
Versatile Annihilation

After defeating Megicula and accidentally killing Vanica in the process, Grim stood in front of the unconcious Yami with a heavy feeling in his chest.


Sighing loudly and ignoring the devils that continued to pour out of the gate and escape into the sky above. Thoughts of a certain blood mage flashed through his head.

So this is what it feels like to lose someone... I... I don't like it.

"G-Grim?" Moris stuttered staring at the back of the lone demon slayer.

"What are you doing here?" He asked with a fake smile. "Your magic suddenly stopped powering the sword. Did something go wrong?"

"Wrong?" Hearing the question, Grim couldn't help but repeat it as his hand slowly stretched out.

"I wonder."

Focusing his mana around one of the many escaping devils, an invisible force suddenly grabbed it and forced it into Grim's hands.

"Kaaaahk!!" It struggled as Grim's hand slowly applied more pressure around its neck.

"Y'know." Ignoring the devil's struggle, he carried on as if nothing was happening.

"You're a pretty smart guy Morris, I bet if you used that big brain of yours you'd figure it out."

Frowning deeply, Morris fell silent as he started thinking about the situation.

*Eyes Widen*

"You Betrayed Us! No! You were never on our side from the start!"

"Ding, ding, ding!!" Grim laughed crushing the devil's throat and throwing its corpse to Morris's feet.

"We have a winner, here's your prize. You might want to use it while its still fresh. I know how much you like to play with things that can't fight back."

Before Moris could offer a rebuttal, something weird happened. The devil marks on his forehead opened up like a mouth and from within came the voice of-


The King of Devils.

"Lucifero." Grim grinned brushing off the whirlwind of negative mana that corroded the area whenever Lucifero spoke.

"How Dare You!" Lucifero snarled spewing out even more negative mana.


"Slow your ascension? *grins* Motherfuker, I'm about to stop it!"

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

"But don't worry, I'll be seeing you real soon."

Placing his hand on the coffin holding Yami and injecting it with his pure elven mana, a large number of cracks began to spread all over it.

"NO! STOP HIM!!" Lucifero roared with panic in his voice.

As if some switch had been flipped in their heads, all the escaping devils suddenly stopped in their tracks and turned in Grim's direction.

Watching all the looks of surprise, panic and fear on the faces of Moris and all the other devils as they charged him, Grim couldn't help but be amused and say - "Too late."

Switching to [Breath of the Kitsune] and pulling the mask down moments before they could reach him, 9 different coloured flames suddenly appeared behind his back. Fusing the flames into one and then using it to coat the outer layer of his body, a wicked grin spread across his face.

"9 Flames Annihilation - Annihilation Dome."



By expanding the flames from his body to the surrounding area, he was able to create a burning dome of annihilation that destroyed whatever it came into contact with while everything inside remained unharmed.

Deducing the affects of this spell seconds before it could hit him, Moris used Lucifero's magic to warp space and avoid coming into contact with the dome while the rest of the devils perished. Even the gate wasn't spared as the flames of annihilation burned away the magic maintaining it and started spreading along the roots of the Qliphoth.

By the time the spell ended, an entire section of the castle was missing.

Unfortunately for Moris, he wasn't fast quite fast enough to avoid the dome completely.

"GYAAAAAAAHH!!!" He screamed rolling on the ground as a large portion of the right side of his body had suddenly vanished.

'DAMMIT, DAMMIT DAMMIT!!' He cursed through the unreal pain. 'He was baiting us from the start!'

Angering Lucifero, the cracks in Yami's coffin, us charging him? It was all in order to wipe us out at once!

Seeing his miserable state Grim eyebrows rose.

'To think the flames of Annihilation could be used this way... AMAZING!!'

'I was just trying something out, but who would have guessed that it would be this flexible! I thought I had gotten a good grasp on this spell - but to think this form was still capable of growing stronger with simple alterations!'

Wondering how else he could apply this spell to fit his fighting style, the sound of Moris's screams kept interrupting him.

Now the kind thing to do would be to put the man out of his misery but... fuck that guy.

Looking at Yami who had been protected from the flames by being inside the Annihilation Dome, he quietly lay on the ground whilst William was still stuck in his standing coffin. In Grim's mind, only one of them was needed to stop the ritual from taking place. Yami was his captain and someone that he respected, William on the other hand... Well he was Yuno's problem.

Stop the ritual - Check

Save Yami - Check

Now all that's left is to-

Before he had the chance to finish that thought, a massive wave of negative mana errupted out from above.

'Another supreme devil?!' He frowned thinking that there was another devil like Megicula trying to use a loophole to escape from the underworld. 'No, this mana... It feels familiar... Zenon?'

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