

Darkness... Darkness is all that I can see around me, just pitch black darkness for who knows how far.

The feeling I get from this place is eerily calm as I can't hear anything and there is nothing here.

I just float around here thinking back to my life before coming here.

My name is Andrew 18 years old first year engineering university student in New York, 5 feet 5 inches short black hair, brown eyes and average looks.

My life for the most part has been a good one born into a family with a caring mother, father, and older sister.

Growing up I had everything a person needed family love, clothes, food, a home, a bedroom, great health, close friends, and decent school life.

While in school I wouldn't say I was smart since I thought more straight forward than critically, because of that I would do very well in most classes making people believe I was a smart person.

However, once those classes that require you to think critically I was for the most part average.

Still all was good with my life and I even had some hobbies like playing video games, reading, cooking, fishing, and some more 'secretive' interests that I kept from others.

My relationship with my parents was good I liked fishing with my dad and he was even the person who got me into fishing.

With my mom I liked watching her cooking and tried cooking a few times with a decent amount of success.

Lastly with my sister who is 3 years older than me and in her final year of university for medicine I like talking with her about our interests and some knowledge from our classes.

However, that doesn't matter anymore since I am not alive anymore.

What you thought I was alive, but in a coma, hallucinating, or someone pulling a prank on me funny but no.

You may be wondering how I died, well it all happened like this.


'How much longer till I get there.' I murmured wondering how long it will take for this bus to get to my stop.

Unlike my sister who dorms in university I commute from my parents house to the University each day.

I liked commuting since examining the area and being on the move was something I enjoyed and allowed me to think.

Anyways I was here complaining about how much longer till the bus gets to stop near my house as this bus driver was going at snails pace taking twice the amount of time needed to get there with barely any traffic.

'Finally.' I murmured after waiting 15 minutes for the bus driver to get to my stop.

For some reason I felt uneasy my stomach getting tighter and my heart racing faster.

I paused and looked at my surroundings for anything dangerous.

Something I found out while I was younger is that I had a strong sense for danger and presented itself with the symptoms I have now.

As I looked around all I couldn't see anything that could trigger it as I was the only person on the bus besides the driver and no people are walking by here.

'Strange?' I thought since my senses are for the most part spot on with the only problem being the amount of time I have between now and the danger I sense.

All of a sudden the sky darkens and begins rumbling with thunder.

I just stand there confused at how it was possible for it to just storm all of a sudden when.


A bolt of lightning came from the storm coming towards me striking me dead on.

'What the...' was the last thing I thought before I was struck dead on and reduced to ashes in an instant not even leaving a charred corpse behind.

//Flashback End//

"This is just terrific a freak storm appeared and killed me, what are the chances of that happening?" I questioned myself considering that it was just strange and plain freaky that a storm appeared like that pretty much supe...

"You are thinking that it was supernatural aren't you well you are correct for I was the one who created that lightning to strike you." an amused almost chuckling voice said.

"What, who said that!?" I yelled out towards my surroundings.

"Over here mortal, it is I Loki the god of mischief who brought you here for my amusement." said Loki as I turned behind me to see a 6 foot and 5 inch man with black hair that extends to his neck, pitch black eyes that seem to match the emptiness of the place I was in with looks that would cause woman to swoon over how handsome he was.

He was wearing what appeared to be black colored shirt, pants, and boots with golden armor on top of what he is wearing, with a dark green cape that came off the back of his golden armor.

Finally he had a golden helmet on his head that revealed his face and had two horns on top of it that bent backwards.

"You are Loki the God of mischief, and what do you mean that I am here for your amusement?!" i said shocked at what he just said and the implications of it.

"It is as I said it has been quite dull these last few centuries that I have decided to select one lucky mortal*chuckle* who will have the honor to go to another world with a random what do you call it system for my amusement and..." Loki said while pointing at me as I became still with fear of what my future entails.

"...you are that lucky mortal for that person is you." Loki said seeming as though he doesn't notice my current state as I think.

'I think I would have liked to die a normal death than have my future in his hands'

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