
39: Cat got your tongue

Whoever told Marinette that Adrien Agreste was socially inexperienced was wrong. He sure knows how to use his mouth, especially his mouth. Although she found herself liplocking with Chat Noir, her brain short circuited when she pointed out herself that this was no other than Adrien Agreste in the flesh.

As soon as he pulled away, her lips quivered. She was gasping like a fish. She was unsure whether her deliriousness was from the fever, the disorientation or the fact that she was just kissing the most coveted boy in school only in hero form. At last, she shook herself back to her senses.

"Whoa. Okay err...what was that?" She stuttered holding her head. "Was that all in my head? Tell me that was all in my head."

Chat began to realize what he had done bringing a bright blush. "Oh god. Did we just...?" His hands started fidgetting, gesturing from him to her.

"Don't give me that look!" She scowled. "You're the one who inititated! Ugh, you're going to make my condition worse. What were you thinking?" Although she sounded angry, her face was a mess. She shifted in her sheets desperately avoiding his eyes.

He took her hand, surprising her. "I'm kidding. I know what I did." He said in a low assuring tone. "It's real princess."

Marinette felt like she'd turn into a balloon. Her face was burning hot but she didn't know where it was coming from. She felt as if her fever had risen into an impossible temperature that she can cook bacon and eggs with. "You kissed me!" She hissed.

"And I don't regret it." He said firmly. "I don't regret every single moment, Marinette."

She wanted to pull her hand away, worried she might be sweating a lot, but Chat held on to her gazing directly to her eyes.

"Chat I thought you liked somebody else."

He blinked then melted into a sad smile. "I thought so too. Until...you came into my life."

"Chat...we can't..." Her voice trailed. "It's too complicated."

"Then let's make it simple." He said adjusting himself, holding her hand tight in both hands. "Do you have feelings for me?"

His eyes sparkled under her dim lamp light. His voice, his scent, everything about him was inviting. If she wasn't Ladybug, she would have jumped into his arms and kissed him all night. She wanted to tell him everything and get things over with. Like what he said, she wanted to make things simple, but at the back of her mind, that very incident of Chat Blanc was just too dangerous to risk.

"If I say I don't, will you stop pursuing me?"

Chat pursed his lips. "Don't lie to yourself."

"Then what am I supposed to do?" She whimpered covering her face. "How am I supposed to answer your question Chat?"


"If only I could tell you everything."

"But why won't you?"

Marinette raised her head. Her eyes was welled up with tears but she forced a smile. "Because I know how you think Chatton. I've always known. You're my other half."

His grip loosened. He didn't know what to say or do with everything he just heard. All this time he wanted his lady to return his feelings, but hearing Marinette say she considered him as her other half spoke more than of a confession. They were both feeling the same way.

"I'm sorry." He said. "I didn't mean to pressure you it's just...I don't want you carrying the burden all on your own. You know you can talk to me right? We've been here for each other when no one could hear us."

"Yeah well...things happened." She shrugged. "I wasn't sure if I should rant at you about Chloe and the fact that I have to deal with her impossible request."

Chat Noir let out a small laugh. "I'm sure I can understand how the mayor's daughter has been treating you. I've met her you know."

Marinette raised an eyebrow then gave him a punch on the arm.

"Ow!" He recoiled.

"That's for sneaking up on me."

"Hey, I always sneak up on you." He said rubbing his arm.

Marinette smiled. She leaned forward and gave him a peck on his lips, stunning Chat Noir as if he was hit by lightning.

She tucked her hair behind her ear and glanced nervously at the boy. "If it isn't much to ask, can you...wait for me?"

A church bell rang in Chat's head. He's waited this long to actually get a sign if she likes him or not, what's waiting for a little more to become her boyfriend right? Or she could have meant to wait for her to get better. Either way he was fine with it.

He reached for her chin which made her blush loudly. "Anything for you, princess."

She was about to faint but he caught her by the shoulder.

"Whoa there," He chuckled. "See this happens when you don't eat your meal."

"You saw that?" She said as she weakly rested her head against his chest.

He smiled, setting her back to lean against the pillow before he jumped down to get the food her mother left.

The congee was still warm and fluffy. It had bits of egg, chicken strips, and green onions which looked appetizing enough for Chat Noir. He took a scoop, blew the steam a bit, and offered her the spoonful of moist rice. Marinette hesitated but eventually opened her mouth and swept the spoon clean.

"I can't taste anything." She complained as she managed to chew.

"That's natural. You're sick. You better eat up if you wanna get your appetite back."

She sighed. "I'm just not used to getting sick."

"But getting sick is normal." He said feeding another spoonful to her mouth.

