
Chapter I

The First letter

The Writer

Dear Margaret:

I'm writing to tell you the story I promised you, pay close attention and don't forget a single name.

Even Loren was lying in his office on his comfortable sofa-bed, letting glorious prose of free speech and gender equality escape his lips, when Cohen, his writer, was already uneasy about his bold words and exclaimed to him:

___ Young man, do you think it's appropriate to write all that?    I mean, the censorship law forbids talking about such controversial topics - why are you interrupting me?  - Even replied to his writer.

___ Should I censor my words to hide the truth that many refuse to recognize even though they are not blind to it?

___ My lord, that is not...  - Even interrupted him and replied again:

___ Cohen, I did not bring you here to also question what my eyes cannot see, but still, even I am not so blind to understand.  What I'm saying is exactly what I want you to write, do you understand?

Loren was a young man of character, dedicated to writing in body and soul; what a misfortune it was for him to be born blind.

Even Loren was born in 1886, in the golden years of Cyber-industrialization (it was Cyberpunk).  The world was not ready for so many changes, so everyone suffered a drastic confrontation with the new futuristic reality in which they were.  However, despite the technological changes they were undergoing, the era of floating cruises, they still retained the same creeds and taboos that held their advanced society back within a time loop.  They retained the same labels and social classes; the same beliefs and moral concepts.  Fashion stagnated in the Renaissance era.  Controversies over new ideas prevented them from continuing.  They lived with the same problems of acceptance and pedagogical advances.  A new era began very early for the seven kingdoms of Algon (name of the continent)

The Loren family became billionaires after investing a small amount of money in the new trend of the moment; cars.  All the noble families wanted complete car collections, and they didn't want just any car in their collections, they wanted those of the Loren brand.  The Loren family car line had gained a high prestige.

On Even Loren's twenty-third birthday, his mother Carli Loren fell into despair when she assumed that there was no alpha who wanted to commit himself to such a blind burden as her son.

Then Carli screamed:

___ What are we going to do with him?!

Her husband was concentrating on his poker game, she said:

___ Are you asking me?  - he said with a smile on his face.

Carli, quite upset, turned round and replied:

___ Who the hell would I be asking then?  - She pointed to her son with her right hand and said;

___ Him?  - she said with a lot of irony in her words.  Then, Even in the middle of the climax said to his mother:

___ Lady, I'm blind, not deaf, I can't see why you have to talk like I'm not here.

___ Even!  - She exclaimed

___ Don't you understand what this means to you?  To reach such an advanced age without a suitor, oh for the gods!  - she said with her hand on her chest.  Even did not see the seriousness of the matter, so he answered her:

___ Not everyone needs a fiancé to feel complete, Mom; not everyone is like you.

His mother frowned and replied:

___ Everyone could say that except you, Even.  Son, dear, a complete person could live alone for the rest of their life if they so chooses, don't you remember old John?  He preferred to live on his own with his fortune and nothing else.  But you...  you wouldn't be complete with anyone at your side.

After she said such hurtful words, she left.  Even's father, Augustín, left his poker and stared out the window of his house in silence.  He had never heard so much noise among so much silence until that day.