
Ridiculously strange and underwhelming chapter.

" Welcome Mr. Dumbledore. Mr. Fudge. " I said, as Fudge came with Dumbledore to my house, as he couldn't ignore a threat that I am, and as he saw my strength, he was on the Dumbledore's side in trying to do everything in a peaceful way.

Even though he could be bought by money, he still knew when he should act.

In my case, as noble families were trying to protect their dignity, they became too rush and stepped on toes of a person who they had no chance against.

In our talk, it seems that Fudge even had to decline money from nobles. He was too scared of my possibilities, especially after talking with Dumbledore, and finding out that I could do more.

So, officially Fudge came and delivered the news of me being innocent, with one correction - I won't hurt families for this situation.

I really calmed down after a while, especially having so much free time outside the Hogwarts.

So, Fudge gave me the documents that I read and signed, that until provoked - I won't try to hurt them.

Also, one of the reasons for Fudge to be on Dumbledore's side was a certain Rita Skeeter with article about a certain trashbag and his deed.

After Fudge left, I continued to talk with Dumbledore. He was a nice old man. To be honest, I had to force a talk about me not visiting classes. I had to force him to allow me to not visit classes. Obviously, I would have to prove my knowledge to professors.

And as evolution process was planned for next summer, I went with him back to Hogwarts, to the magic-filled place.

Why would I decline? Especially as I still could find some interesting artifacts in Room of Requirements.

Obviously, I took my backpack and a bag with my snake snack. I still didn't finish it.

And I even began eating it's skin, that had a taste of plain, tasteless bread. Thankfully, It seems that I would be able to finish it before summer, especially with my growing appetite.

You might ask. Why didn't I take revenge oh trash's family and just let them go? Well, I was angry at them first few weeks, but after that I calmed down and forgot about them. Why should I care about them? They were not important, and they were just protecting their son and getting revenge for him. I could understand that.

But if they try it again, I might make them unable to do it third time.

So, as we went back to the Hogwarts, I just enjoyed the feeling of being squished while we apparated.

After that, as we walked to the castle, I saw Dementors flying around the castle.

" Isn't it a bit too much for a single person? Just because some prisoner might come for Harry, they placed hundreds of Dementors to patrol around? " I asked, looking at them just flying around the castle, cooling already cool air down.

" Sadly, All the parents were too scared for their kids, so minister Fudge had to act. And fast. And this is the result. " Dumbledore said, looking at Dementor who just flew above us.

Arriving at the castle, I went in to meet professors and to confirm my knowledge, so I could just skip their classes. Sadly, I couldn't just skip years, as there were no such thing in wizarding school.

Arriving at Headmaster's office, the first thing I saw, was the retreating Fawkes. But unlike before, he was just staring at me carefully. No more hiding or trembling.

Sitting at the guest chair, I waited.

While I waited, I took Basilisk bone out, and began chomping it. Bone marrow was tasty. Extremely. Even bone itself had an interesting and deep taste.

" What is it? " Dumbledore asked me, pointing at the bone.

" This? Just a Basilisk bone. Want a bite? " I suggested, knowing that it was impossible for him, but playing an innocent facade as a joke.

" Anton, stop it. You know that it is impossible for me " He replied, smiling at my attempt. Well, I tried. It sounded better in my head.

As McGonagall was the first to enter and test me, She brought a couple of wooden blocks and placed them on the table, also, she brought a paper with questions,.and a few parchments for me to answer them.

But for this I decided to just answer them vocally, surprising her, as I didn't even wait before answering any question. The thing is, I had good memory, even if I couldn't always connected things together. Think about it that way. I had good intelligence, but low wisdom.

And wisdom only trains with time and experience. Barely increasing with knowledge.

So, I just answered her questions.

Getting to the practical test, all the wooden blocks were being turned to the detailed animated objects, making her satisfied.

Should I give Dumbledore corrected version of magic? I mean, they still couldn't do anything to me, but it would be good to have them learn proper things, unlike their excessively difficult versions.

After that, I finished tests from all other professors, allowing me to not waste time on them.

After they all left, I spoke to Dumbledore.

" Soo... do you want to understand how I could learn everything so fast? " I asked, and Dumbledore nodded, taking a lemon candy.

" Well, you see, " I said, taking a printed version of the correct basic books.

" Let's say that I had better books to learn from. With no excessive things added " I continued, as he began reading them. Ans, being good occlument and a knowledgeable person, he was surprised.

" If it is true. And information in these books is right, then we have a big issue. " He said, as he continued to skim through.

" Issue? " I asked.

" Yes. An issue of using faulty knowledge and forcing it on every generation. " He said.

" So, do you need them? " I asked, looking at him.

" Yes, I will definitely need them. I will begin testing everything these books have." He said, as he took them in his pocket and began reading first book again, this time using wand with to test things out.

Looking at how he was immersed in them, I left his cabinet and went to the hall, to meet Harry and Weasley brothers. I didn't really talk to them much, but we were in good relationship. They were interesting. Especially while thinking about pranks.

Getting in to the hall, I was met with people looking at me, but nothing more.

Sitting down at the griffindor table, unlike usually sitting with Hufflepuffs, I began talking with Harry and co.

In our conversation I found out that he was not scared about Sirius, but Ron and Hermione were the ones worried about him.

After our little talk I came to the twins to discuss the thing that I wanted to do.

" Soo, red boys, want to make life interesting for everyone? " I asked, as I sat between them, pushing my way and taking pizza from the table.

" We are all ears " They said simultaneously, making a wide smile.

The thing that I wanted to do, was making all the tables connected to each other, to create one long circular table.

After discussing it, we agreed that on the next day, we would sneak out before breakfast and do our deed.

Obviously, not forgetting teacher's table.

So, waking up in the morning, we met up and began changing the hall. The final thing that I've done, was placing all four banners on to the benches in a mixed pattern, where you couldn't understand where is whose table.

I even casted some things to make all four house's animals to appear in the sky, walking with each other.

Yep, I could do something like that. Charming a ceiling.

First to arrive was Dumbledore.

" Hi there. Here, sit anywhere you want " I said, as twins left before anyone arrived.

Smiling, Dumbledore brought his chair and sat down, making a place between benches for himself.

" It would be interested " He said, looking at me with his shining eyes.

Dumbledore was not against pranks, and he was in a good mood today.

" So, did you confirm anything? " I asked, as no-one else came yet.

" Yes, and it seems that if everything that is written there is true, I would have to reform the study process. " He said, again, smiling.

After that, people began entering. And oh boy, some tried to rebel and stubborn, but as Headmaster sat in front of the circular table, people had to sit in front of it.

I, unlike everyone else, was sitting in the empty center of the table, where Everyone could see me.

I was just telling everyone that it was me, without even speaking.

Hardest thing was for Slytherin to accept sitting close to Griffindor, so there were a lot of movement across the table.

" Isn't it better when there is no difference? No separation in houses? " I asked loud, making people argue about traditions and such. Some even tried to ridicule me, but I just ate Pasta and sausages that were brought out by house elves.

Knowing my appetite, they even prepared a huge pile for me.

As they all heard about my fight inside the ministry, spread out by Rita, no one went overboard with words, while they tried to argue with me.

As the day went further, teachers tried to fix the table, but Dumbledore stopped them, saying that today we would have unity day.


Looking at the Slytherin's faces, twins laughed loudly, especially as Draco came in smelling like poop.

Nice timing. Good job, twins.

After that, I mostly began reading books for next years. Saddest thing is that 6th and 7th years were mostly practical or based on learning spells themselves, as all the basis was taught in first five years.

So, it didn't take much time fir me to learn everything from 6th and 7th years.

And as Christmas arrived, I began reading things that were not planned to be taught.

Theories and things that require extensive research in not so good things.

This year, I didn't really care about anything. Even main storyline.

Twice every month, I went and created big sized pranks. Why? Because I wanted to try some ideas of mine.

Like, once we mixed tables and created and illusion that forced Slitherin and Griffindor houses to change places, without them knowing. Obviously, Hufflepuff changed places with Rawenclaw.

After kids began eating, we released the illusion. Ohh, harmless but interesting chaos happened. I preferred mostly harmless jokes, unlike twins. They always were trying to overstep a boundary a little bit.

Like, who the hell makes people's clothes transparent. That's harsh. I, on the other hand always tried to prank everyone. So, no one singular would be embarrassed.

Only everyone.

And twins always added some spice to my 'pranks', sometimes they added something to the food, sometimes they sprayed everyone with different concoctions, like hair changing, hair growing, balding, itching.

Getting back to my room after the Christmas, I began feeling that evolution is imminent, so I asked Dumbledore for a way out. He allowed it, as I already showed him that I finished 7th years of school. Yep, in three and a half years.

Leaving Hogwarts, and with help of Dumbledore reaching my house immediately, I thanked him and called house elves to drop me into storage filled with creep, and as I bought three more elves, somehow finding them in the past year, ordered them to buy as much food as they can. I left them a lot of money, so they could buy it all easily.

Falling on to the creep, I fell unconscious, being covered in a cocoon.

The evolution process was slower then before, it was slowly swallowing all the creep around me, making house elves unable to provide enough creep in time, forcing evolution to slow down even more, as elves were doing their best.

Unlike previous times, I had no planet filled with creep, so process was slow.

In the seven Months, my body undergone a change. Inner organs were restructured, all the bones were recreated, forcing inner structure to become stronger in every way possible.

My body began restructuring to support magic that was flowing through me, my psi energy was changing, not to conflict with my magic. Also, unlike previously, the ability to change myself appeared.

Currently, I couldn't become bigger in size by much, and also couldn't compress myself a lot. On my body, my two inexistent hands didn't regrow, so muscles adapted to the change. Also, the body grew both types of genitals. But they were hidden inside my body.

So, I became a proper zerg that could change himself. Unlike forcing evolution all the time.

The new body, unlike previous would evolve with time. Not needing creation of cocoon. Sadly, if huge genetic changes would need to be done, cocoon evolution still will happen.

After coming out to the empty room, where my body even consumed cocoon, I realized that this knowledge appeared inside my head.

No need for experimentation. No need for tests.

As the outer look, I could change my body to woman, to man, or to something in-between.

Hormones, though didn't show themselves, so I felt no desire to change into woman or man to have some fun.

My hair grew longer, now it is long enough to reach my butt. Hah!

So, as I slept for some time, house elves arrived to me. I asked and understood that it was summer already. August.

Welp. Shit happens.

This month I spent on adapting to my new ability of changing body. No signs of hormones.

Thankfully, I could change my body pretty fast. I even could grow a tail.

The only thing that I couldn't do naturally is to shorten my hair. I could grow them rapidly, without limit. But after that I ate a lot.

Also, I tested my poison that I got from Basilisk. It was strong. Really strong. No smell, no taste. No color. Becomes gaseous rapidly, leaving nothing behind on any surface. The only issue, is it wouldn't be poisonous after it becomes gaseous. Only in liquid form it works.

The best thing about my ability to change myself, was that I could be woman when I want to, and be a man when I want to.

Nothing stops me.

It might look strange to some, but for me, living with no desires created by hormones, it made no difference about looks. It changes view on this whole gender theme. Especially as I can be any. hah!

Ok, back to the reality.

Two weeks before new school year, I invited Dumbledore to my house, to say that I was fine. He didn't know why I needed to go home, but he was worried. looking from all the mail he sent.

So, not fearing anything, I met him while looking like a woman, while slowly changing back to man while we talked. You should've seen his face when he understood what was going on.

