
Chapter 10 i’m a failure of a father

"Why are you running? Why are you running?" I Yelled as I chased Sasuke. This is Sasuke last minute training as he is about to go to the land of waves as I'm not coming with him so he and I wanted to get him same last minute train. I got a lot of rocks in my hands. I would throw them at him his job is to grow a sixth since or something.

"Father stop, this is not training. you just said grow a sixth sense and nothing more it's like you are doing this deliberately." Said Sasuke as he was running. "It's okay Sasuke. You do not know the way, but I will show you the way. Come here Sasuke I will show the way." And so there training went on.

Right now I'm walking Sasuke to the village gate where this team is at. Getting there Sasuke was the last one to arrive. There was a blonde, pink and white hair guy. So after giving Sasuke the food Yasaka made I went to go play with Kunou.

1 Month later

The Chunin exam is being held in Konoha. I was too lazy to go but Yasaka focused me to go with Kunou saying we could cheer him on. There was a snake-like man that did some inappropriate to Sasuke. I was going to help but I wanted to see if Sasuke can use my teaching. His since was good he was able to tell when he was transferred into that blonde guy. He was able to hold off the snake and help his team out, but in the end that snake guy did bite him. In the end he got a hickey, I'm proud of him.

After waiting for Sasuke to be done with the forest of death before removing the curse mark. Sasuke was not that injured with my training, his body was stronger than other kids and even some grown up.

Month later

Watching this weak kid fight got me bored. The only fight I would watch is Sasuke well, that Lee guys good too. Anyways right now Sasuke is beating the lights out of the sandman. With my teaching it was easy. although he went to train with the masked white haired man i didn't stop him as I don't know jutsu wiel I do know one.

A few weeks back a blonde hair kid used a skill called sexy jutsu when I saw this I fell out the sky with a bloody nose. "That skill is a skill made for the gods." Thinking about this I quickly went to read his mind and took it. I did show it to Yasaka but I got scolded for using such a perverted skill. I will keep it as my backup skill

Seeing how Sasuke was winning and the sandman might go berserk I couldn't help but wonder how Sasuke will deal with it. People around me started falling asleep. I couldn't help but think "I know it's boring but show some respect."

Chaos broke out, the snake guy took off his disguise. I saw it from the start. He started to fight the hokage. I was shocked to see a necromancer in the lower realm. It was my first time in 700 hundred year I saw one.

I took Kunou home. I didn't want Yasaka to get mad at me for having her not able to sleep at night.

After the snake guy killed hokage I remembered about Sasuke. I went to go see it seemed like he was able to fight the sandman with the help of the blonde haired kid.

Itachi came to see me this month. I saw this growth. He got more badass the way he toyed with his enemy, the way he put that white haired masked got in an illusion made me proud. The funny thing I saw today was this one girl trying to put itachi in a genjutsu.


I'm with Kunou at the moment she is sleeping on my stomach as I'm under a tree. Suddenly I was hit with sorrow as if someone dead. I knew what this was Irene's child. Quickly I took Kunou home and went at top speed in the location of the mage continent. I knew it was there. To me I could make 1 second look like days or make a year look like a second so as I was flying I was 5 seconds away I used Ethernano on my eyes to see things Clearly.

A blue tower I was here once looking for Irene, inside there is A Scarlet hair girl crying with her power going berserk, some guy dead on the ground, a pink hair boy looking at her in shock and fear, and I blue haired man in shock.

I could tell the scarlet haired girl was my daughter and she looked just like Irene. Just when the blue haired man was about to attack her out of fear I appeared in front of her.

With tears in my eyes 400 years and I finally found her. "I Finally found you" the attack landed on me but I didn't feel it. Quickly taking her in my hand I hugged as if I feared she might disappear. She snapped out of her state of going berserk when I held her. "Who are you?" she asks, coming back to herself and seeing me. "I'm a failure of a father all these years and I could only find you now."

Everyone was shocked by my words. What does he mean by the words, but for some reason more tears started too full from the scarlet haired girl.

Turning my head to the pink hair kid I had him take her I was going to do something she should not see, but it seems like she knew what was going to do and Held me back. "Please don't kill him" hearing this word I got mad the hell is wrong with this kids first itachi now her. Do they not have my bloodline why are they so nice to people who are treating them like this.

"Okay" I said as I had them leave. "Who are you and you dear interrupt my plans of bringing back the Apocalypse Dragon." When I heard his words my face went black "you want to bring me back from where I'm right here" I thought as I walked closer to him. And so the kept up frustration for so long was bent out on him screams of pain could be heard from time to time like a pig getting slaughtered.

When I was done I threw him into the water if he drown it's not my fault. So I went to see the red head. "May I know your name, where your mother and why are you here. are your wounds ok." I asked as I looked her up and down to make sure she was alright.

I flew them to their guild as we talked. Erza told me about her past and I told her almost everything I didn't tell her about me being the Apocalypse Dragon or war that happened. I did tell her I was a dragon there was a dragon slayer by her side so he must have found out.

When we got to the guild I was shocked I could remember when I made the guild although it looks different. And so they introduced me to their guild member I didn't care but sense she sees them as family I will not be mean. The guild master was shocked to see me. He has a picture of the us when we made the guild.

I will be staying at Ezra house for now. I wanted to know more about her. Ezra started to show me around the place when everyone was at the guild.

Back at the guild

natsu gajeel and lucy were talking together "did you feel that too." Asked Natsu with a serious look. Nodding his head gajeel said "it's like he is an evil dragon something in said me is telling me to stay away at all cost." Of course it's their dragon that was sealed inside of them That told them that. In that war 400 years ago they too were apart of it.

Lucy hearing them asked "will Ezra be okay." Natsu with a grave look said "let's watch him for now if he does anything to hurt her I will stop him. Anyone who hurts my friend I will not forgive."

October 15

it's been a few days since I met with Ezra and today was the harvest festival. Ezra asked me to come so I will bring Yasaka, Kunou and Itachi although he didn't want to, so I forced him to come.

When they got here, I introduced them all to Ezra. I had to smack itachi as he always is always quiet like stop trying to be a badass. I have seen the way itachi fight before a fight even starts. Itachi has already won that badass enough.

Kunou and Ezra hit off Ezra had that face she makes when she sees something adorable. Yasaka well she acts more like a mother to the 3.

I did this chapter when I just woke up I nothing better to do you see anything wrong pls say

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