

When the five students of Magic Academy stepped out of the Healith Church, they were eerily welcomed by a desolate large town. Only a few of the townspeople could be found with their entire bodies covered in clothing even though they were in the middle of the summer season. Because of that, the students couldn't help but feel hot for them despite them wearing thin, and fresh clothing chanted with ice magic by their sole ice mage, Lady Irene.

"The disease made them like this," Elle uttered.

Irene looked at the few men who were continuing their lives even after the appearance of an unknown disease. "Why do they still choose to go out? The disease may be infectious, that's why the patients kept increasing," she uttered although she received a sneer from Elenor.

Elle nudged her brother and explained the situation to the young lady, "It's not that they like it. Working is important to have food at their tables and meet their other needs."

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