
Checking Out Changes and Heart to Heart Talk

Anna POV:

Coming too I can hear sounds of faint breathing around me as I feel all sticky trembling my eyes open I can see the state of the room being a lot different than when I first got here.

There was various liquids spread all across the floor as my own body was covered in sweat.

'What the hell happened in here?' thinking to myself as I turn towards the direction of the faint breathing to see Gobugrak on the floor slightly pale and completrly exhausted.

"Gobugrak are you okay!" screaming out as I was worried about him, getting closer to him I start shaking him awake only for him to not respond what so ever.

'What happened when I was going through the fusion?' thinking this the system soon sends a notification about my current situation.

*Ding* 'After host fused with orb you were filled with insatiable lust causing you to have sex with Gobugrak until you were satisfied, the state of the room and him is because of that. Host does not need to worry about Gobugrak as he is simply going through extreme exhaustion.'

Hearing this I was relieved as at least he was fine, but also wondered how the extreme lust came in when the system did not warn about it.

*Ding* 'Answering host I recommend you go through your [Status]'

Thinking this was odd I thought [Status] to get some answers on my current situation.




Name: Anna

Race: Lesser Trap Bewitching Demoness(Unique Variant) 0/2000 to Evolution

Lv: 15 (2170/5100 for next lv up)

Class: Trap Seductress(Rare Rank growth type)(+1 Vit, +1 Int, +2 Lck, and +3Cha each level with 10 free stat points)

Health: 780/780 (Hp regen 7.1/min)

Stamina: 780/780 (Sta regen 7.1% total sta/min)

Mana: 380/380 (Mp regen 3.4/min)

Defense: 71

Attack: 92


Vit- 78

End- 71

Str- 46

Agi- 70

Int- 38

Wis- 34

Lck- 70

Cha- 133

Free stat points-10

Trap Points- 3311

Evolution Points- 68

Innate Skills:

Sixth Sense lv max: (Besides your normal 5 senses this sense allows user to be able to percieve danger, the stronger the signs the greater the danger. Capable of determaining items with great value nearby with signs of excitement, the greater the excitement the more precious the item.)

Ultimate Unification Growth: (Each time a creature comes on user gains 2 Evolution Points allowing user to give points to those you have a connection with or use it on themselves. Points can be used to Evolve the race, increase the chances of their class to grow stronger, or increase potential allowing them to gain better classes. Another feature is that host can now share exp gained through sex and skills with others)

Demon Goddess of Lust Lilith's Blessing lv max: (A blessing given by the Demon Goddess of Lust increasing the skill growth of skills related to sex, charming, and illusions, also provides greater resistance against charming and illusions)

Lesser Demon Horns lv max: (Grant the user the ability to cast magic at 30% better effect)


Backdoor Cleanliness lv max: (Keeps asshole and rectum clean ready for anal sex)

Allurement lv max: (Makes all races and sex see you as a potential sexual partner, those with bottled up stress and lust will find it difficult not to fall victim to users charms)

Masochism lv 1/2: (When host feels pain 50% is converted to pleasure at lv 1)

Demonic Sex Drive lv 1/10: (Grants incredible increase to endurance during sex, effect increase with lv increase.)

Draining Sex lv 1/10: (Provides nutrients, health, stamina, and mana through sex, as well as allowing host to drain exp from others while having sex. The higher the level the faster host can drain exp from others. Note only acquires excess exp needed to level up.)

Bewitching Voice lv 1/10: (Passively adds a bewitching tone to your voice like that of a hot sexy vixen's allowing you to manipulate your target to an extant.)

Alluring Movements Movements lv 1/10: (Grants greater knowledge on how to move your body in seductive ways attracting others to focus and encite lust in them.)

Masterful Sexual Technique lv 1/10: (Grants greater knowledge on techniques and how to refine them to increase your partner's pleasure as well as knowledge on positions to use during sex.)

