
Alis Volat Propriis

"Alis Volat Propriis" she flies with her own wings

My motto po has a very deep meaning to me because it symbolizes staying true to yourself. There are a lot of hardships that you need to overcome throughout a lifetime and each one poses a threat to the person that you are. I have found that you can either let these challenges break you down until you are no longer the person you once were, or you can fight hard and struggle through them and let them become part of you. If you do this, you become a stronger version of the person you want to be instead of someone you don't recognize anymore. Be different, be weird, be awkward… be you. 

The main objective of this project is to give women more self-love, insight, and support. When one understands oneself, respects oneself, and has faith in one's own thoughts and actions one is not held back by hesitation and doubt in one's abilities. One is empowered. Being empowered means an individual can reach his or her fullest potential. Building confidence empowers women, and empowering women builds confidence. It is a perfect cycle. And then the hope would be that she uses that potential to help empower others. This chain reaction of empowerment can better equip members of our society to confidently and passionately make positive change in their communities and the lives of those around them and around the world. Only when we love ourselves can we reach our fullest potential to help others because we have learned to deal with the tugs and entanglements of doubt and uncertainty.

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