
Not a Monster

I leaned down and kissed her.

After the kiss, she chuckled and said, "This was our first fight after we started going out, and it ended in 3 seconds"

"Isn't that good?"

"We should fight every week"

"Why do you want to fight me?"

"I miss our fights. The last time we fought was before we started dating"

"Well, I don't. It just reminds me how harshly I treated you before"

"We used to fight every other day"


She pulled my sleeves and asked, "You really don't miss them?"

"I do miss them"

"It is our love story. I would be angry if you didn't miss it"

"It was our love story"

"It's not anymore?"

"Our new love story is still ongoing"

She smiled and said, "Hope it never ends"

"It won't"

She hugged me and said, "I really, really love you, you know?"

"I know"

"I will, and I can do anything for you"


"I can die for you"

"I can kill for you"

Next chapter