Hypnotic Gaze: lv 1/10: (This is a passive/active ability that in passive mode makes those that look in your eyes feel love and attraction for you wanting to be on your good side, to those that you consider your sex partner this would invoke greater love and affection towards you wanting them to try to gain your affection. Active ability clouds the targets mind causing their mind to get clouded with lust and euphoria wanting to have sex, during this time the target is much more open to commands given by user increasing in effectiveness with each level and supporting skills. Note that the higher the charm value the more likely for active skill to work)

Intermediate Sword Mastery lv 8/10: (Increases proficency when using any type of sword granting knowledge on how to use a sword using less stamina and hitting weak points)

Triple Slash lv 1/10: (Allows the user to slash 3 times either at the same or different enemies, increases stamina drain on use decreasing with level increase)

Enhanced Detection lv 1/10: (Allows user to be able to passively detect and know location of enemies as well as those in stealth, more easily and with better accuracy )

Stealth lv 7/10: (Allows user to stay hidden better when not moving or moving slowly)

Willow Dodging lv 1/10: (Allows user to better dodge evading enemy attacks better and manuevering around them better)

Attack Enhancement Magic lv 6/10: (Uses 50 mana to increase targets damage by 30% for 15 minutes)

Defense Enhancement Magic lv 5/10: (Uses 50 mana to increase targets defense by 30% for 14 minutes)

Movement Enhancement Magic lv 6/10: (Uses 50 mana to increase targets speed by 30% for 15 minutes)

Attracting Aura lv 6/10: (Uses 15 mana and stamina to create an aura that attracts the attention of enemies to user, more likely to attract enemies attention with higher charm)

Gentle Aura lv 5/10: (Uses 40 mana and stamina to create an aura for those that focus their attention on you have a chance of have stats reduced by 19%, increases with higher charm)

Flight lv 5/10: (Grants user knowledge on how to fly better with their wings)

Tail Manipulation lv 5/10: (Grants knowledge on how to move your tail better allowing it to grab onto anything better with greater dexterity)


Bigger butt: (Makes the butt bigger, plumper, and rounded allowing it to jiggle slightly when smaked, +7 vit and +3 cha)

Attractive eyes: (Makes the eyes have a shine to them looking delicate and having a soft gaze from them, +10 cha)

Glossy skin: (Makes the skin shinier and softer making it difficult for those to stop touching, +7 cha and +3 end)

Addictive asshole: (Makes the asshole tighter and have a feeling to it that makes your partner feel their in heaven increasing the pleasure they feel. After having sex your partner's lust for you will increase and they will find it unsatisfying having sex with another woman)

Wide Hips: (Makes the hips flare out adding some curves to the body, +7 end and +3 cha)

Thick Thighs: (Makes the thighs thicker adding charm to your legs thought not too thick, +7 agi and +3 cha)

Sissy Boobs: (Expands the chest to create A-cup size like boobs while increase areola and nipple size slightly, +7 str and +3 cha)

Lubricated Rectum: (Creates large anal secreations in rectum that work as lubrication having a very nice smell)

Lust Demon Physique: (Increases talent in skills realted to sex, charm, and illussions, increases chance of acquiring special and rare skills related to these areas)


Unique Cursed Ring of Masochism(TP)


Looking at my new [Status] I was stunned and blanked out for a good while before saying.

"Holy shit!!! I didn't think my stats would go up that high or that Demons had these benefits even at a lesser stage!" as saying that the increase of my strength was only a little bit would be a complete lie, as they have increased massively to the point I could kill my old self in seconds if I wanted to.

"Besides that like Gobugrak I was also blessed by a god, in my case being my races patron god making me a variant." asking the system as to what sort of physical changes the blessing did to me I recieved the answer.

*Ding* 'Answering host gaining Lilith's blessing hosts hair, nails, eyes, and demon features now have the color purple infused into them while making them look more beautiful. As for the creat located right above hosts crotch it is a tattoo gained from having Lilith's blessing similar to the tattoos Gobugrak has on his body.'

Nodding my head I then look careful at my body to see that although it has changed only a slight amount in structure it makes it look like I will soon grow into a stunning beauty that will cause envy from women and men to swarm me like bees to honey.

Seeing the amount of tp I have I go to the [Shop] to buy a a skill to help with my hypnotism, as well as see the new enhancements in the [Shop].

*Ding* 'Host has purchased skill Suggestion lv 1/10 for 2500 TP'





Sissy Boobs> B-Cup Boobs: (Increase size of breasts to the limit of B-Cup making them nice to grab onto, +15 strength and +10 charm) 700 TP

Thick Thighs> Sexy Legs: (Mold the legs to look sexy and attractive to all that see them also the thighs thickness reaches great size that one can have a satisfying lap pillow on them, +15 agility and +10 charm) 700 TP

Wide Hips> Seductive Hips: (Hips expanded to the point that they add curves to the body making the perfect hourglass fiqure enciting lust in others, +15 endurance and +10 charm) 700 TP

