
Chapter 351: As Long As It Isn't Too Fierce

Lauren collapsed down on the ground in fear.

In order to get a role in a Dangerous World, she had paid a lot of money and effort, but now everything was ruined.

"Please..." Lauren turned to the assistant director like he was her last helping hand. They just had made love last night, and Lauren thought he should help her. "I know I made a terrible mistake, and I promise I'll ever do it again. Please!" 

The assistant director felt embarrassed.

He had to admit that Lauren was really good in bed, but his hands were tied now.

In addition, he wasn't willing to annoy a rich investor just because of her.

"You made a terrible mistake on your own, and I'm afraid I can't help. You should apologize to Chairman Parker." The assistant director gave her a perfunctory answer.

Lauren crawled a step forward. She reached out her hand, wanting to pull the bottom of his pants but drew it back upon thinking what he just had done.

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