
Magical Live Streaming!

Live streaming?

Hear this unheard of new term.

The elders will know that their own Holy Master must have created something new.


What does live streaming mean?

All the elders were puzzled and looked at themselves~ Holy Master.

And Ye Chen smiled slightly: "Live streaming delivery - it's actually very simple."

"It is the person who broadcasts the live broadcast. During the live broadcast, he introduces the products to the audience so that the audience can place an order to buy."

"The live streaming will connect with Xianwang Taobao."

"Viewers can place an order directly in the live broadcast room, saving the cumbersome process!"


The elders in Tianyan Holy Land were full of expectations.

After listening to the explanation of my Holy Master clearly.

All in shock!

This live broadcast brings goods, so that the cultivators are selling goods in the live broadcast room?


What's the difference between this and those low-level immortal cultivators who are yelling and selling materials and other items in the market?

What's the difference between this and a guy in a store who tries his best to introduce products and wants customers to buy them?

Bringing goods live is to sell goods live.

After understanding this point.

All the elders present felt that there was a gap in their hearts.

They originally thought that the Holy Master had created a new function that could change the entire world of cultivating immortals.

Never thought of it, that's it?

to be honest.

The elders are a little disappointed.

The same goes for the foreign elders.

I can't figure out what's so strange about this live broadcast.

But he thinks.

My Lord put this function to the end.

There must be something they didn't expect.

After all, Holy Lord is a live broadcast on Xianwang, regardless of the income from the first tip, or the income from the paid live broadcast room.

Although you can earn Lingshi.

But never big money.

Therefore, the most profitable thing must be the last live streaming function.


A salesman like a boy in the store.

How much money can you make?

The foreign affairs elder really couldn't figure it out.

But he immediately leaned over without hesitation: "What's so mysterious about this live streaming, the subordinates really don't understand."

"Also ask the Holy Master to clear up the confusion!"

Hearing this, the rest of the elders also nodded in unison.

So do they.

With the temperament of my own lord, it is impossible to do nothing.

When Ye Chen heard this, he immediately smiled.

Live delivery with goods sounds really low-end.

The previous life was on the earth.

When live streaming was just emerging, Ye Chen also disdained it.

After all, is this any different from the infomercials of years ago?

Yet the truth is.

The live streaming has completely exploded.

Up to the CEO of a listed company, down to the Internet celebrity layman.

have devoted themselves to this field.

The stock prices of many listed companies have skyrocketed because of live streaming.

And many ordinary people who were originally ordinary people have also become rich because of live streaming.

Also later.

Only then did Ye Chen understand the advantages of live streaming.

Live delivery with goods is really not the previous TV shopping.

Rather, it has its own advantages.

Ye Chen was not stingy about explaining the doubts of the elders, scanning the crowd, Ye Chen said lightly: "The essence of live streaming is actually as you think, the low-level cultivators who sell goods in Hefang Market have no essence." difference."

"The biggest difference is that when you shout offline, only a few people can hear it."

"But through live streaming, if you have a lot of fans, you can let thousands, even hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of cultivators hear your words." See your introduction. …

"Among them, even if only one in a thousand people wants to buy the goods you recommend."

"How high will the transaction volume be achieved?"

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he paused slightly, scanning the elders.

When the elders heard this, their pupils also shrank.


Shouting in Fangshi can only attract a few people.

No matter how dry the guy in the store said, he could only introduce it to one customer.

And what about the live streaming?

If there are enough fans.

Wouldn't it be possible to sell thousands of items at a time?

This is higher than the daily sales of big shops in Xiancheng.

A person is comparable to a shop.

This live streaming seems to be more useful than they thought.

But Ye Chen paused slightly, and then continued to speak.

Because the benefits of live streaming are not just these.

Next, Ye Chen's words are also live streaming, which is also the main difference of TV shopping in the previous life.

Ye Chen spoke again: "Secondly, the most special aspect of live streaming is in the category of fans.

"For example, there is a cultivator who has been hunting and killing monsters live. Are those who watch his live broadcast interested in hunting monsters?"

As he spoke, Ye Chen glanced at the elders.

The elders immediately nodded.

This is indeed the truth.

