
Chapter 1519: Fading Era, Tian (1)

Tian Xiaocheng's appearance shocked the three World Emperors and they examined her cloak. It was translucent and thin. They couldn't sense the cloak, only 'visually' observe it now that it was exposed, and Zhangjie Wushu and Hu Meifang recognized the cloak's origins instantly.

"Null Cloak!"

The Null Cloak was an incredibly fascinating and renowned object in the Azure-Prime Galactic Zone. They were exclusively created by the assassination organization known as Emptiness. Emptiness was mysterious to an absurd degree as few knew any details outside of their signature Null Cloaks and Soul Daggers. The vast majority of the world was unaware of their hierarchical structure or composition, except that it was one of the most fearsome forces that killed as long as the price was right. 


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