Bigger Butt> Bubble Butt: (Increases the size of the butt to make it look big, round, and perfect for grabbing having the right firmness and plumpness making those that see it want to play with it, +15 vitality and +10 charm) 700 TP

Attractive Eyes> Bewitching Eyes: (Makes the eyes look more beautiful looking like precious jewels that make you want to lust over the owner of them, +25 charm and increase effectiveness of skills that use the eyes) +1000 TP

Glossy Skin> Perfect Skin: (Makes it so the skin will forever be perfect looking beautiful and delicate no matter what, +15 charm and +10 endurance) 700 TP

Addictive Asshole> Succubus Asshole: (Makes the asshole addictive and even more pleasurable then before having the same feeling of a pussy with the bumps and tightness of the rectum, increases dependence of those who have sex with you making them more likely to listen to you) 1000 TP

Fingernail Blade Generation: (Granting the ability to lengthen the fingernails to te size of blades having the same hardness and sharpness of swords, can retract blades with only a thought) 1000 TP

Lesser Lust Demon Penis: (Increases the size of penis while also being capable of changing the shape of the penis to grant more pleasure to the each targets like) 1000 TP

Breast Milk Production: (Allows the user to produce breast milk while making the breast firmer, milk produced is nutritious, recover stamina, health, and mana once ingested having a good and refreshing taste to it. Creatures that drink the milk while children grow to have affection for host in a familial sort of way) 1000 TP

Addictive Fluids: (All fluids produced will taste like the targets most favorite drink making them want to drink more as well as increasing effect of breast milk if enhancement is purchased, during sex these fluids have a aphrodisiac effect making them more aroused and addicted to being in contact/drinking such fluids) 1000 TP


Looking at the enhancements it seems me becoming a lust demon has caused them to be able to evolve to become more like that of a lust demon/demoness body.

As for the other enhancements they seem more exclussive to lust demons having some good effect, for example the breast milk has a unique ability to have ANY creature while they are still a child to grow affection for me.

Meaning if I find a rare and powerful creature I can give them my breast milk while they are a child allowing me to tame them as they would have the same affection for as though I were their mother.

Also the ability to produce breast milk seems arousing to me, while the thought of having a child thinking of me as their parent makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside as I kind of want a family of my own.

Either way these new enhancements will not only help me in acquiring a harem of men, but also women as well which with my new race seems like it will be needed.

Looking back at Gobugrak I can't help but pity him slightly as he couldn't handle my sex drive as a lust demon and incredible stamina.

Although he managed to last until the end that was only because my body was incredible sensitive allowing my stamina to drain quickly, if not I really would have sucked the life out of him.

At this time his affection for me has grown to the point were he cares for my well being and needs no longer looking at me like a servant, but rather a lover though not to the point of willing to do anything without reason.

However, judging by what happened with me at my lowest sexual stamina draining him this much I think even he will ask me to find more partners to divide the 'work'.

As for him wanting to fuck the women im with is unlikely as not only does his affection for me reach the point of being loyal to me, another womens pussy or mans asshole won't be as good as mine unless they were also a lust demon.

These are just my thoughts though so I will talk to him about it and see what he thinks of it before thinking of what to do about that situation.

Before closing my [Status] I add 5 points to strength and 5 to agility increasing my power and speed further.

Thinking of the 811 tp left to use I decieded to use it to better our current sleeping conditions, as even in the mine we only have some animal hides and sheets to sleep on with Gobugrak sleeping naked.

As such ill buy the cleaning magic skill as my mana is good enough now to have other types of magic for utility and support use.

Besides that I'll also buy a nice bed, pillows, blankets, and nightwear for Gobugrak.

*Ding* 'Host has purchased Cleaning Magic, Uncommon Cotton King Sized Bed, Uncommon Cotton Pillows(2), Uncommon Processed Fur Pelt Blanket, and Common Men's Pajamas for 570 TP'

All in all the uncommon rarity of the bed, pillows, and blanket were neccessary as they help with recovering mental strain and physical strain by a small amount being perfect for Gobugrak's 'condition'...

Any ways the reason I decieded to go out and buy this instead of the enhancements is because these will help us rest better after hunting, as well as have another person who can clean to not waste Gobugrak's mana as much.

As for the tp 'wasted' to do this can be gained back very easily, though probably difficult for Gobugrak though.

With that done I use my new cleaning magic to clean the room using all of my mana, with my mind tired I go to Gobugrak and put him in the new pajamas which was grey sweatpants with a white tanktop, as for underwear it was black boxers.

