
Conditions ; (Spoiler)

A comfortable sensation assails my left cheek as I see nothing but darkness. As reality has it, I had been asleep.

Gradually opening my eyes, I am met with another pair of eyes that belong to a certain wonderful girl.

"Good morning," I say in a merry tone.

"Good morning," she responds in the same monotonous voice as usual, however, something feels off.

What exactly? Well, that would be the fact that there is a barely visible red hue covering Origami's cheeks - The cheeks of the very same girl who ever so rarely changes expressions and continues to speak in a manner that can almost be termed as 'robotic'.

"Did you sleep well?" I question while reaching my right hand out to pinch her nose.

"Yes," she replies, "There were no problems."

"That's good," I state before retracting my hand proceeding to raise my body from the bed.

Following my actions, the blanket covering my body falls, revealing my bare physique that serves as a reminder of last night's events.

Currently, the two of us are still in the Arena.

We were originally planning to head out after a short rest and fixing ourselves up, but one thing led to another, and we both ended up sleeping here.

"Darling," a monotonous voice interrupts my thoughts, "Are we leaving now?"

Hearing this, I cast a glance at her before letting out a sigh and nodding my head as confirmation.

I can't get used to it after all. Her calling me 'darling', that is.

Just thinking about last night's proceedings gives me a slight headache.

Basically, after we had done the deed, Origami became very persistent in getting me to marry her.

Naturally, I have no intentions of getting married just yet. In Henrietta's case, there was a 'valid' reason for the proposition itself and the situation was relatively good to the point that it would've been completely fine.

However, the same can't be said in regard to this Platform. After all, not only is my identity still unclear, but the process of marriage itself will be a troublesome one, especially right now with the way things are.

For these reasons, I went through the strenuous process of explaining to Origami why it would be bad for us to get married right now.

Fortunately, she gave in the end, albeit at the cost of two conditions.

First, we are supposedly no longer simply boyfriend and girlfriend, but an 'engaged' couple instead. As 'proof' of that, she is going to be calling me 'darling' from now on, while I can just continue to refer to her the same way I have been doing up until now.

As for the second condition, it was that she is going to move in and live with the rest of us, starting from tomorrow.

Of course, I am aware of the lack of housing space for another tenant, but I had already planned to move to somewhere better anyway, so that shouldn't be much of an issue.

"That's right," I say as a response to her earlier inquiry after having set my thoughts aside, "It's already problematic enough that we have disappeared from their perspective, so I reckon we shouldn't delay our return any longer."

"Understood," she responds before raising her body from the bed as well, resulting in the same outcome as mine - the blanket covering her body to fall and reveal everything there is to be shown.

Nevertheless, upon having a glimpse of her lovely breasts and two cherries on top, I feel a knot form in my throat as a sudden urge to tease her nipples takes over me.

Before Origami can react, I already have her pushed back down on the bed and lock lips with her while gently pinching both of her cherries.


"Be quiet," I say in a low tone as the two of us exit from the Arena and arrive in the room we were supposed to stay in for the night.

"Mmn," a light hum comes as a response from Origami who is sticking to my right arm like glue.

Examining the room, I find Natsumi, who is still disguised, Tohka, and Miina all asleep.

Natsumi and Miina are both lying beside one another on the top part of the bunker bed, while Tohka alone is occupying the one at the bottom.

Anyway, seeing that the girls are sleeping so peacefully, there shouldn't have been any problems with us missing last night.

Even so, that's something worthy of concern in and of itself, after all, two students going missing is quite the ordeal.


With a certain notion cemented in my mind, I reach my finger out to the earbud I have had on for a while now and press it while muttering, "Hello, is anyone there?"

A response comes immediately as Reine's voice reaches my ear, "Shin, you finally responded."

"Yeah, good morning," I respond casually.

"Where have you been? I haven't been able to get through to you even though there haven't been any indications of signal-jamming."

"About that," I reply while making my voice sound like I am unsure of something, "I don't know myself."

Following this, I get no other response from Reine, suggesting that she has most likely understood my intentions.

Like so, I have indirectly informed her that I have a means of 'going under the radar' at any given place and time. After all, I wouldn't be able to make any preparations on this island I've never been to before.

Now, how would this benefit me? It's quite simple.

First, taking into account what AI had analyzed about Reine, she is not an ordinary being. Only when I am certain of her being, can I take appropriate actions, be it with or against her.

Second, she could take this as a 'threat' that I could disappear anytime I want to. Normally, this wouldn't matter much, but my 'shady' identity and powers provoke nothing other than concern for her.

Lastly, I am betting on the possibility of this giving a push to Reine's mind to make a 'correct' decision in regard to siding with me or otherwise.

Releasing a sigh, I shake my head and mutter, "Did my disappearance cause much of a ruckus?"

"Don't worry, everything was dealt with easily."

I see. So, an excuse was made up for us. That's good news.

"Anyway," Reine's voice continues to ring within my ear, "As you're aware, we are going to head back as soon as possible."


"During the meantime, you should spend some time with the sisters."

"By sisters, you mean Kaguya and Yuzuru?"


"I have no problems with that," I reply nonchalantly while thinking of how a day spent with the duo could go.

---3rd POV---

"She just won't say anything!" a girl with red hair tied into twintails groans and utters with a tired look on her face.

"Commander, just give up already," a man with blond hair says with a complicated look on his face, "I don't think anything we say or do will affect her."

"I know, but still," the girl, who is none other than Kotori responds along with a deep sigh.

Currently, the two of them are both in the Fraxinus' control room, with Kotori seated on the commander's chair, and Kannazuki standing beside her.

Both of them have their gazes focused on a golden-haired lady's face that is displayed on a giant screen.

The lady has a stern look on her face as she sits on a couch beside a young girl with blue hair and eyes.

The young girl seems to be keenly focused on something as she watches it with her eyes wide open, while the woman simply stares at nothing in particular.

"I wanted to at least know where she came from," Kotori continues to say in a dejected tone, "That brother of mine... I'm sure he has an idea already but isn't sharing it for some reason."

At this moment, a dark-haired girl who was focused on a computer screen in front of her makes some jerky movements before exclaiming, "Problem, we've got a problem!"

Her call results in a ruckus, as everyone present begins to focus on different types of equipment and devices with solemn looks on their faces.

"So, they're finally coming, huh?" Kotori mutters as she stares at the gigantic screen which has now switched over from the image of the blond-haired lady to that of deformation in the sky.

"Tsk, they're utilizing anti-perception technology. How troublesome."

"Still," Kannazuki who seems to be the calmest out of everyone says while staring at the screen, "How were they able to find us?"

Hearing this, Kotori's brows furrow as a glint shimmers through her eyes while she seems to deliberate on something.

"That's not important right now," she suddenly says after a brief while, "We must first lure them somewhere we can face off properly."

Having said that, Kotori reaches into a pocket in the skirt she has on and pulls out a wrapped lollipop.

Taking off the paper wrapping, she places the lollipop in her mouth and grins widely before saying, "If a fight is what they seek, then let's give it to them."


Complete Title:- Conditions ; Eve of the Second Aerial Battle

Things are getting a little hectic, it seems.

Enemy's Plan A went down the drain, perhaps Plan B will work?

Have a good day/night! ~ExalF

Exalted_Felixcreators' thoughts
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