
Damn Liar

Sebastian was just lying down in a bed he asked for, it was just a simple bed nothing fancy about it, "Hey book... Are you sure you told me the correct way to level my skills?"

"Yes, I am sure," The book says without paying much attention

"So every time I hit it gains experience," Sebastian says slightly squinting

"Ye..." The book pauses before it finishes

"You Bastard, I knew it" Sebastian jumps out of bed, "You don't have to be in a fight, do you!? I knew it didn't make any sense!"

"Tch, fine, you are right, it has to hit if its an attack but it has to be a living being and for heals, you have to heal wounds..."

"Aha, and buffs?" Sebastian says smiling

"..." The book stays silent

"So do tell me why you decided to lie to me?" Sebastian asks as he puts a lollipop in his mouth that he asked for not too long ago.

"Tch, it's more entertaining if you struggle"

"Can you remove the buff on me?" Sebastian says without changing his expression.

*sigh* "Fine..." Soon Sebastian felt as if he became much weaker then he was, though he was only back to his original strength just with the +1 to all stats however much that is.

Sebastian got out of bed, cast Power Buff on himself and started doing push-ups, the book just floated there silently as the child behind it sighed out and lied down on his bed though this time his sweater and shorts had a black and white checkerboard pattern "Goddammit I knew this was going to happen"

Sally once again came to the door but she also changed the color of her clothes that was red to black. "Did you lie so he doesn't try to level his skills and did you have to change the coloring again?"

"Of course my beloved daughter! Red and white got boring I like this more."

"Fine... Answer my first question"

"Hmm? What question?"

"Do I need to ask mom to come?" Sally looks at him squinting.

"Y-yes I lied, but come on! It's way more fun this way! Also wouldn't he grow more the weaker he is??" the child sits back up to try and justify himself.

"Do I have to remind you of our 3rd attempt? And isn't it already hard enough" Sally smiles as her brows furrow.

"N-no" The "child" looks away feeling guilty.

"Good, this is your only job at least do it well"

"B-but I protect the family in case another god attacks! Doesn't that count!" The "child" yells out in protest.

"Aha, and when was the last time that happened?" Sally glares at his eyes.

"O-over two thousand years ago..." The child slumps back down.

"Haa, just make sure that you don't screw up," Sally says as she leaves the room.

~Back to Sebastian~

"Sevente~en, E-eighteen!" Sebastian pushes himself back up as he falls back down on the floor exhausted. 'last time I did push up I could only do twelve the buff and the added point to all stats are really helpful, it probably not only raised my strength but also stamina or endurance if you would.'

"Ahh, the buff just ran out, let's see if this works..." Sebastian tried to muffle his voice as he said Cure Wounds.

Suddenly he felt the pain in his arms disappear though he was still out of breath "Hey book I want all the equipment that you would usually see in a gym"

"Might as well it will speed you up, the less I wait for you to leave the better." The book says as it summons all the equipment with texts of what each of them does and how to use them correctly.

"Hehe that good, thank you," Sebastian says with a chuckle "Whatever just keep it short"

Sebastian began training as much as he could using the buff skill, as soon as he couldn't move his muscles hard enough he would cast cure wounds and continue currently he can cast Power Buff three times then he had to wait four minutes to cast it again and he could cast.

He also tried to get a count on how many times he could cast Cure wounds but it was harder since he had to be "injured" to cast it, so this was his results.

Qi: 11 MP: 11

Power Buff cost: 4 Qi, Cure Wounds Cost: 3 Mana

Also whenever he cast Power Buff a small amount of white steam or smoke would leave his body making him look like he was a certain main character in a shounen anime though without the heat, red skin, and way less steam.

After arduous training for god knows how long Sebastian had changed his once skinny body into a quite muscly one he even had the book give him a good diet and he may or may not have thrown up a few times just don't look at a certain corner.

After he puked up the first time the book was nice enough to make a training regime for him that utilized his skills the best it could at each level and worked out every muscle which allowed him to successfully get to this point where he could do over two hundred push-ups in one set.

Of course, he used the buff skill during it but it still was a damn two hundred push-ups compared to his past eighteen, after the book gave him the training manual it wouldn't respond at all and just summoned things he asked for but it was still checking what it was so he couldn't cheat it.

And when he said every muscle he meant everything from the neck and bellow he could probably break a goblins neck with his grip without the double strength buff.

What Sebastian didn't know was that right now the one who oversaw his inheritance was currently playing chess with an old man that had a long gray beard as well as long messy hair he wore a simple brown robe, the old man was clearly sweating and nervous as he was losing the match.

"Hehe old man, just give up you are losing this bet!" The child said all jolly as he stretched his limbs "Remember now you have to let little Riu marry little Tia,"

"Damn you! You and your mind games!" The old man gets up furious. "Fine, the brats can marry!"

"Haha! I knew you would refresh your mind after a game after all the children have even tried to run away together! Hahaha! Can't you let them be together since they love each other so much?" The child laughed as it talked to the old man that turned around to leave.

"Bahh! Whatever!" The old man storms out furiously.

"Hehe, oh my how much time has passed? What is the story... inheritor up to currently" The child's eyes glow slightly as he closes them,

"Ughh, a bit much isn't it? Well, since he didn't read the test no one will mind if I quietly raise the difficulty, hehe," The child says with a sly look as it pulls the scarf over his mouth.

Sebastian was getting out of a bath as he dried up and summoned a new pair of clothing and put them on impressed with his newly built body though he couldn't really tell he felt like he might have even grown a centimeter or two.

His muscles were quite defined as he flexed in front of a mirror he had to say he was quite handsome, though what surprised him was the fact that he had an eight pack, he had quite a nice new body.

And the important part he waited for the maxed out skills.

[Level 5/5 Power Buff- Physical stats +10%, Duration 1 minute {Trash Tier}]

[Level 10/10 Cure Wounds- Heal for 30 hp {Basic Tier}]

"Well, I think its time now," Sebastian went to the doors to read the quests, the book interrupts him "Just so you know going from left to right the strength of the monster will rise,"

"... Didn't you say they are all the same difficulty??" Sebastian's head zipped towards the book.

"I did but what I meant is the amount and level of the enemy, after all not every species is born equal."

Sighing Sebastian goes straight to the furthest door to the right not bothering with the others.

[Hunt and kill 3 Elemental Crawlers level 5-8] [Extreamly Hard] [Reward: +2 to all stats, one random Intermediate skill, one basic defense or buff skill, one basic utility or attack skill] [Area: Crystal Cavern]

Sebastian's eye twitched as he looked at the sign "Oi, didn't you say there were only four difficulties?? Wasn't it Very Hard last time?"

"It's just to show that it's going to be harder than the others"

"Aha, and what is a crawler? Also since the area is a cavern will I be needing a torch or something?" Sebastian asked again.

"It's basically a big lizard and no you won't need light because the crystals that grow inside the cavern make it as bright as day"

"Alright, then I shouldn't waste any more time let's go" Sebastian swings open the door as he walks in quickly kinda excited.

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