As for myself I simply put on the nightgown, grabbing him I place him on the bed laying his head on a pillow before following him in sleeping.


Gobugrak POV:

Waking up I feel slightly exhausted as I notice that I am laying on something comfortable, with something warm and soft covering my lower body as I feel gentle breathing on my chest.

Opening up my eyes I can see Anna's new look along with us laying on a nice bed, pillows, covered by a fur blanket, as for myself my body is covered in comfortable yet breathable clothes.

Trying to think back to what happened before I blacked out and why Anna looks different it hits me.

Remembering that Anna became a demon a lust demon to be specific after the transformation was done something odd was happening to her, so being worried I checked up on her only to have the hardest, longest, and most pleasurable sex of my life.

Turning my head slowly towards Anna who's head is on my chest with a soft smile on her face, shaking slightly as my face pales slightly.

'I felt like the life would have been sucked out of me if she were to go any longer, im lucky that whatever was causing her body to become more sensitive saving me otherwise I would be an emancipated corpse on the floor.' realizing this I paled even more as her sex drive has gotten to the point that I can't match her alone, if she were to go that long everyday during sex than I will be sucked dry before long.

'I... I can't do this alone, I can't just leave myself satisfied during sex otherwise she will grow more stressed over time of being unable to get sexual relieve. I also can't just have sex until she is satisfied as I'll be left towards the verge of death due to overexhaustion. As much as would like to have her for myself, I can't handle her on my own anymore I need another man or woman for her to have sex with or else...' stopping my thought process here as I am still a bit traumatised by the whole event I looked at Anna again who is sleeping peaceful before sighing.

"Ah you sure have become troublesome to take care of, but don't worry I'll be sure to make sure your well my dear." planting a small kiss on her head while carresing her check causing a smile to bloom on her face.

Continuing to carres her cheek for a while her eyes twitch before opening up showing me those beautiful purple eyes.

Anna POV:

Waking up I can see Gobugrak carressing my face and head gently bringing a warm smile to my face as he stares back at me with an affectionate look filled with appreciation for my new found body.

Looking at his state he seems better than before but still slightly pale as he must be exhausted slightly still along with hungry, since thinking back to it we ended having sex till we passed out before eating the food he cooked.


As though confirming my thoughts his stomach starts grumbling showing that he is obviously hungry, noticing this he looks at me with some blame in his eyes putting on a wry smile I said.

"Well sorry about not letting you eat yesterday due to my transformation and sex spree." genuinely sorry for what happened, hearing this he sighs before saying.

"It's alright you couldn't control it, since I left the food by the fire cooking still it should be burnt. Can you take out some more meat and vegtables for the meal?" nodding to him I take those out of inventory which we have plenty of meat due to the amount of animals we have killed.

Handing him the evolved bear meat that was killed yesterday he began cooking for the both of us.

As he begins cooking I realize something that I didn't think of before.

'Since I can evolve now eatting meat of evolved creatures can help me evolve faster now.' silently thanking myself for still having enough of meat from all the evolved creatures we have killed so far to help me gain evolution points that way.

As Gobugrak was cooking I decieded to tell him some new abilities I have as well as changes to my innate and how it works leaving some red flags in my [Status] from him.

It's not like my skills hypnotize him and make him an obediant mindless slave, but it would be better to not make him think I am using it on him until he grows to have less suspicion of actions on my part in turning him into a slave.

Which I have not since the skill in its passive state only increase his affection over time making him fall in love while being less wary of actions on my side which could harm him, basically making him trust me and my actions over time.

He will keep his reasoning and personality but he will grow to love me and be more accepting of my actions, as such I will treat him as a very close confidant and lover as I would repay his love and loyalty with a bit of my own.

Hearing the changes he becomes slightly pale hearing the sex skills that have evolved as well as increased growth rate, while growing excited at the the changes to my innate and how it can help evolve both of us at the same time or double the speed of one person's evolution.

"With this we can both evolve at the same rate or one of us can evolve quickly ha ha!" laughing with happiness at the prospect of evolving quicker, after a moment he goes serious again and telling me something I wasn't expecting.

"I suggest you keep the points for safe keeping for right now, since adding it right now won't help us evolve immediatly or grant benifits. Meanwhile saving them up you can use them to evolve someone with the neccessary points needed for evolution." what he said makes sense, but the way he phrased it is what caught my attention.

