
How to wait 5 more minutes

Author: Alpha_Cat
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I was living a normal life in the middle of an epidemic. I was working endless hours and had too much home work to handle. But one day a drunk driver in a Semi truck nearly hit me, and now I am in a world that was like a novel I had read. Except, I never finished it, because it was to the comic wasn't caught up to the book. This world is ruled by male supremacy, meaning I have no rights here, however, I have more power than other girls do here. I still have my car, and I can make anything I want with a powerfully magic. I have always had a short temper, and being a red head was probably part of that. The male lead, he might just be the death of me if he keeps talking to me like that.

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Chapter 1The screwed senior

It's the year 2020, and shit has gotten real.

No, like, seriously.

Toilet paper is still gone from the shelves.

Let me back track to when this all started. I my name is Ash Irving, which translates to 'Burnt green water'. You see my family heritage comprises from the powerfully Scottish lands, with their beautiful hills and cold summer valleys. When our family moved to the United States, one of our families members fell for a German woman. They wanted to show their love and affection for each other and made it so the child they had would bare their one of thier country's names. Ash is a german name, well, Anglo-Saxon to be correct, but still german. And we kept the surname, Irving, which is Scottish for 'green water'.

So anyone with have a brain in word deciphering, would get the nickname 'burnt green tea' as a nickname. It was used a lot around me at school. It also had vareantions such as, amber tea, freckled tea, dirt tea, muddy water, Ginger jade, and so on so forth.

Other kids used this name on me a lot. Whenever I heard that name at recess I would punch them.

Our family moved around a lot, so I never got to have friends. So when someone tried to be my friend, I would push them away. I had to learn how to be independent from the day I reach first grade, because I would move to a new school district every month.

While being independent I grew a hobby. I drew on any surface I could. Leaving some kind of mark that I had existed here.

By third grade, we finally stopped moving and settled in a small town in Ohio, called Granville. It was a small and quiet town with a lot of want to be suburban moms. We moved around a bit in the area, but we didn't leave the school district area.

However, that didn't mean I didn't think we where satying. I was a bully, picking fights with other kids that tried to get further than arms length. There was one person who I had respect for growing up here. It was another artist, Trinity Parrk.

I never understood why her name had two R's in it, until I reached 5th grade and learned it was an American thing to show independence or some bull.

We didn't talk to each other, and if we did it wasn't for long. She was another red head. She was much skinnier than I was and much more talkative. Her yellow, amber hair matched her sharp chocolate brown, gray eyes.

I was more of an opposite with my dark orange amber hair. My eyes would change color depending on what I wore. But, I was told that, when I was angry they would turn into a beautiful dark blue. Other than that, they were mostly gray green.

Trinity's eyes would change based on emotion. Like a mood stone, but one that actually worked.

There was a kid that followed her like a dog. Back then, she was an emey, today she is my best friend. Jacqueline Pencce.

Once again, stupid independence shit that made no sense.

She had dirty blond hair, and green eyes. Her actions always spoke louder than her words. We would fist fight alot in third grade. We would aslo trip each other, pinch, poke, stab pencils, bite each other, you name it any way of torture, two little eight year olds could do, we did that.

She was never really called by her first name. More like by her middle name, Piper. Now we where both bullies to each other, and we were sent to the principal's office together, we both hated each other, but we had a line. We both respected each other. We were like noble samurais, held by our honor.

It was six grade when things started to take a change. New students came to our district. Some of them from the big city, and some from the outer regions of Ohio, this was year of 2011. The year that started to change my life.

A stuck up bitch, I mean, brat that moved from the big city tried to change the our schools hierarchy. She was Nevaeh Brooks. Even her name was that of a wore you would find in the streets of Cincinnati, or Columbus.

She tried to pick a fight with me.And she got a fight.

:The events leading to the fight:

The play ground's rambunctious yells and crys of the kids filled the area. The huge play set behind me, had a set of swings that were adjacent to the play huge play set. The swings where as tall as the slide that was attached to the play set. The kids kept jumping off of the swings trying to look cool, or trying to find a good reason to go home. I was indifferent from the loud obnoxious yells and screams of the play ground.

I was alone drawing in the shaded

picnic area that sat quietly beside the play area.

No one really came over here, also if they did it wasn't near me. I was an oven if they sat next, or near me. I was wearing a big purple winter jaket in early autumn. It had had green hidden track marks under the heavy dark purple. It was my favorite jaket to wear.

I wore it lot to look bigger, but it was also a way to keep track of all of my pencils. There were many secret pockets. I stored lead and erasers in them. In my right hand pocket, I had all of my pencils. I rarely had mechanical pencils with me, but when I did it was a rare sight to behold.

I was drawing in the, worn and torn, white binder that never left my side. It was filled with note book paper of different drawings and sloppy, thirteen year old me's, hand writing.

I was drawing huge cards with dragons drawn on them, pretending to be an awesome anime main character that summoned dragons and monsters from cards. Of course my drawings was nothing but the level of horse shit, but in the eyes of thirteen year old me, it was awsome looking.

I was so immersed in my drawing I didn't notice the shadow behind me. A pair of hands fell onto my shoulders, but I saw the hands before they even reached my shoulders so I wasn't startled.

"What are you drawing this time?"

It was Trinity, and her dog was behind her, but she was relaxed today.

I turned my head back to my drawing but I did reply to her.

"It's a new dragon I am making. It's an ice armadillo dragon."

Trinity sat down next to me, which was normal at this point. We had become friends, unlike third grade. Piper and I, however were not on the same ground but we never invaded the invisible line we had.

"That's cool! What did you name this one!"

Trinity had stars in her eyes, she loved drawing dragons too, so she would help my with character designs and stuff.

I was still indifferent to her, now normal, reactions.


I was still drawing away on my shity ass, so called, dragon card. We started to talk about other ideas to draw, it was making me excited on the inside but I hid that from my face.

However, it didn't last long.

"Well now, looks this there are some maidens I hadn't talked to yet."

The queen of play grown, Nevaeh Brooks. She changed our schools hierarchy. Making it in the form of royal things like princess and princes. I want to throw up when ever I thought of it. Being the tomboy I was, I hated this kind of thing.

We were told by the other girls that follow her, that we had to bow like a princess when we saw her. Trinity not wanting drama followed this rule, and such Piper followed suit. I didn't even bother to look up.

"It is nice to see you madam Trinity."

Nevaeh waved her fan in front of her face. I know she is wearing a long skirt that made it look like she was that of royalty. But I didn't bother to look up from my drawing. It looked better than her anyway. That and it didn't speak.

"Who is this dutchess beside you, that you speak so out of character with, hum?"

Nevaeh was trying to get me to bow to her. I know she wants me to.

"This is Ash Irving. She draws the same things as I do, your highness."

Trinity stayed in a bow, as she was not called to stop bowing. It was making the clock in my mind to start ticking.

I could feel her eyes were looking at me in angering curiosity.

"Why is she unmoving?" Nevaeh seemed upset at my behavior.

"We she is-" Trinity was cut off by one of Nevaeh's pets.

"Ash Irving is a Tomboy, my lady. She doesn't like to work with people that are female." The pet bowed out of respect for Nevaeh's fake royal dignity.

"So she likes to seduce boys?"

The clock started to tick louder.

I snapped my pencil with my hand. I looked over to Nevaeh. Finally standing up.

"What would a pamperous bitch like you know about seducing boys?"

I death stared her.

"Nevaeh Brooks."

She was surprised by my words. For my mouth to say such a thing at my age. I may have watched to much anime.

"You dare use such a dirty word at her highness!?" The other pet barked at me.

"What I had just said is nothing compared to 'her highnesses' shity attitude to me, and my friends. Nevaeh Brooks must have a huge superiority complex. Because my friend are still bowing at you."

Nevaeh looked startled, and didn't know how to handle the situation. So her eleven year old brain did what any stupid little kid would do in this situation.

"L-Lady Trinity, and madam Piper. You m-may both rise."

as the rose, I could hear a crack sound from Pipers back.

The clock started to tick louder again.

We both played soccer yesterday. Piper and I were on the same team, and we both had a truce so we could win. I had to take off my jaket for that game, I was feared in soccer when I took off my jaket. I was called the 'Red-head Wrecking ball' on the soccer field. In the middle of the game Piper fell on the ball, and had to go home, so I took off my jaket during that game. I won that game, but the opponents team, was Neveah's 'prince' Jake Loweens.

God damn, American, independence bull shit with strange ass names.

I know why Nevaeh came to this side of play ground instead of going to the soccer field down to the north side of us. It was to pick a fight with me, because I won the game by myself. Non of my team mates helped me with the game, because they knew what the prince would tell on them. That's why everyone hates me at this moment. The prince told Nevaeh that I bet him in his favorite sport.

"If your here because of Jake, you can go somewhere else, I have more important things to do than sit here and listen to your wretched voice."

I turned and sat back down. I grabbed a new pencil from my right pocket. I though she would leave like everyone else after I tore her down. Instead, she came to me and took my shity ass dragon card drawing and tore it in my face.

"Now you have no other choice but to look at me, madam Ashie~."

I hated my nicknames, but I hated that one more. My inner clock stopped ticking after I punched her in the face.

:Flash back ended:

I don't remember much from what that day, but I know I forced to stay in detention that day.

Trinity moved away in seventh grade. Me nor Piper herd from her again, even to this day. But I helped Piper from Nevaeh everytime, and she did the same. We became close. Even when both of our hearts got broken by stupid boys. I soon got to the level of a personal artist, Piper had skills of actually doing her homework and turning it in. I didn't bother with it that much. I never cared for it.

Now look at me, working at my local Giant Eagle, putting away go backs. Which are ideas that the customers didn't want.

I had toilet paper to put back because someone tried to go over the limit we had for it. I was trying to find the empty shelf it was supposed to go on. It was difficult since you had to look at names on the tiny stickers. When I finally found it, I picked it up and put it on the shelf neatly. Right as I was done putting it up on the shelf a had reached over and grabbed it. I looked at the direction an it was one of those moms you would watch on YouTube's r/entitledparents. She plopped it and left with her cart of 'essentials'.

I just sighed and moved on. I clocked out at nine, my feet achint in pain from all of the standing in place I had to do. Before I left I always yelled good night to night stack men. It was a daily routine at this point.

My car was already started as I have a remote start button on my key fob. I could hear her tired engine hum, almost like she was just waking up. Poor car.

I am her fifth owner, and probably her last. She was a Chrysler Town & Country 2013, midnight blue. She was good car and could speed up like my BMW x5 could when I had it. But she has one problem, she shuts down when ever she wants. My car was named just like cursed book title, and I wish I didn't name it that now, but her name was Twilight Ve Midnight. I don't know what the hell I smoked that night, but that's what I named my car.

Going down the main street with my music up was the best relaxation I had had all day. I was the extra register for the day. I covered the front people's breaks, clean, drop offs, go backs, and damaged items.

So the loud acoustic heavy metal theme from Doom was beautiful, and lavish to me. I turned from the main strip and down on a side road that connected to the small heath air port. It had houses on the left hand side of me as I drove. It was a quiet road when I wasn't driving, but no one was on it at this time of night. Everywhere was closed.

As I drove all I could think of was all of the stress waiting for me at home. My home work from my technical school that was now closed for the rest of the year, and my all of my F's and D's I have because I was lazy and didn't want to relapse into depression again.

I started to wish I could be like the webcomics heroines and villainesses I read about. Dieing and going to another world, and living their best life.

But I knew I wouldn't survive it. I would at least want my car with me. I couldn't handle riding a horse. Just to unpredictable.

"Copy magic would be awsome, too."

I started to think aloud.

"Where I could take something from my phone and make a working copy of one from my world in that would. That would be so cool!"

I started to fantasize about such a power and made it flaws and strengths. The mount of mana need would be based on the objects complexity, and/or size. It would never being a living thing. And you would have to know prior knowledge of how the thing was made so you would know all of parts and pieces in detail.

I was spaced out, but not completely. I was on a road that ran beside a corn field and the Heath's Humane Society, animal shelter. I was coming up to the railroad tracks that intersected the road. I could see a semi truck on the other side of it, but I thought nothing of it since they have to stop at rail roads even if there is no train.

However, the semi was not stopping, it was speeding up. I stopped thinking about my ideas, and focused on the semi. It was gaining speed, and had just jumped the rail road. It was going pretty damn fast, about 85 miles per hour. the road was a 45 mile per hour road. the max I ever hit on this road was 62 on a bad day. My inner clock started ticking.

I had to think fast, but my brain was drawing a blank. My foot was getting heavy on the gas petal. The blinding lights of the semi was all I could see, and the yelling horn was all I could hear over the rock version of 'Bad Apple!!'.

All I could think was to close my eyes. When I did, everything stopped, the clock's noiseless tick slowed down more and more. I looked up from my front car seat to find my car turned off and in and unfamiliar foliage. Dark trees that arked over my vehicle like dark green towers.

My brain slowed with the internal clock's ticking.

With the adrenaline slowly leaving my system, my eyes closed softly as the clock's ticking was more soothing than any relaxing playlist on YouTube could ever give me.

I soon lost my mind in the darkness of the night.

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Stolen by the Rebel King

As a princess who could not wield magic, Princess Daphne’s only value to her kingdom was her arranged marriage. The task was simple, but when Daphne was kidnapped and brought to the cold mountains of Vramid, she realized that she was in over her head. She had heard of these cursed mountains before― rocky terrain, freezing temperatures, and the land was ruled by a man feared by many within the continent. King Atticus Heinvres, the blood-thirsty ruler of the North. Even though she had never met him before, tales were spread of King Atticus’s ruthlessness. Some said he was a monster, others claimed he was the devil himself, but whatever the story was, everyone knew of the man who had powers beyond anyone’s imagination. He could topple armies and crumble nations with just one wave of his hand, aided by what others rumored to be a cursed obsidian ring. No one outside of Vramid had ever met the fearsome king before. Not until Daphne. However, upon meeting the formidable man, Daphne found out that the king might not really be the monster others had claimed him to be. In fact, what was hidden under that obsidian shield could just be a diamond in the rough. ― [Excerpt] “Now… where should I put you both?” he asked casually, not expecting a reply. “It’s regretful that I only have one chandelier.” “Underneath my bed? No, no, too dirty. My dust bunnies don’t deserve this,” Atticus mused to himself. “The mantlepiece? How about the vanity table? I suppose if I lop off one of your heads I could mount it over… Wife, which head do you want to stare at while you do your hair?” “Atticus!” Daphne screamed. “I don’t want any heads! Let them go.” “Fair enough.” Atticus shrugged, and flicked his fingers. There were two identical cracks as both necks snapped at once. Daphne gasped, horrified. This man, her husband, had just killed two men with a flick of his finger, as though he was snuffing out candles. “I told you to let them go!” Daphne cried out. “Yes, I let them go,” Atticus said. Then, his eyes darkened. “To receive divine judgment from the heavens.” ― Discord Server: https://discord.gg/7HAMK2bRYU

saltedpepper · Fantasy
578 Chs

The Cursed Prince

This book is about baby-making. [COMPLETED on chapter 715] The crown prince was cursed on the day he was born, that he will never be happy. What's worse, no woman could touch him without dying. Thus, finding a wife to produce an heir became the royal family's greatest challenge since the prince is the only son. Until one day.. a servant girl who tried to kill him didn't end up dying after they touched. Emmelyn was a princess from one of their colonies who vowed to avenge her family's death by killing the crown prince. And that's how she ended up in his castle. Seeing that she was the only woman he could have a sexual relationship with, without killing her, the prince made an agreement to let her go and free her kingdom from his oppression if she produced for him three heirs. Emmelyn said yes, but every day that they were together, she made plans to kill him and get her revenge. Can Emmelyn get what she wanted, or would she be entangled deeper with the enemy who was deemed as the devil incarnate himself by his enemies? EXCERPT: "You will be the mother of my children," said the man in a commanding tone. His shameless words rendered Emmelyn speechless and shocked, more so, than the kiss he landed on her lips earlier. "I need three children from you." "Eh ... wait.. what? Hold on a minute," Emmelyn, who was moved from her shock, hurriedly rubbed her lips roughly as if trying to remove the devil's marks from them. "I don't want to be your wife! I don't want to marry you, you devil!!" The man frowned and squinted his eyes menacingly. "Who said anything about marriage?" THE NEXT DAY "Let's go," said the prince. "Let's go where?" Emmelyn asked, not understanding. "Let's go make babies." *** CHECK OUT MY OTHER BOOKS with all doting husbands: - The King's Wife Is The Alpha's Mate - ONGOING - The Cursed King - COMPLETED - Finding Stardust - COMPLETED - The Alchemists - COMPLETED - The Prince Who Cannot Fall In Love - COMPLETED - Till Death Do Us Part - COMPLETED I DON'T DO SLOW BURNS. This book is VERY FUNNY, and VERY LEWD. Only for ADULTS and open-minded people. BUY ME COFFEE? https://ko-fi.com/missrealitybites Watch the book trailer on TikTok/Instagram: @missrealitybites Discord server: bit.ly/missrealitybites

Missrealitybites · Fantasy
1026 Chs