
Computer ERROR

Author: Akai_Akuma
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WARNING book contains or will contain The following: suicide, drugs, alcohol, sexual references, curse of language and mild horror. A middle-aged female neet faces a supernatural phenomenon switching body to body, finding out the deepest secrets of those she switches with, trying to get through this with her male friend while also trying to deepen their relationship...

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Chapter 11. Cutes Without The "E"

In a dark room lit up only by computer monitors lived a 25-year-old neet called Takahashi Hina, that's me, I had brown short hair, green eyes, and loved video games, why become a neet you ask?

Well it goes a little something like this, as a child, my parents were wealthy and really smart, they owned a successful company that they wanted me to take over one day, they wanted me to get perfect grades, but I wasn't smart enough.

Every time I failed a test they would grow more distant, then one day they just started ignoring me, after a couple of years they gave birth to another child, my little brother, he was smart, handsome and had a way with words.

My parents saw me as a failure, and because of that my little brother treated me as one to get on mom and dads good side, he was spoiled rotten.

I eventually moved out with enough money to cover me for the rest of my life.

Anyway, let's talk about the present, for me, It was a normal day just like any other day.

When I was sent a message from a person call anonymous, in the message was just a link to a game she never heard of before, out of curiosity I clicked on the link, a game started to load, but halfway through it loading an error popped up and another until my whole screen was full of errors, at first I thought it was a virus but then it turned to static, things started to spin, next thing I knew I was on the ground unconscious.

I woke up to a bright light.

"Who turned the light on?" I said slowly opening my eyes, I looked around the room, everything was pink, the bed, the walls, the cupboard, and the floor.

"WHAT, where am I, this isn't my room", I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I now had brown hair, blue eyes and was wearing a purple shirt with shorts.

"Who is this, is this me, wait did I switch bodies or something...?" I said pinching my cheek to make sure I wasn't dreaming, great I'm going crazy.

"This really isn't a dream", I lowered my arm, I noticed some scars neatly cut on my arm, wow, has this girl been cutting herself?

"Are you ok Akari, I heard you scream?" asks a teenage girl opening the door to the room, she brown hair, brown eyes and was wearing a white shirt with jeans.

"Yeah I just fell over," I said putting on an act, what's going on, I better play along, I dont want things to get out of hand.

"Jeez you had me freaked out for nothing sis," says the girl, "sorry", so, I'm Akari and this girl's my or Akari's little sister, I better play along until I know what's happening.

After the girl leaves, I look around the room for information about the person I switched bodies with.

After a while of digging I found out that my sister's name was Takahashi Shiro, my mother was Takahashi Niko, she had black hair and blue eyes, and my fathers was Takahashi Fumihiro, he had brown hair and brown eyes, but that was all, that's not enough information, wait maybe her phone has something.

I check through her phone and found a bunch of videos of me hanging out with my friend's, as I watch I almost felt sick because of how much energy she had, oh great so she's the annoying type who somehow never run out of energy I thought with a sour expression on my face, I can't do that and she looks like she can socialize, up to an hour ago I shut myself in my room to avoid people, after I felt better I decided to look around the house.

After a while of wandering around I eventually made my way down to the lounge room, where I found a bookshelf of photo albums, while looking through one of the albums I notice a guy in some of the picture, he had black hair, blue eyes and wore a black shirt with jeans, I grabbed the album and took it to my mother and said I was having a mind black and couldn't recognise the man in the photo, somehow she believed me and my mother said it was a childhood friend of mine and his name was Katsuo, I thanked her mother and went back to the lounge room.

I should probably invite him over and get some info out of him, I went through her contacts list, texted him and invited him over, oh no that was a mistake, what if he knows I'm, not the same friend he grew up with.

I start to get nervous and sweaty, sure, 'I'll be over in 15' replied Katsuo, oh no he replied and he said yes, oh no he's gonna find out and then everyone's going to hate me and then I'm gonna be a neet again I began to freak out, at that time my sister Shiro walked in to see her older sister go crazy and role across the lounge room floor.

"What are you doing?" ask's Shiro out of concern, I froze.

"N-Nothing just have a lot of energy is all," I say with an obviously forced smile on my face, Shiro Started to stare at me and after a couple of seconds, I ran as fast as I could to my room. After having a panic attack in my room, the doorbell rang, oh no he's here.

"Calm down Hina, it's not like it's he's going to find out I've switched bodies or anything, I mean no one would believe that," I said to myself as I grabbed a jacket to cover up my scars, I walked out my bedroom door and saw Katsuo standing in the doorway.

"Hey sis I hope you don't mind I let your friend in," says Shiro jumping out from behind him with a smile.

"Oh no it's fine," I said shaking, I hope he didn't hear what I said.

"Come in," I said inviting Katsuo into her bedroom.

"Hey Akari, so you've switched bodies," said Katsuo with a blank look on his face, I froze and stared at him for a while, wait, there's no way he believes that.

"That was a joke, I'm surprised you believed that," I said with an obviously fake smile on her face.

"Well you are acting a bit different, like before you were too embarrassed to even let me see your room let alone be in it, plus anythings possible," said Katsuo, I froze, holy shi... I goofed up, I can't believe it, I'm dead, he's gonna hate me, then he's gonna tell everyone and then they'll laugh behind my back and then he'll...

"Are you ok you look a little pale," said Katsuo.

"Yeah I'm just fine," I say.

"So, if you're not Akari, who are you and why did your body switch," said Katsuo, "I mean you can stop trying to keep it a secret, I already know"

"Fine you win but please don't tell anyone else or laugh at me"

"I won't"

"Ok, before the body-switching thing happened, I was a 25-year-old neet and my name was Hina, I clicked on a link that was sent to me and then next thing I know I'm here," said I, that was too much information, I didn't mean to say that much, I got carried away, I thought as I was preparing to be laughed at,

"Oh ok, so is that all?"

"Y-yeah" I replied, w-what, is he not gonna laugh?

"I hope you don't mind but I'm gonna call you Hina for now on, if anyone asks, I'll say it's a nickname," said Katsuo.

"So why did you invite me here?" asked Katsuo.

"I was hoping to get some info out of you so I could pretend to be Akari," I said.

"But then you overheard me talking to my self", after a while a couple of hours of talking Katsuo got up.

"It's getting late, I think I should go home now," says Katsuo.

"Wait, one more thing," I say.

"What type of relationship do you and Akari have?" I asked.

"We're just friends" replied Katsuo as he leaves the room.

"Any way bye," I say, why was he so quick to leave on that last question, I might be wrong, but I think he might have feelings for Akari.

"Hey sis, dinners ready!" yelled Shiro from downstairs.

"Ok coming!" I yelled back, I should just forget about it.

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