Marinette swallowed, her eyes looking down at the bowl of porridge. "I know, but ever since I was a kid I tried my best not to. My parents raised me all on their own and handling a bakery was a lot of work. I didn't want them to fuss over me so whenever I felt like I was going down with a cold I try to hide it and be strong."

Chat stirred the bits of chicken as he attentively listened to the sick girl. The girl had known Adrien Agreste as someone who continues to struggle in his own family problems. It was rare to hear Marinette's side of family struggle whom he never expected to have one especially with how cozy and welcoming her parents are.

"But you don't have to hold back." He advised. "Your family loves you a lot. They'd rather spoil you than see you suffer."

Marinette's lips parted as if finding the words to respond. "I-I suppose..."

"That includes me." He added, his eyes melting her into a slob of dough. "I'd want you to rely on me too."

She protested in her mind saying this wasn't just Chat Noir in front of her that it was also Adrien Agreste, but her heart protested louder saying she should just jump into his arms and let the world burn into cinders if it has to. The latter did not make her happy. The mere fact that she was even considering it did not make her feel good at all. The fever must have gotten into her that she could see Paris in flames right before her eyes. Worse, it was a stale blank day with the rest of the world frozen to oblivion with Chat Noir and Ladybug standing eye to eye about to kill each other.

She smiled but it wasn't at his sweet tempting offer of dependence. "Thanks but...I think I'd rather not rely on you too much."

"Why?" said Chat Noir gripping tightly on the spoon. "Do you see what happened to you when you tried to carry everything on your own?"

Marinette flinched. She wasn't sure what Chat heard about her condition. She imagined him asking Ms. Bustier as Adrien about her absence, but the weight in his tone said otherwise. There was something strangely odd of how he was acting tonight like he was on the edge and was about to explode.

"Chat..." She said taking the half eaten bowl of porridge away from him. Her voice was gentle as well as her touch. The boy looked in a daze watching her fix the porcelain to the corner of the tray, but was taken aback when she took his hand to hers. Her eyes glimmered amidst the dim nightlight.

"Kitty, is there anything bothering you right now that you'd like to share?"

Chat Noir blinked. He might have gone overboard with his worrying which now meant Marinette was suspecting he knew something. He shifted his hand over hers and patted it a few times. Her hand was still warm from her fever. His mouth opened then shut then settled in a hard line. The ever so talkative Chat Noir is in loss for words. Cat finally got his tongue.

"You better take your medicine and sleep." He managed and took the pre-opened foil tablet from the tray waving it at her face.

Marinette disgruntedly took it from him, sizing the sneaky black cat who had just found his way out of the conversation.

After Marinette had taken her medicine and the tray was tucked away, Chat had gotten her to lie down while he sat next to her cross legged. The bed was narrow for two but they managed to fit right in and saved room for more. (A/N: Saved room for Jesus)

"Aren't you sleepy?" Chat asked running his fingers through her hair making her giggle.

"I slept all day Mr. Tom Cat."

"Then you should sleep some more. Cats have nine lives because they sleep a lot you know."

Marinette raised a brow, "I don't think that's the reason nor do I believe cats have nine lives."

"How can a sick person be so talkative?" said Chat pulling away.

"Maybe because it's you I'm talking to minou." She saintly replied but her eyes were drooping slowly.

"Sleep for me. Please?" He lightly tapped her cheek as if that would make her yawn and drift to the unconscious. Alas, it did make her squirm forcing a weird sound out of her mouth.

Chat blinked. "What was that?"

"Oh gods." Marinette covered her face, flustered. "I tried to stop a yawn but I was too happy you're here so it came out wrong."

"You're happy I'm here?" His voice perked up. Marinette peeked between her fingers and saw an ecstatic Chat Noir beaming at her. Now she's done it. She knew better not to boost Chat's ego, but the kitty had managed to tip the ice over and had her thoughts jump all over the place. It was manageable back when it was just Chat Noir. Now that she knew who was under the mask, her inner fangirl was slipping.

"Okay kitty, let the sick person sleep."

"Awwwe but I wanted to hear more about you being happy."

"I'll tell you more about"―Yawn―"it when I get better..."

Marinette closed her eyes and not a minute longer soft snoring, like cat purring, filled the room. He watched her for a little while, enjoying her vulnerability. It was rare of him to see her so relaxed. Lately all she's ever been was agitated, worried, stressed and depressed. Marinette deserved all the rest she could get before they get back out there and defend Paris for whatever will come their way. The moment he felt she's finally deep into sleep, he leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"Goodnight princess." He whispered as he pulled the blanket up to her chest hoping she'd be getting sweet dreams and a wake up well rested. Sadly even with best wishes from her partner, the girl still could not catch a break in her sleep for that night she dreamt of Tikki.