
I Hope You Will Be Able To Love Yourself One Day

One day, I hope that you will be able to understand what it means to love yourself.

I hope that you will get up early, grab that cup of coffee or tea, and make your way to a job you love. I hope that despite the grueling hours, you are working on what you love.

I hope that you will be able to speak kindly to yourself. I hope that you will also speak kindly of yourself, that you are worth much more than what your mind demeans you into thinking.

I hope that you will be able to find purpose within you, and translate that dream to the world around you.

I hope you will learn that it is okay to put yourself first sometimes. I hope you will understand that despite caring for the people in our lives, it does not mean that we have to sacrifice all of ourselves in the process.

God, I just hope that one day you will be genuinely happy. I hope that you will be able to laugh until your sides ached, smile until your cheeks hurt, and have tears of joy streaming down your cheeks rather than tears of sadness. I hope you will allow yourself to feel all of it, rather than doubting when your happiness will end.

I hope that you will be able to find things in this life that you are passionate about. Whether it be honing your artistry, or finding love in your life – I hope that you will find those extra reasons for your heart to continue beating for.

I hope that you will be able to see that you are a whole on your own. That you are not a mash-up of broken pieces, or a half to a significant other. Darling I hope you will be able to see just how bold, brave, beautiful, and bright you are. I hope you will be able to see how precious your individuality is and how it still belongs to you, regardless of the stage or status of life you are in.

One day I hope you will be able to understand why you had to go through everything that you did. The downs may feel unpleasant, never-ending, and it may feel as though you are being dragged through the dirt forever. But darling, these horrid moments can also be the moments you learn and grow the most from. After all, who's to say that you're unable to turn this around for good? Something beautiful can be born from adversity.

I hope that one day you will be able to receive the love you have been giving others. I hope that you will be able to treat yourself. I hope that you will embrace the love that is shown by your friends. I hope that you will be able to open up your heart again. I hope that you will let people in. I hope that you will allow yourself to feel, to feel all of it. One day I hope that you will be able to see yourself the way the people you love do. I hope that you will be able to embrace the good in you, and take steps to solve the toxic within you.

I hope that eventually you will no longer see your body as a mansion you are trapped in. I hope that one day you'll be able to see your body for what it is: a temple beautifully crafted that is deserving of adornment.

One day, I hope that you will be able to understand what it means to love yourself. I hope that you will stop looking at yourself in hatred. I know you will be able to get up from this spiral within your mind, and I know you are deserving of all the good in this world. I hope that one day you'll be able to truly understand the need to love yourself. I hope that you will make it your mission to define your own way to love yourself.

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