Ye Chen smiled slightly: "Then when it opens a live broadcast with goods, selling some weapons, talismans, and formations suitable for hunting monsters in the wild, will it be more in line with the needs of the audience?"

The elders nodded again after hearing the words.

indeed so.

The audience likes to hunt monsters.

It is also very likely that he will hunt and kill monsters.

Naturally there will be demand for these things.

The likelihood of buying is greatly increased.

Seeing the elders nodding, Ye Chen smiled slightly, and said again: "Secondly, if the anchor who hunts monsters uses the things he sells to hunt monsters on the spot, he will verify the functions of the products he sells. Effect."

"Will the audience be more convinced of the effect of the product, so that the possibility of placing an order will be greatly improved again?"

Hear here.

The elders all slightly widened their eyes.

Because of several questions from the Holy Lord.

They seem to have vaguely understood the real benefits of live streaming.

There are many elders, showing a look of sudden realization.

But there are also some elders who still don't quite understand and can't figure it out.

And Ye Chen looked at the posture of the elders and smiled slightly: "This is the biggest advantage of live streaming."

"First of all, to get a lot of attention, they are all anchors in a certain field recognized by fans.

Whether it is refining tools, alchemy or others, this is the case. "

"Cultivators of immortals recognize these anchors, and when they sell a certain product, they will innately believe more.

"Secondly, the anchor can demonstrate the various effects of the product live through the live broadcast, so as to make the audience more convinced."

...asking for flowers...

"The last is the characteristics of live broadcast."

"Viewers can communicate with the host by posting barrage.

"If there is any confusion about the product, the anchor can answer it immediately."

"So that the audience can better understand the product and be assured of the product."

"In this case, the order rate of live streaming will be higher than expected!"

Ye Chen finished explaining.

Elders, explain the uproar.

Because this live streaming seems to be more useful than they imagined.

However, the foreign affairs elder still didn't understand something, so he clasped his hands and asked, "Holy Master, the profit model of this live broadcast is that the merchant sells goods through live broadcast. Do we charge commission?"

But the problem is that the premise of all this requires the merchant to have a huge number of fans.

"However, from the short video on Xianwang.com, it can be seen that it is not easy to attract the attention of immortal cultivators and gain viewers. w

"Can those merchants really easily have a lot of viewers in a live broadcast and sell the Great Emperor's goods?"

The foreign affairs elder asked a point.

The elders all nodded.


The world of cultivating immortals now has a fan economy.

The higher the reputation, the more valuable it is, and the more advertisements it plays.

But therein lies the problem.

It is not easy to have a huge number of fans.

It doesn't mean that you can attract people because you have a high cultivation base.

After all, there shouldn't be too many powerful talents with high cultivation bases on the Immortal Net.

It doesn't mean that you can live if you are beautiful.

There are countless female cultivators in the world of cultivating immortals, and there are countless ones who look like immortals.

Those who can fire are only a few.

Therefore, the difficulty of having a huge number of fans and live broadcasting is simply too high.

Can businessmen really succeed easily?

This is definitely a question mark.

When Ye Chen heard this, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he smiled lightly.

"Elders, you are thinking about it!"

"It's not the merchants who sell the goods live broadcasting themselves."

"It's like advertising before."

"Sellers only need to choose anchors that are suitable for their own products, and then pay money or share, so that the other party can help bring the goods.

"In a sense, this is also a kind of advertising fee, but it's just a different way.

"For merchants who need to sell goods, they only need to choose the anchor that best suits their product characteristics.

"For example, if you sell elixir in the Qi refining period, you can find an anchor in the live broadcast of Xianwang who specializes in instructing the immortals in the Qi refining period to place advertisements, and the success rate will definitely not be low.

"The same is true for other goods."

"You can choose the most suitable anchor, so that more target consumers can see it and greatly increase the transaction rate."

"The merchants have achieved high sales, and it is very trouble-free. Once the order comes, it only needs to be sent by express delivery.

"They must not be stingy."

"As for the anchor, they get a commission or share."

"As for us, it is natural to take half of the share as the platform fee.

"Overall, it's definitely a win-win situation."

Hearing this, all the elders involuntarily opened their mouths wide...

This live broadcast brought goods, which was a bit unexpected.

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