Winston's face was tanned and it exuded fatigue, but his eyes were bright and spirited. At the sight of Bai Qingqing, his eyes brightened by yet another notch.
"You're back." Bai Qingqing greeted him with joy. "Are you hungry? Have you eaten today?"
Winston stared fixedly at her, his eyes brimming with words, yet he couldn't utter out a single sound.
His heart that had been drifting unsteadily outside seemed to finally settle down now that it had found a home.
Having experienced separation, Winston only then realized that he was now someone with a spouse, for he really couldn't stay apart from her.
But even if it made him feel terrible, it also brought him a sense of bliss. This was proof of their becoming spouses.
"Winston?" Bai Qingqing stood on tiptoe and waved a hand before him. She asked with a smile, "Are you dreaming?"
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: