

Lucifer grinned wickedly as he prepared a contract. He put out his left hand in front of him, and a light blue glow appeared on his palm before a complex symbol appeared in his hand, a symbol that looked like a pentagram with the leviathan cross above it. Weird character-like symbols appeared one by one and slowly danced on the border of the pentagram, until they formed a circle.

Once the circle of characters was formed, the pentagram-like symbol lit up in an eerie red.

"But…" Juin was thinking about something with a serious expression, and after a while, he glanced around hesitantly before asking, "What do I have to give you?"

Lucifer looked at him, and he narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean?"

Juin gulped. He saw how Lucifer treated Patrick and John earlier. The demon king did not even do anything, yet those two were suppressed to the point of bleeding. Juin was his vessel, if that guy could do something to someone outside, Juin could barely imagine what he could do to him.

"Oi!" Lucifer called out in an annoyed tone.

"Erm," Juin said, "I've watched horror movies regarding demon possessions before. There's always an exchange. And it's never good. So, what do I have to give you?"

Lucifer growled slightly as he closed his left fingers over the pentagram, which burst out in an eerie red light before disappearing. He had hoped that his vessel would remain dumb so that he could make good use of him.

"Smart dog is annoying…" Lucifer mumbled as he glared at Juin.

Unfortunately for him, pop culture had made his vessel a little knowledgeable… at least when it came to dealing with a demon.

And worse, he could not lie. The contract would only work if both parties were honest. He did not have to offer any information, but if the other party asked a question regarding the question, he would have to answer honestly, or he would suffer from a backlash.

With a sigh, Lucifer said, "Your body."

"What?" Juin crossed his arms over his chest. "No!"

Angered, Lucifer sent a blue soul fire to burn the left foot of Juin's soul.

"Argh!" Juin yelled when the pain was redirected to his physical body, and he jumped up while holding his left foot. For some reason, he felt as if his foot was being burned at the moment. "What did you do to me?" he cried as he limped out of the stall and went to the sink. He then put his foot up into the sink, hoping that the running water would make it better.

Lucifer ignored him as he floated to in front of the broken toilet mirrors and said, "You have to give me your body so that I can merge with you. Only through that way, you can use my soul power."

Juin rubbed his still aching foot as he tried to think of things to ask. After all, nothing good could come to contracting with a demon, much less a demon king. And it appeared to Juin that the demon king was reliant on him at the moment, and that it might be impossible for Lucifer to take over his body forcefully.

"Would I be conscious?" Juin asked, and after a short second, he said, "My soul, I mean."

"Yes… We would be like two entities sharing the same body, just that my soul would take ownership for a period of time."

"How long can you be in my body? And can I send you out?"

Lucifer humphed as he folded his arms. He then tried to calm himself down before replying, "At the moment, I don't think that I can stay in that body of yours for more than a few minutes, and hour at most, by your human concept of time anyway. And while I'm taking over your body, you can send me out, but only if you're strong enough. Otherwise, you'd have to wait for me to give up the control or wait for the time to pass."

"What do you mean?"

"The merge between a physical body and a foreign soul is not as easy as it seems. For one thing, the physical body itself needs to be in good condition. And I've seen your body. It's weaker than a daemon baby in my world. Well, demon baby in your language. Secondly, the foreign soul and the physical body needs to be compatible. Based on how your physical body did not show signs of rejection, I would say there are no such problems."

Hearing the word "rejection", Juin felt alarmed. He immediately asked, "Erm, what kind of signs are signs of rejection?"

Lucifer thought about it for a while before answering, "Based on what I heard from the stories Izzy told me, an incompatible merge would end up with the host developing lesions, enlargement of veins, unknown bruises, losing mental faculty… If they tried to forcefully summon a demon king like me, they would just end up having their minds broken before I'm even here. As for the lesser-ranked demons or other foreign souls… Well, the end of it would be them taking over the physical body completely. However, it would only be for a short period of time. After that, the host's body would rot, and the demons or souls would need to find new vessels."

Juin looked at his reflection in the mirror. ���Then… why am I still fine?"

"That's what I want to find out as well," Lucifer admitted honestly.

Juin frowned. "You don't seem like a reliable demon king that could give me strength," Juin thought as he tried to think of whether giving up his body for demonic strength would be worth it.

"What are you thinking about?" Lucifer asked in a cold voice. Juin's expression kind of pissed him off. He did not like it when his vessel was too smart. Smart vessel was hard to control, and he needed someone that he could easily control… at least until he could get his own body back.

"Nothing!" Juin replied immediately. He then clutched his chest and thought, "If he found out, then I'm dead."

Lucifer did not believe him, but he decided to let it slide for now. "Any other questions?"

"Erm…" Juin thought about it. "Give me some time to think about it."

Lucifer cursed as he muttered under his breath, "I was so close!"

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