
A Demon

A few seconds after she was devoured by the black hole. The blackhole dispersed and the colours returned, the blackhole used so much power that john was now out of breath 

John began to wonder if what he did was really okay. 

[She was another person who was being forced to fight... Maybe we could have saved her...] He wondered 

A giant white gate was suddenly formed at the end of the room, the last floor was completed. 

[Thank you...] Said a different voice 

John didn't recognise the voice, it didn't belong to neither the dark spirit nor zestari, but it sounded familiar 

John then quickly turned around back to where the black hole was, before he said 

"You're welcome" with a relieved smile 

John then turned his head back down towards his party and began to descend from the sky 

He was drained, but he was feeling fine 

[I was told Master Sylvia was alive... Where is she?] John wondered as he looked around 

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