

Even after recovering from the spiritual shock that swept through him, Lucian remained rooted in place for minutes, replaying the scene in his mind.

'What on earth can shake the minds of cultivators half a continent away? Was it a monster?'

He found the image of Eudes Clarke floating to mind, and the mist held more than a mountain's width away by the man's presence. Lucian had a lot of suspicions about the man named Eudes Clarke, but he dared not speak them until he knew more.

Shaking his head, he had no choice but to move on. No matter what was happening south, he could not play a role in it. Not yet.

Everyone in the streets was talking about the phenomena of battling lights in the sky that was only now dying down, and Lucian didn't believe he would find anyone talking about the revolution in Toubia anymore.

'Oh well. I'm sure I'll be caught up to date once I reach the estate.'

He suddenly felt no more desire to waste time in the town of Helbeck, feeling eager only to return to the estate quickly and continue his cultivation.

'If I'm still given time to cultivate.' A negative thought voiced.

Leaving through the gate he had entered less than an hour ago, Lucian continued his journey north towards Beckton and the adjacent Clarke Estate.

When he finally did witness the large property gates that marked the land of the estate, it had already been opened, waiting for those who would return this day and the next.

Strolling past, he ascended the winding path towards the manor slowly, taking in the familiar sights. He had never been gone for an entire year before, and it was truly a strange feeling. Without ever realizing, it seemed that this estate had become his home.

When he reached the flat clearing before the estate, he saw a familiar figure descending from a horse-pulled carriage.

With a smile, Lucian lightened his steps as he approached the man. He meant to grab at his coin purse, or scare him somehow, but his target seemed to notice Lucian's approach, turning to face him with a smile.

"What do you think you're doing Lucian?" Theo, previously Nine, asked with a grin.

Caught in the act, Lucian awkwardly fixed his posture.

"Nothing wrong with greeting a friend is there? Come here."

With a short, rough hug, Lucian slapped Theo on the back twice, grunting:

"Good to see you brother."

"The same to you."

Separating, Lucian took in the rather expensive looking carriage and outfit and realized that his friend had picked up some new habits over the year.

Seeing the inquisitive gaze turn to him, Theo shrugged.

"Not all of us like collecting bugs running through the wind. Come on, let's see if the others are back yet."

Arm over his friend's shoulder, Lucian walked to the estate entrance with him, making light banter as they caught up.

Lucian caught sight of a manservant bowing as they left, before tending to the carriage horses.

'New habits indeed.'

"Knights Lucian and Theodorn. Welcome back."

It was not Nicholas who waited at the door, but Instructor Piers, who had always been responsible for their general and theoretical education.

"Instructor Piers" The two echoed, Theo adding "It's good to be back."

"Come, I'll walk you to the dorms." Piers said with a nod. He still had a straight back and a strict face, but there was something different in his tone as he spoke while leading them through the halls.

"I expect the rest of the 8th generation will arrive within the week. During that time you are free to do as you please, though I would recommend you hold off on cultivation."

Turning back to meet the confused gazes of the two young men, Instructor Piers added:

"You will be separated again soon for your missions. Within two or three weeks at most. If I were in your position, I would spend that time with my comrades, not locked in a room."

'Instructor Piers, a softy? Who'd have thought' Lucian joked inwardly.

"Thank you sir, I will do as you've advised." Theo said stiffly, earning a sidelong look from Lucian.

New habits or not, it seemed Theo was still a bit stiff.

"When everyone has gathered, we will update you on the circumstances of the lands, and fill you in on the exact details of your missions, your goals, and the duration of your first assignment.

"Food will be served in the dining hall once more at the times you are used to, so enjoy it before you leave. I dare say you did not enjoy finely cooked spirit meat every day for the past year."

Lucian swallowed deeply at the recollection of the estates meals. He had been raised on foods filled with energy, and couldn't help but find mundane foods somewhat lacking as a consequence.

Theo on the other hand, seemed unfazed, only shrugging a bit at the mention of his recent meals.

When finally they reached the dorm room the two had used, Lucian was filled with a sense of nostalgia that nothing in Rehall had given him. In truth, he had not felt like the year was a particularly long time, but once back in the walls of the estate, it suddenly felt as if he'd been gone for an age or two.

"I'll leave you here now, if you need help you know the way to the Helper's Lounge. Good day Theodorn, Lucian."

With a voice as bland as ever, Instructor Piers parted from them and continued down the hallway.

Exchanging a glance with Theo, Lucian opened the door to his room and found it exactly as he'd left it, only bare of everything he had taken with him.

"Do you think we're the first ones here?" Theo asked.

"Of our group? Maybe. There's sure to be others around though."

The 8th generation were a segregated group of people. From the earliest days, groups were formed and the bonds between them strengthened under shared pressure. There had been plenty of times that the groups had been split up and matched with others for missions or group exercises, but those were not the majority.

Theo had once said the instructors were happy to have groups grow close as they trained, so long as they weren't incapable of working with others, and Lucian thought it made sense.

As a consequence however, while he had a decent impression of most of the 8th generation, and they all knew each other, having worked together before, there was a definite divide between "his group" and "the others".

"Well, let's get something to eat for now, I'm starved"


It took three days before another of their group arrived. During that time Lucian and Theo exchanged stories that caused the former to marvel at the difference.

Where he had set out with Tess on their own, tackling spiritual regions and even hunting beasts like a savage at one point, Theo did the complete opposite.

He went to a town called Hemlush in far eastern Demia, where he made himself known as a highly proficient cultivator and worked his way into the good graces of the local lord and his family. Using their men and resources, he organized an expedition through the hungry woods, a sentient forest known for devouring and assimilating intruders, in search of natural treasures reported to exist within.

Apparently he had lived it up the past year, eating only slightly worse than he did at the estate and getting dangerously close with a daughter of nobility.

Theo dismissed any inquisition by Lucian as to whether he was interested in the girl, but to Lucian's intentionally probing senses, his friend's interest and embarrassment were laid bare to see.

It was as he chuckled and teased Theo, that Lucian heard heavy steps approaching, a large and muscular frame falling to lean on his shoulders as he ate lunch.

"What's so funny that you've got Theo looking red?" Tyrius asked loudly in a deep, cheerful voice.

"Tyr! Took you long enough, I was beginning to think you'd signed on for life as a soldier."

"Sorry, sorry, I found a small, talkative package along the way that slowed me down."

Directing his eyes to Tyr's side, Lucian stood as he saw Tess' comparatively diminutive frame stepping out from behind the giant with a grin.

With outstretched arms, Lucian caught her in an embrace before exchanging a kiss and youthful words.

"Oh? Oh, oh? What's this?" Tyr said in an exaggerated tone.

Theo too looked surprised, before ruefully shaking his head, muttering something about "finally".

Tess took her seat at the table as Lucian gave Tyr a brotherly hug, and the two joined her.

"Where's Delia?" Tess asked.

"Not here yet. My guess is she'll find her way here by tomorrow some time."

"I hope so..." Tyr said with a tone that made Lucian worry.

'She wouldn't…

'No. She wouldn't leave without saying farewell.' Despite his thoughts, Lucian found himself directing a sympathetic gaze to Tyr, who remained lost in thought.

When the next day came, and she did not show in the morning, or by noon, Lucian's worries worsened. But when sunset dyed the skies orange, and a silhouetted figure could be seen passing through the estates front door, he sighed.

"Thank the spirits."

They had all reunited once more.

A short chapter to bring an end to this part of the journey. Next chapter, Lucian is assigned his station as an agent of the crown of Demia.

Chalkycreators' thoughts
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