
Xi Qiu City

Li Ming followed behind Old Mo silently with the rest of the four children.

It was just a few minutes before mid night and all of them were going to the decided spot for the exchange.

Li Ming had no idea for what to expect from the coming situation. She was just praying for everything to go according to her plan.

Her sensible mind was warning her that whoever was the mastermind behind this whole dark and shady business was not someone normal.

But no matter what she had to get her orphanage out of the situation.

They finally reached the decided spot after walking for a few more minutes.

Li Ming observed the area around her. Although the whole area appeared to be silent and still, but she knew that more people were there, residing in the darkness.

One of those people was Ruoshan, who was hiding behind the mask of darkness, keeping an eye on the situation.

She didn't wanted him to come along but also couldn't leave him. So, the final decision was that he would follow them secretly and won't interfere until she would say.

The other people were of course the group which had came to retrieve the children.

After a minute or two, four people finally appeared with a carriage.

Li Ming waited patiently as she saw the group walking towards the pentagram that she had drawn earlier in the middle of the road. It was barely visible to mortal eyes.

The carriage stopped at a little distance from them and the four men started walking towards them.

Just as she had thought, none of them noticed the pentagram and before they could realize that something was wrong, they were already standing inside the pentagram. There the four men stood like a statue as they were under the spell of the pentagram.

"There's no one around." Ruoshan said as he came out of his hiding place. His job was to find out if these people had any backup.

But looked like they were a little too confident in the Old Mo to not betray them.

"You can now return back to the orphanage. I'll deal with the matter." Li Ming said to the Old man.

"But Miss...!" Old Mo wasn't ready to leave his Master in the hands of these monsters.

Although she was powerful and smart but at the end of the day, she was still a little girl.

How could he let her go into a tiger's den when he knew that the tiger was hungry and waiting for his prey.

"Don't worry. Do as Ming is saying. I'll take care of her." Ruoshan said as he saw that Old Mo was not going to let Li Ming go alone.

Old Mo looked at the man who was like a shadow of Young Miss. He knew that this man was close to his Master and also very skilled & powerful.

After a few more seconds of coaxing, Old Mo finally, but reluctantly, agreed to return back to the orphanage.

Li Ming went inside the pentagram and looked at the four men. She muttered something in the ear of each of them and the four of them nodded their heads.

Li Ming then freed them out of the pentagram. The four men placed all the other children inside the carriage with Li Ming and started towards the Xi Qiu City.

Xi Qiu City was actually the second most powerful City in the Han Empire after the Imperial City.

It was famous for it's market ground. The city was solely built as a business sector. There were restaurants, shops, auction houses, tea houses and brothels.

It was a place only for shopping. There were less than 20 residences and those were mainly of the City Lord and shop owners.

There were courtyards behind every shop, where the workers stayed.

The City also had a teleportation system which joined it with the rest of the High Class Cities of the Han Empire and some that opens into the other Empires.

"Why are they taking us to this Xi Qiu City?" Li Ming asked with confusion after Ruoshan told her about the City.

"What's your plan?" Ruoshan asked after a moment of silence.

"Nothing exactly! I'm just going with the flow for now." Li Ming said as she saw Ruoshan shaking his head.

"What??" She really couldn't understand this man's problem. Why did he have to act like she was being dumb at the moment.

"How can you put yourself in such a dangerous situation when you don't even have a fully prepared plan, forget about a back up!" Ruoshan asked with a little hint of frustration and anger in his eyes.

"What's your problem? No one asked you to come with me and now you are throwing tantrums like a child. Yes! I don't have a plan. That's because, I don't do a supercop every day. I'm a normal young teenager who's suppose to be having a fun time not doing all this!" Li Ming said with anger as she was really not pleased with his behavior.

"Then you should just behave like that little Young Miss you are and let others take care of you!" Ruoshan said as he was also not happy with her response.

"You know that I can't do that. My grandfather.....!!" Li Ming was going to again use her imaginary grandfather for an excuse when Ruoshan interrupted her.

"Don't you dare to play that bulls**t on me!" Ruoshan narrowed his eyes as he looked at her in warning.

"No one is forcing you to stay here. If you are not happy then you can always leave!" Li Ming said with a pout.

"You know that it's not possible. I can't be away from you!" Ruoshan said with a little smirk.

"Then shut up and let me deal with everything on my own way." Li Ming said as she folded her arms and tried to look cool.

"Alright! Do whatever you want but trust me, the moment I feel that you are in danger, I'll take you away from here. I don't care if you loose your orphanage or the entire Dongji village after that. I'm not letting you get in danger in my presence." Ruoshan said in a very deep voice as he hold her chin in his hand, Making her look directly into his dark obsidian eyes.

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