"What do you mean if someone needs the neccessary points needed for evolution, since you could have said either yourself or me needing it for evolution." asking as I noticed that when he said that he was indirectly implying people or creatures besides us, meaning he is expecting another creature to join us who I will have a connection with.

Hearing my question he scratches his chin akwardly while showing a wry smile.

"I know later on we will probably have other creatures or rather people who will be a part of our group as we make it to the demihuman town. Besides that I know now that I won't be able to handle you in bed alone anymore, as such I will need help dealing with you whether it be another man or woman." to say I was shocked was an understatement as even though I knew that after a bit of talking and reasoning he could open up to the idea of having more partners, hearing him telling me I could do so without having to ask was suprising.

"Why would you want that, although I wont lie and say I will only have sex with you as with my current sex drive that wouldn't be possible anymore. Shouldn't you be more possessive of me not wanting me to have sex with others." being slightly confused as to why he isn't being more possessive of me, hearing this he sighs explaining his reasoning.

"It's because I know due to you being a lust demon now it will be part of your nature to want to indulge in pleasure from time to time, even if you do show restraint when having sex with me as a lust demon having unsatisfied sex session will increase your stress rapidly possible causing another frenzy in the future. Besides as a lust demon it would be normal for you to have several partners when having sex due to your sex drive and nature, even having skills to charm others to follow around your fingers." causing me to slightly tremble with anxiousness thinking that he knows I have skills to charm others and think I am trying to make him into a slave using it, thinking this it slightly breaks my heart causing me to grow sad thinking he will hate me for it.

When all of a sudden he wraps his arms around me gentle bringing me towards his chest stroking me gently, looking up I can see his expression filled with warmth and love.

"Don't worry although I know now that you have some sort of skill that could charm before hand I could still think clearly and think about your actions only having growing love and affection. If I thought all you did was an act to let my guard down against you then I would have acted against you sooner, but I can tell that you were genuine in your actions wanting to help me and take care of me along with you. So don't blame yourself for thinking I would hate you for this as I feel I would have grown to love you regardless without the charming skill." as soon as he said this some tears fell from my eyes as my voice slightly choked up hearing his pure feeling for me, resolving me even more than before to treat him as someone close to me and have my complete trust.

"I-I pro-mise t-to al-ways lis-ten to you-r opin-ions a-and pr-omise to tak-e ca-re o-of you t-the be-st I c-can Gobu-gr-ak." showing a smile filled with happiness before kissing him gently with some love to it, demonstrating how serious I am with my promise.

"As will I, I promise to make sure to take good care of your wellbeing Anna." sinking into the kiss as we stay there for a while, as Gobugrak seperates from me taking care of the food that is cooking in the background.

Seeing him working on a meal for the both of us I look at him with a bit of love, as I accept that I have some love for him as a lover and promise again in my mind to protect him as he will for me.

Thinking this far my motivation to getting stronger has strengthened to the point I swore to hunt a lot of the creatures in this forest all the way to the inner forest before attacking the goblin tribe, as soon as this thought goes through my mind I hear a notification.

*Ding* 'You have a new quest check [Missions] tab'

Hearing this I think of [Missions] to see a change in one of my current quests and the new quest.




Quest Complete(Hidden Condition Complete):

Till death due us part partner. Have you and Gobugrak feel mutual affection for each other to the point of having trust in each other protecting the other with their lives.

Rewards: 5000 TP, 3 Lottery Tickets, Unique Lover's Leveling Ring, Unique Trap's Love Connection Ring, and true love of Gobugrak

Failure: Revoke class Trap Seductress and return to just Trap class and become a slave again

Reclaim y/n

New Quest:

I'm not the prey here, all of you are ha ha! Kill 100 creatures from the middle section of the forest, Kill 20 creatures from the inner section, and Kill 2 Variants from middle section or higher. 0/100 middle section creatures killed. 0/20 inner section creatures killed. 0/2 Variants killed in middle section or higher. 10 days

Rewards: 7500 TP, 3 Lottery Tickets, and unknown beast egg.

Failure: Have stats reduced by 50% and have conditions of Grand Quest become harder.


Seeing that the quest in which I had to have him fall in love with me to the point of death gaining his undying loyalty, changed due to me and him having mutual pure affection for one another changing the requirement of the quest and increasing rewards.

Checking on both rings I see what they do exactly.

