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I will just go and pick Elena up.

"I tried shrug Lier off, but she wasn't letting go.

"Where are you going?"

"I will go and pick up Elena real quick"

"You can't go"

"I have to go"

Lier is still not sober. I can't just leave her like this.

"Hey Rikka. Can you take care of her for some time?"


"You are not going anywhere" Lier pulled me.

"Stop acting like a kid Lier"

"I am a kid!"

She is a real pain when she is drunk and sober!

"I will be right back"

"I am coming with you"

"You should stay here"

"I know you will just leave me here and go to the palace with Elena"


I was so desperate to see Elena that I forget about Lier feelings.

When I first came here, Lier said, 'I thought you are not coming'. She wasn't jealous or anything. She was just anxious and scared that I wouldn't come.

And even now, she fears that I will take Elena and go to the palace.

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