Also, it seems that he approved my new books and he will use them from this year. all the people who learned on faulty books would be required to visit additional course that would help them to fix their knowledge.

Whoopsie. I created more work for kids...

But thankfully it would not be for long. First years would be learning new material from the beginning.

All the professors were given a copy of the books, forcing them to be busy this summer.

Imagine their surprise when they found out that their magic was faulty.

Ouf. that must've hurt.

For now though, they would keep these books in Hogwarts only. It would be hard to push through, while old families would fight against the truth. They wouldn't be willing to agree that they were wrong.

For now, as Dumbledore left my house, I've gone and bought few bags that had increased inner size. Let's hope that these things can be brought with me to the Leviathan.

So, in these bags I began placing a lot of books about plants, and plants themselves. Also, all the modified books about magic.

In some crates, which I would be able to carry on myself, I placed literal zoo of magical animals. All these things were bought and accommodated in my house by elves.

After collecting a lot of things, I placed all the books and not living materials that I could put inside my storage, as I was not sure about being able to carry these things with me.

Surprisingly, I managed to place a crate with an animal inside the storage. So, now I placed four house elves ( 2m 2f ) and a lot of plants in it. Animals were too big, and I couldn't fit everything in 10x10 space.

But still, books were a must. Elves and plants made it even better.

So, after preparing a literal mountain of things around me, and placing most of the elves inside the storage, I warped out.

Warping in on to the Leviathan, I looked around and saw no one. Seeing a building behind me and a huge field in the front, and not seeing any boxes around, I went inside the building. In there I saw something that surprised me a lot.

I felt that protoss were connected to the hive. How? I saw humanoid zergs walking through the building, and as I walked past them, I finally met a protoss.

" Hello. Do you know me? " I asked, not being sure if she knows me. Obviously I came here in woman's body, like they remembered.

" Yes, Anton. We were waiting for you arrival. You can wait for someone you are familiar with, they are coming. " He said, pointing to the chairs placed close to the wall.

Feeling the hive, something that I didn't feel for a long time, I could feel changes. There was one major change, zerg became more sentient by themselves.

" Welcome back Anton " Said a voice, turning to which I knew that it was Aden, but he changed.

" Hello. what happened in here? Why is everyone connected to the hive? " I asked.

" Ohh. Anton. It's gonna be a long talk " He said.

At that point I checked, and found out that no elves travelled with me... I mean no living elves. Plants, for some reason, mostly travelled. Some of them died just like elves.

Sad story. They were good.

" Wait. I have some plants with me that I need a place to plant. Let's talk while you lead the way to the place where I could place them. " I said.

" Why walk? " He asked, as we both warped to the field that was covered by the roof and had artificial atmosphere.

Oh. yes. I forgot.

" So, what happened while I was not here ? " I asked, looking at everything that happened and as some kind of robots began unloading my crate with plants. Thankfully all the books were on the computer and were easily downloaded by them.

" From where do I start... Let's begin from 950 years ago... " He said, as I interrupted him.

" Wait. You said 950 years ago? " I asked, being surprised.

" Hm? Yes. we left that world thousand years ago. " He replied.

" But... It was just a couple of years for me!" I said.

After explaining what happened, we came to the conclusion that I was trapped for approximately thousand years. Wtf.

" So, we would meet only every thousand years? " I asked.

" No, don't you remember that the first one would be the longest at least by ten times? that System told you that before you warped out. " He said.

" He did? I don't remember. " I replied, thinking that I might've forgotten some things and wouldn't even remember them.

" Yes, as I heard, next warp might happen 10-100 times earlier this time. So, 10-100 years. " He said, making me wonder why I didn't remember it.

" So, why can I feel you all? " I asked.

" Ah. yes. It all started with one protoss scientist that was trying to establish connection between protoss and proto-zerg. Currently we are going just by Prog. Kinda unnecessary, but it was decided that there was no need to separate us anymore. " He said, looking up.