'Unique Lover's Leveling Ring: (Can only be worn by those that you consider your lover increasing their EXP gain by 100%)'

'Unique Trap's Love Connection Ring: (Can only be worn by you letting you have a connection to those that have the lover ring notifying you if they are in danger and them if you are. Passively allows the both of you to feel each others location)'

Both rings are extremely useful as now Gobugrak can level up faster now, and I can protect him better as well as him.

Taking out both rings I give him the lover's ring tell him the effects causing a warm and excited smile to come from him, as I place my ring on my ring finger with Gobugrak doing the same.

Looking at the ring warmly I then think of what to do with the tp and lottery tickets deciding to leaving the tickets alone for now, as after leveling multiple times from working on this new quest ill have increased luck using the tickets I gain from that with the tickets I have now for 1 grand opening.

As for the tp I have decieded to use those on some enhancements that I think would be useful soon.

*Ding* 'Host purchasing enhancements Fingernail Blade Generation, Bewitching Eyes, Breast Milk Production, Addictive Fluids, and B-Cup Breasts for 4700 TP confirm y/n'

I choose these ones as they will help Gobugrak in enduring longer in sex with me as I only have him to help reduce my sexual frustration.

Fingernail blade generation to give me another way to attack along with the bewitching eyes enhancement to strengthen my hypnotic gaze, lastly b-cup breasts for more strength.

Confirming the purchase I feel my breasts heat up as they begin to expand outwards becoming bigger while maintaining their round and full state.

At the same time the aerola and nipples have gotten bigger yet again becoming more pronounced portruding outwards asking to be sucked on.

Moving to my nails they begin changing becoming slightly longer and being sharper, while I feel as though they can grow longer becoming even sharper to the point of cutting through skin and flesh with ease.

Finishing the transformation I can feel something build up in my breasts feeling full inside, realizing that this is breast milk filled up in my breasts.

Touching my breasts I can feel them becoming firmer than before having a very nice feeling when combined with the softness of my skin.

Remembering that Gobugrak is still drained I decieded to help him by giving him a refreshing 'drink.

Seeing him finished making our meal I grab his attention before beginning to eat.

"Gobugrak I know that after having sex from now on will be draining so I decieded to do this to help for the future." showing my b-cup breasts with stiff nipples and protruding areola causing him to become confused by what I meant yet tempted to pinch and suck on my now larger breasts.

"A new enhancement I acquired allows me to produce breast milk that can help recover whoever drinks it being nutrious, while being delicious and refreshing see~" as I squeeze my breasts pinching my nipples as so drips of liquid can be scene coming out bring a fragrant smell with them.

Seeing this Gobugrak gulps audible before coming near a sliping one of my nipples into his mouth before drinking.

*Suck* *Suck* *Slurp*

"Mgh drink as much as you want~" as I moan softly due to the feeling of my breasts sucked on teasing him at the same time.

*Suck* *Suck* *Suck* *Suck* *Slurp*

Soon after the intial liquid goes down his throat he increases the intensity of his sucking as though trying to suck all the milk out of them.

"Mgh be gentle~" feeling more stimulation from his sucking as he uses his other hand to grope my other breast teasing my nipple causing some milk to come out of them too.


Done sucking on one of my breasts he moves onto the other one drinking from it at the same intensity.

*Suck* *Suck* *Suck* *Suck* *Slurp*

"Mgh ah yes keep sucking~" moaning a bit more as both my breasts seem more sensitive now due to the enhancements, slightly biting onto one of my fingers to control the moans coming out.

Soon he stops sucking and groping my breasts looking much more refreshed and energized than before as I slowly reduce the arousal from my body as now is not the time for having sex.

"Ah Anna your milk tasted so delicious and I no longer feel exhaustion like before thank you." giving a bright smile complimenting my milk bringing a bit of a blush to my checks.

"Mh from now on to recover from having sex with me and a bit during sex you can dink my milk, or you can drink as much as you want anytime~" seductively like a succubus even though my true gender is male, hearing me he simply nods while gulping multiple times trying to calm himself after hearing my tone of voice.

"Y-yes i'll make sure to drink from your breasts from the future now." nodding his head back and forth like a chicken pecking seed as this is his means of salvation for the moment, as well as wanting to have that great tasting milk go through his mouth again being addicted to the flavor and sensation it brings.

Finally putting all that aside for the moment we both eat the bear meat gaining 70 evolution points each pushing us closer towards evolution as we then get ready to go back out to hunt, or in my case a slaughter that will soon begin in the forest.

Next chapter