
I will always be there

It's hard to see love in college. It seems like love can't fit in between vacant periods of your course subjects. The number of deadlines to cram and examination to review are too much that you can't give time to love. Then, along the way love was neglected and cannot be seen.

But, love remained despite your busy schedule. It's just love looks different compared to before. Well, love needed to be that way so love can't be a hindrance to your dream. You wanted to be someone and make a name for your self, right? Love understands that but love never left, love stayed.

Now, love looks like a morning phone call - a wake-up call that says "good morning" so you won't be late in your morning classes. Love looks like a question of "have you eaten yet?" and gives you a rice meal while you were studying. Love also looks like "I'll walk you to the terminal" because you stayed late in the library and love thinks it's unsafe for you to walk alone. Love also looks life a well brewed coffee to help you study at midnight. Sometimes, love even looks familiar like a hug when you breakdown from the tons of things you have to do. And also sometimes looks like a familiar stare - eyes filled with concern whenever you feel unwell.

Love looks differently and seems like a stranger that you haven't notice. There's no more romantic dates, long walks, and other romantic gestures but more often love looks more like reassurance, comfort, and support. Love might not give you gifts but I assure you love will be there for you when you need love the most. Love will always be there for you despite it being unfamiliar to you.


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