" At that time, his work began spreading. 900 years ago, first actually successful connections were established. After that, with time, everyone connected to the hive, combining Khala and shared mind. After that, with time, zerg began changing their form that resembled ours more. And all more and more zerg began getting self conscious, allowing us to begin new process of mixing." He continued.

" 500 years ago, as genetically we modified all the protoss, even ones in stasis, we stopped growing older, and as every old protoss was placed in stasis, they were modified and they became younger. " He continued, making me realize. A thousand years passed. An entire thousand years. Fuuucking fuck.

" 400 years ago, realization came that it became harder to give birth to the kids the usual way, and as everyone literally became immortal, we became less and less concerned. " He continued, sighing.

" After that, we began separating wild zones where no one lived - fully natural floors, and floors inhabited by zerg or protoss. Why? Because these floors would've been used only if population would've become a problem. " Aden continued.

As I was listening, we talked about many things. About his life, his daughter, his son, how everyone just lived without me. There were just a couple of old-timers who remembered me, as It was whole thousand years.

Also, it seems that all the Jedi changed too. They began living on one of the bottom floors and before death, they were placed in stasis. They were modified and released 'only' Hundred years ago, and they even created another temple. Temple of immortals. They didn't intervene in anything anymore, they just trained in the force, and lived simple lives.

Anakin lived his life with Amidala, peacefully and Happily. The only Jedi who were immortalised, though, were either those who remembered me, or those who were exceptional in their generations.

Yoda, unlike everyone else, surprised everyone. In his genetic code it was found that his race are descendants of an extremely long living race. He should've lived for at least five to ten thousand years if he would've had his genes fixed.

And as he said that, I saw young Yoda coming here with Anakin and Qui-gon.

All Young. uh.

" Long time no see, I guess " I said, after that we spent couple of days talking, discussing, and planning.

I could spend only one week in here, otherwise it would be dangerous for leviathan, as they might pinpoint my position at that moment and reach them at some point.

How could they find me? I had a piece of system in me, so they would definitely hunt me down.

So, as everything was being compacted inside one big box, that I would place inside the storage, not to place everything separately, I saw many things being placed inside.

Did you know that they even found a way to created food from just some basic materials? like in Star Trek. Like, yes. they spent a lot of time, but now I could create my own food from compressed blocks of material.

They literally compressed tons of materials as densely as they could, just to place more of it.

But mainly, they placed modified robotic probes, schematics, fully working super computer with Semi-AI, nanobots, and much much more. They placed so much inside this 10x10 meters box, and filled all tge empty space with nanobots, who were controlled by AI.


Even though it is AI, it will only work if ordered. No free will for it.

So, it won't just study things by itself. Obviously, it was tested for Hundreds of years, so it wouldn't rebel like in the ridiculous movies.

So, as protoss began learning Magic books that I sent them, I went back to HP with huge amount of OP robots.

Yes. I can finally create a fucking base.

Literally, probes would collect materials and begin creating.

So, as I arrived back at my house, a day before school, I released one probe and ordered it to create more probes and begin creating the base. Everything would be under control of AI inside my storage, that was connected to the bracelet on my hand that always had an opening to the storage inside, and bracelet worked as signal amplifier.

Another thing is satellite that was shot into the sky. Small, but could provide signal for me across the world.

So, leaving my house under the Probe's control, with additional help of house elf, I took back filled with food, and a bag with leftover snakey snack, and went to the station 9 3/4


Thank you [Grey Knight]


Donate pls :D



``` Author's note ```

`` 71+- words ``

` 4155 words in chapter `

Thank you for reading, and enjoy if you can.

Well Here it is. A strange chapter.

Literally nothing happens in it, but a whole year passed.

Also, imagine how much stuff these Prog ( Pro(toss)(Zer)g) could fit inside the 10x10 cube.

He is going to have so much fun from now on.

Next chapter