
The Dream

As they flew through the clouds, on a flying carriage which was made invisible using furtim. The horses were having a panic attack 

They wouldn't stop neighing and thought they would die, but sylvia managed to put them to sleep using some sort of method 

Meanwhile the three continued to play truth or dare 

"Oh, it landed on Ariel" Said Serena 

"Whose it gonna be?" Asked john 

"Hmm, Serena, Truth, or... Dare?" Ariel asked 

"Wha- Ariel you traitor!" Said Serena 

"But I mean, you went for john last time, so we should go for someone else..." Said Ariel 

John hastily nodded 

"Fine, Truth" Said Serena 

Ariel who heard this, made a small chuckle 

"Fufu... Serena... Is it true that... You're afraid of heights?" Ariel asked 

"Hoh, that's quite the good question, Ariel" Said john 

"Yeah, sort of." Serena nervously replied 

"Hmm, See, that wasn't so hard" Said Ariel with a satisfied smile 

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