
Chapter 4.25 - Cloaked Danger

"What we know so far is this: There will be an attempt to raid and destroy our town by a trained mercenary company. They specialize in martial fighting and are resistant to low level magic. They are all humans leveled over 50 at a normal rate."

Serin had called an emergency meeting. Present were the representatives of each race, the Humans, Demis, Changelings, Planetouched, and Gole. The amount of people present and wanting to listen in meant that the normal meetings in Jericho's Bar had moved to the town square.

There were tables setup for each of the five races in attendance. Behind the table the entire town, including the entire academy, had been called in.

"We know that they are travelling as a trade caravan, so I have already reached out to Seamus and all official trade has ceased until the all clear message is received."

Serin then looked dire, "At this time, a state of emergency is being declared. The Protectorate will be force trained in the dungeon with dungeon guides. Supplies will be gathered in order of importance. The materials list will be posted outside the dungeon. The most important thing that can be gathered in the dungeon however," Serin smiled, "is experience."

Serin looked to Edel and his protectorate, "During this state of emergency, the protectorate has priority on the dungeon. Guides will be available for all runs. During this time, if you are not involved in running the dungeon, I implore you, please work towards the emergency effort. I am working with representatives from each race to prioritize jobs and needs. You will, of course, still be paid the market rate for goods and services provided. But make no mistake, this is a fight for survival."

Serin then looked, "We are currently outnumbered by our enemy, and their average level is higher than ours. Even still I will never demand that anyone fight. But our numbers are very low, so at this time, I want to make an offer. If anyone wishes to join the protectorate, They may do so immediately. As an added incentive, we will waive the initial entry requirements, and instead boost three of your stats to 50; one of our choice, and two of yours."

Serin then looked towards the people gathered, "Make no mistake, here you are all equals, but rest assured that the goal of this group is extermination. They planned on killing everyone here simply because we had access to wealth. When they find out we are different from them, they will most assuredly give no quarter. Humans are afraid of those that are different."

Serin then continued, "If i could offer more, I would. However this is the best I can do."

With his speech done, many of the leaders began to act.

Edel, leader of the changeling protectorate and de facto second in command of Serin's martial forces, stood up "If you wish to sign up for the protectorate, meet with me afterwards."

Lady Eris walked around and spoke to the Demis children, "Are there any volunteer for an early change?"

Sute was speaking to the Lybringer and Skygge women, "If you choose Endurance as a skill to upgrade to 50, your body will look young forever."

And there was Allister, who was discussing with Lord Koni, "Prioritize the Merchant's Quarter immediately. Build no dwellings, only the layout area and the enclosure. If they want to pretend to be merchants, we will take advantage of that."

Serin then stood "I will take the ten highest level protectorate on the next run. We leave in 1 hour. Lady Eris, I will request several of the older younglings to manage the carts. I would never wish to put them in such a position, but I will guarantee their protection."

They had at most two weeks, and they would need to take full advantage of that time.


The protectorate's numbers had swelled from just under 200 to 232. Serin wasn't sure what exactly was the driving factor. Was it the impending extermination of their town? Maybe the free upgrade of two additional stats to 50. Serin was not sure. However, personally, he thought it was Princess Sute's explanation that women would look young with the Timeless Perk.

Allister and Lord Koni had halted general construction of the town and had focused on the merchant's quarter. It was mostly just a stone box that was set between the original outer wall of their town entrance and a newly constructed inner wall. The original plan was to create a physical gap that would ensure that the merchants could buy their goods from stores and still have a safe area to park their wagons. It was also a way to ensure that no goods that were tagged as export controlled were taken out of the territory.

Serin was also impressed by the foresight of Lady Eris during the renovation of the town's Academy. She had demanded after the dragon attack that the next time the building was renovated that a survival shelter be placed underground with space for the academy when it was at capacity. And since the academy was built with the growth of students in mind, there was room for the entire town.

Ephraim, who led the charge with the crafters, changed from luxury and quality of life devices to weapons of war. Working around the clock, using the schematics provided by Serin, every single soldier was outfitted in a similar way to Serin's combat gear. Spellcasters had contact points and mounts for wands on their forearm. Every member was issued either a ranged weapon such as an autobolter or a magneta scattergun. Also armor made of serpent skin was issued out as it was constructed, and almost half of the protectorate was armored with it. The Armor took time as it was custom fitted to each person.

As for experience, it was a grind. Even with teams of younglings doing their best to collect and harvest materials, the team moved too fast to collect everything. But it was working. The teams sent in were all quickly leveling. Although they were not earning as much material wealth, they were quickly advancing their level and their most relevant skills.

It wasn't without its cost. Serin let them get injured. Because it was the only way for the healers to gain experience. Also Serin could not advance himself as he was on guide duty most days. As the highest level and strongest person in town, he was uniquely suited for the deep dungeon dives. Most of the protectorate he took down were hitting almost level 50 by the end of the week. Serin tried not to despair, as a Demis or changeling level 50 was much stronger than a normal human level 50.

Three days before the intended arrival of their enemy, all dungeon operations ceased. Serin would have to make due with what he had. Serin received reports that all of the newly added protectorate had been trained up as best they could, but there were still too many unblooded youths among their ranks.

Serin only hoped that they would survive this day. Serin looked at Jericho. Jericho, who was the second strongest human, had a special mission. "Jericho, you will be our greeter."


Hey Readers! Was busy until really late last night with my work, so I published something before i left for work this morning.

Hope you enjoy!

As always, if you want to be in the book, you know what to do ;-)

Srinlifecreators' thoughts
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