugged each other tight and cried.

Ahna smiled, "it is much easier when you each of your favorite memory involving each other is the same. This is the Gole's gift to our new friend."

Serin gave Jeffrey and Iris a moment to settle themselves. Shortly after The Dhamphir arrived, and it was the first time Jeffrey was put on edge. There was no direct light so their skin was exposed but it was still too much light for their eyes.

Master Restin came with a pair of young adults and their newly born child. "Greetings King Jeffrey and Princess Iris. First I must apologize for our appearance. We Dhamphir come from a very unique home of total darkness, so we have evolved in quite a unique way. We are in fact harmed by the direct sun, which is why our lord focused on rebuilding the wall that faces the rising sun, as a method to ease our time outside." Master Restin removed his glasses and showed blood red eyes with pinprick pupils. "We are not very adapted to the day, but in the quiet of darkness, we are most at home."

Jeffrey then smiled, "you don't eat people do you?"

Master Restin smiled, "We are carnivores by nature yes, but rest assured we abhor violence."

Jeffrey was confused, "I would have thought you were assassins or saboteurs by nature? What do you mean? You don't fight?"

Master Restin bowed, "we follow the pacifist way. We only fight to defend our lives, we do not serve in armies, and we only kill when we must harvest an animal for its sustenance."

Jeffrey then looked, "What do you specialize in, if not the silent arts?"

Master Restin bowed, "We are but lowly servants. We make up the majority of early childcare, and tend to the nocturnal crops and animals. We also work night shifts at most business that need 24 hr services. We also provide our quality of life improvements and assist with colonization efforts of new regions."

Jeffrey squinted, "Are you sure you aren't assassins?"

Serin laughed as Iris hit him, embarrassed by her father.

Master Restin smiled, "I promise we are not offended. We understand that although our physical nature is initially offputting we mean no harm. And we are glad for our position here. Our world was relatively tame, as we were the apex species. Here our docile nature combined with our unique appearance and nocturnal nature would have us die out quickly."

Jeffrey looked at Serin, who answered, "Master Restin is one of three Masters of their people. But it is true, most dhamphir are incapable of self defense, but we value them for everything else they are. Plus if they weren't around, even I wouldnt be able to afford childcare, and I am this nation's sovereign!"

This let out a laugh from everyone present. Master Restin and the other Dhamphir walked away, leaving Serins table to enjoy their meal.

It was then that Jeffrey realized that the tables were set with different meals, the changelings and dhamphirs being strictly carnivorous in nature.

Jeffrey looked at Serin, "How do you lead such a diverse group of people?"

Serin smiled, "Our second Law, All plated peoples are considered equal."

Jeffrey then looked, "How do you keep one group from overpopulating the others?"

Serin laughed, "We aren't even close to filling 10% of the population sustainability of our capital region, and we now control 3 regions. Plus each race only has 3 representatives. And with infighting non-existent, the only threat to one group is the outside. And what threatens one group, threatens them all."


Good Afternoon Readers!

Yesterday was a day of relaxation for me, and I spent it playing boardgames with friends.

I hope everyone else had a good weekend, and is ready for another exciting week!

There are over 200 consistent readers of my book, yet the book does not have enough reviews to be given a star rating. This is your chance to be timestamped as an original fan of this work. Should it become famous, you were here first!

Also i try my best to add reviewers into the story, even if its a small cameo.

Stay Boundless Friends

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