Winston said, "There are many bubbles in iron that had just been forged. During the process of battering it, the bubbles were squeezed out, hence making the iron much firmer and heavier."
"I see." Bai Qingqing was enlightened. She was certain that this wasn't the iron she knew from her world.
Perhaps it might not even be iron. Who knows.
This metal was highly likely to be a material that didn't even exist on Earth.
But since this wasn't Earth, looking from Earth's perspective, this was a material that existed in outer space, so the fact that there were differences shouldn't be surprising.
"Is this the mechanism?"
Bai Qingqing found the protruding part on the iron arm and pulled it to one side, and the arm closed to form the proper shape. She asked, finding it strange, "This is so high. How do you touch this?"
Parker cast a strange look back at her, before raising his arm and saying, "We have accessory nails."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: