
I'll keep her (2)

Jason was thrilled that she could talk." What did you say? " He asked her.

"Pretty" she whispered again. He wondered if she'd say something else if she touched him somewhere else and moved her hands to his chest. " Heart" she whispered. He moved her hands to his stomach and she whispered "Hungry"

"Are you hungry again?" She placed her hands on her own tummy and whispered"Hungry".

"That's alright, you can eat anything you want. Come." He led her towards the kitchen under the hidden scrutiny of Nanny Jo who followed them.

In the kitchen, he placed her on a stool and grabbed ingredients to make her a quick sandwich. He then go her a glass of water. Upon seeing the sandwich, she reached for it and begun to eat, but when he put down the water she dropped the sandwich and reached for it, chugging it all down.

" Hungry" she mumbled staring at the glass.

"That's not hungry, that's thirsty." He reproached. "Thirsty..." She whispered. He poured her some water which she downed gratefully.

A few minutes later a team of psychological professionals were led into the mansion by assistant Kwan and were introduced to the girl. There was also a security agent who copied her thumbprint and sent it away..

"Please examine her and do anything you can to help her" Jason directed. "Don't worry Mr. Wu, she's in good hands." Doctor Charles who headed the Medical team responded. They set up in a room and started testing the girl she was asked several questions to which she responded to none, but when given a pen and paper, she wrote the answers down in a neat handwriting. The doctor examined her eyes with a torch and patted her head calmly.

"I think we need to scan her brain Mr. Wu, you'll need to bring her to the hospital, but I am assuming that she's a victim of one or multiple trauma. She's not paranoid but it seems like she doesn't like to talk, and she's avoiding her name. I think it would be best to treat her very lovingly so she can trust you enough since she isn't mute. But please be careful, she might still experience manic attacks. " Dr. Charles reported.

" Thank you doctor, I'll bring her to the hospital tomorrow." Jason said, watching the girl who was now hugging the armrest of the couch she sat on, observing the health workers with shyness. After they left, Jason shooed away the curious assistant Kwan who was very surprised at the prettiness of the girl once she was cleaned.

He took her to the dining room for dinner and sat her down beside him.

Once she glanced at the table set with all kinds of food, she openly begun to drool. Jason chuckled and picked out food for her, placing a bit of everything on her plate. She wasn't picky at all, eating anything he put down by picking them up with her fingers from her plate and stuffing it into her mouth. Jason frowned with disapproval and stopped eating in order to feed her with cutlery. Soon she was so full that she got up from the table and chose to lay down on the floor she had on a dissatisfied frown that told that she wished she had space for more. He watched her amusedly and got up to lift her and send her to a couch after quickly stuffing some food down his throat but with so much grace you wondered if he was in a rush at all. After placing her on the couch he noticed that her fair skin was Reddening at an alarming rate and her neck had started to rash. With alarmed he picked her up and shouted for a car to be brought to the front of the mansion. He quickly carried her bridal style to the car and sent her to the hospital.

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