
Chapter 221: Khloe Trying To Kill Her Father

As they walked through the hospital hallways in the direction of the elevator, Khloe turned to Alice and said, "We should visit dad again tomorrow. We can't let Kylie stay at his side. He should be awake as early as possible, time is running, and I can't stand seeing Kylie leading the entertainment world while I was being humiliated,"

Alice nodded and said, "Don't worry, my dear daughter, your father, will be okay soon. Staying with him often would be nice."

One of the doctors escorted them, and Khloe suddenly realized that she'd left her cell phone in her father's room. She looked at the Doctor and said. "I left my handy back there. Could you wait with my mom while I run back for it?"

"No problem," the Doctor replied. "I am always happy to help."

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