Lanky was afraid of losing this support and followed Winston the entire way. Naturally, Winston heard him, but before he was chased off, Lanky was stopped by the guards from Splendid Villa.
Lanky stood outside the luxurious villa district and looked at it for a while before mumbling, "I knew Brother Tiger wasn't ordinary."
He then returned to tell this to the others, feeling at ease. Someone who could afford to stay in a place like this would definitely not care to swindle a meal from them. Brother Tiger must really be wanting to take them in.
Winston only let down his guard after returning home. He lay on the living room's sofa and rested.
Not long later, the scent of alcohol spread out and all the males in the house came out.
Parker leaned against the railing on the second floor, covering his nose and asking, "Winston, what did you get on yourself? It stinks so much. I was woken up from the stench."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: