

[What will you do with the liquid, Das?]

"I don't know. It's liquid, so it will be hard to maintain the shape, right?"

[I can maintain it if you want]

"But we already have the solid part"

[Using liquid would be a better option]

"I know, but I don't want you to...you know. I installed you to talk with you, and all I am doing is making your work"

[It's okay. I don't mind it]

"But I mind it"

[If the liquid is in direct touch with your body, like your system, then I can easily maintain the shape]

"Thanks Lily"

[For what?]

"I got an idea"

The funny thing is, there was no mention in any of the book about for what purpose Oyuoral was used for.

Like everything was mentioned about Oyuoral, but nothing about its use.

They just carried it down to their heirs and their heirs. And then...it reached me.

There has to be some use of it, but what can a ball be used for?

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