
Mr Panda

I stood confused for some minutes thinking of running to the school security so that they would  chase him,but for some unknown reasons I held back. I kept standing for while  before finally regaining myself as cool air hit my bare hands sending chills to my system and reminding me that was almost two in the morning. I quickly wore my hoodie and headed for the street I had previously walked on, half racing to my dorm. I reached my room at about quarter past one and accessed myself carefully, checking to see if there was anything on me that would suggest that I just got raped, almost. I knocked and silently prayed I would be answered cause I had told my roommate to not bother staying up that I would be spending the night at Lauren's,stupid me. I knocked again this time harder than the previous one.

"It's fucking 1 AM, who's there?"

I felt a wave of relief as the familar voice of Alex, my roommate filled my ear.

"It's me, Alex"

"Amber,is that you?"

"yes dummy,open the door"

I heard footsteps approaching and the door knob opened

"I thought you were spending the night at Lauren's she said with a sleepy eyes.

"it's a long story"

"oh well,you know how much i love long stories Amber"

"it's one in the morning Al,i'm tired and i'm going to bed"

"okay if you say so" she said with a disappointed look on her face.

"come on now Al,i will tell you tomorrow or today rather,I'm just really tired.

Her face lightened a bit, "ok..Goodnight fish" she said jumping into her bed.

"Good night Al" I replied.

I took off my shoes only, switched offed my light and slumped on my bed. As darkness filled the room,the memories of the past hour began to play in my head. The superb movement of his fingers and exquisite motions of his lips all played in my head. I found myself sitting alone in a big wide cinema with these memories displayed to me in 3D. I watched for a while until an ugly memory hit me, I had totally forgot.The screen quickly changed to a scene of Lauren riding Tyler and this time the moans were even louder, and it enraged me. The screen kept switching scenes of the past hour until I fell asleep on the cozy theatre seat.

I woke up the next morning to Alex blasting Taylor Swift from her mp3 stereo. Just fuck! I had begged her many times to let me wake before she began her terror. It's not like I didn't like Taylor Swift but hell, it was 6am in the morning and now I felt nauseated with a slight headache. I stood up from the bed groaning tiredly.

"Morning Amber"

"Jesus Alex,why are up so early and why the music again,do you even know what time it is?"

"Chill Amber,you know am so excited and scared you know,You know Finn right?..

Finn I thought, who wouldn't know Finn,he's literally all she ever talk about.  I nodded in affirmation.

"Oh well" she continued "we will be meeting for the first time today, after months of us dating online ,I'm so nervous" she said wearing a worn out look.

"And that's why you woke me up ?" I replied looking vexed.

She ignored my remark and sprung up from the chair she was sitting facing me with a comb in her hand.

"How do I look Amber?"

"You look beautiful Alex" I answered

"Come on Amber, give me something" she said bringing out her puppy eyes

"okk, you look like Snow White, Cinderella, In fact you like the whole Disney princesses in one package"

"Awwnn she said blushing red "I love you Amber"

"I love you too, are you leaving now ?" I asked surprised.

"No,i'm not stupid,i'm just checking out the dress"

"ohh ok".

I moved to stand but sat immediately as a sharp pain pierced through my head.

"You got any aspirin Alex" I asked with one hand on my fore head 

"yea,i think,check the drawer beside my bed"

I gulped the tablets with a cup of water and slumped back on my head closing my eyes,hoping mother nature would take me away in her sleepy hands.Oh well she didn't.


At about 10am that same morning,Alex dressed up,in casual clothes this time.

"I'm heading out Amber,i will be back soon" 

I nodded in affirmation,my eyes still close and just as she opened the door,she shut it and ran towards her bedside.

"Sorry Amber..." she began.

"Come on Al can't I get some rest" I said cutting her short..

Alex was a fresher, and though I found it fun at times ,but sometimes her excessive talking could be very annoying and disturbing, now was a perfect example. Alex could start a conversation from any single topic and go on ranting about it for hours,even topics she knew little about. I just wished she would understand how tired i was this morning and let me be.

"I know,but someone dropped this in the front of our door yesterday just some few minutes after you left for Lauren's place"

I quickly got up collecting the envelope from her hands.

"Did you get a name or something?" I asked curiously.

"Nah, I just heard a knock and when I got to the door all I saw was the envelope laying on the floor"

"is that all?" I asked checking the body of the envelope 

" oh yes, I did see a see guy going down the hall, I think he wore a blue jean and black t-shirt, I don't really know, My vision was kind of blurry"

"Woah that's strange" I thought myself. I didn't want to start thinking of the possibilities now, I was tired and damn i have had more than enough share of shock for the day, I didn't want anymore stress.

"I think you got yourself a secret admirer Amber" She said smiling sheepishly

"I thought you were going out Al?" I said to her with a blank face.

"oh well I was" she replied heading for the door.

"Just remember you owe me a story" she said shutting the door behind her.

I took a closer look at the sealed envelope. My name was written on the side with fine font and a pander sticker underneath.A panda! I thought, wow today is certainly full of coincidence. I opened the envelope pulling out a sheet of paper with words written neatly on it and it read.

"Dear Amber,

I'm sorry it had to be that way Love.

I hope you enjoyed it,lol, I know you did. We will meet again dear I promise.

                                                  Mr. Panda.

The panda sticker,blue jean,black shirt. fuck! It all added up to me in a second it was him, the rapist. He knew who I was,and he knew were I lived, fear gripped my body and I felt my heart beat triple. I ran to bolt the door as my brain began to run calculations, my first thought ofcourse was to run straight to the school security or the Cops maybe, but no I wanted more.I just didn't want him to be arrested, i wanted to know him and how he came to know me so much and worst how he came to know about my fucking navel.And besides I was a third year student of journalism and loved investigative journalism with every single thing in me. I could swear I had watched over 90% of the detective series on TV,or let's just 70. So who ever this panda Guy was I was going to find him I promised myself.

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