The tattooed man's underlings had guns too, but they didn't dare move under Winston's compelling gaze. They looked toward the tattooed man. Scared out of his wits, the tattooed man wasn't able to give any orders. He could only watch as Winston's people took the debtor and the money away, leaving behind 5,000 yuan—the principal amount.
Winston was the last to leave. He imitated the tattooed man, pointing the gun toward him and saying, "I'll be covering for that guy from now on. If you want anything, come to me. Otherwise…"
A "bang" rang out, and a bullet hit the wall.
The tattooed man's legs instantly gave out and he sat on the puddle of pee with a ghastly pale face.
Winston was given a fright as well and quickly put the gun aside. In the end, he said, "This is pretty good. I'll take it as a gift of apology for hurting me."
Winston then left the factory as well, taking the gun with him.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: