
Assaulting the base

"And there it is, the Eye of the Midnight Sun's secret base."

Standing with Mereoleona and the other Royal Knights, Grim stood in his tattered Royal Knight robes staring up at the floating hideout that just so happened to be surrounded by other floating rocks in some weird misty valley.

"So we just have to blast that thing outta the sky then we win? How boring."

"Hah!" Mereoleona laughed and walked up next to him much to the annoyance of the Silver Eagles's captain.

"If only it were that simple."

"Ain't it though?"

Grinning at him, she walked ahead and started speaking to everyone.

"Listen up idiots! The Eye of the Midnight Sun have stationed their base in the middle of one of the Grand Magic Zones! Meaning that our magic will be effected in some weird ways unless we make it inside the base. On top of that we can't afford to alert them or else they will use their magic to hide the base amongst the other floating rocks and disappear somewheres in the mist."

Tuning this next part out, Grim closed his eyes and used the newly learned [Hyper Focus] to scan their surroundings.

Even if the Grand Magic Zone was some weird mana disruptor, [Hyper Focus] sensed more than mana. It sensed life itself.


Feeling a familiar aura radiating from the inside of the base, Grim couldn't conceal the smile on his face as the image of the last member of the Third Eye flashed through his mind.

'Yami stole my prey when he killed that horny Despair loving freak in discount Atlantis, but it looks like this one's all mine.'


"So that's how it is." Mereoleona nodded after looking at the replica of the enemy base made by the rock mage.

"Alright! We'll split into 5 seperate teams and infiltrate the base while our spatial mage stays out here on standby."

"Fine by me." Zora muttered. "As long as I'm not on a team with the psycho or the shorty I don't mind teaming up."

"Who you calling shorty!" Asta yelled.

And of course the psycho he was referring to was none other than the boy who used an exam as a excuse to end the careers of several magic knights in some of the most brutal methods the kingdom had ever seen.

"Shut up!" Mereoleona quietened them down.

"You two morons will be coming with me!"


"You heard me! You two are part of my squad now."

"Your squad?" Zora looked at her in a mocking manner. "You sure you're alright teaming up with two commoners miss royalty."

"Heh. Who gives a damn about that. At the end of the day everything comes down to whether you're weak or strong. You two made it this far because you're strong right? You better not disappoint."

"YES MA'AM!!" Asta saluted.

"And Grim-

"I know I know, I'm on your team to." He interrupted guessing what she wanted to say.

"No." She shook her head and looked at the floating fortress before her eyes focused back on him.

"With the way you fight, putting you on a team might actually slow you down compared to what you could do by yourself."

"You mean-

"Yeah." She grinned.

"Go wild."


(Inside the base)











As fire and smoke filled the lower section of the Eye of the Midnight Sun's base of operations, the ear piercing screams of the Eye of the Midnight Sun mages rang out as Grim strolled through leaving behind death and destruction in his wake.

"S-STAY AWAY!!" Falling on her ass and scurrying backwards, a wind mage looked at the blood covered Grim walking towards her with terror filling her eyes.

"Oh? Well isn't this familiar." Grim smiled innocently noticing that the mage was of the wind attribute.

Remembering back to the time when the Eye of the Midnight Sun attacked the capital and how he gained [Breath of Wind], the sword in his hand de-materialized as a soft green glow coated his body.

Keeping that innocent smile on his face, the killing intent oozing out of Grim's body seemed to explode as a violent torrent of wind started radiating off him and tore up all the escaping mages until only the two of them were left.

Hearing the screams of her fellow comrades being ripped to shreds by Grim's wind, the wind mage felt her heart stop as she looked down and saw a glowing green blade pierce the area just beneath her naval and into her womb.

"Ah.. Ah... ARG-


Grabbing her by the face and lifting her up before she had the time to scream, Grim used his [Breath of the Beast] enhanced base strength to break her jaw by crushing it with the hand he used to pick her up.

"Shhh." He hushed her.

Feeling her eyes water from the agonizing pain, as the woman stared into the yellow eyes of this young boy, all she could think was-

'He's the DEVIL'

"Yeah." He smiled. "There it is, the look of fear, confusion and absolute despair. How intoxicating."

"Mmm!!" The woman groaned.

"As much as I would like to stay and play with you for a bit longer, there's someone up ahead that deserves my attention a lot more than you do."

Seeing her eyes turn slightly hollow, Grim sighed.

"Don't look at me like that, this ain't personal. I'm just doing the same as you Midnight Sun guys. Someone from the clover kingdom hurt you in the past right? That's why you want revenge on the kingdom and will ultimately involve the innocent civilians to achieve that goal. I get it, I really do. You see, just like you I was hurt by someone from your organization. That person just so happened to also use wind magic like you. So trust me, this really isn't personal. You just so happened to be wearing the same type of robes and use the same kind of magic as that person. You might as well call this a practice run for when I run into that person again. So no hard feelings right? Oh, and as for piercing your womb... Well that was just to cause maximum trauma. If you by some miracle manage to survive this whole ordeal, I want you to have something to remember me by... And it also stops you from having children who will try to hunt me down to avenge you. Not that I mind, but considering how easy it was to beat you, I don't have any expectations for your offspring. And besides, stepping on too many bugs would get my shoes dirty."


"Well its about time I get going, people to kill and bases to burn y'know."

Pulling his blade out from her body, he dropped her on the ground and left her to bleed out.


Whistling to himself, he de-materialized his wind sword and headed towards the last of the Third Eye, the copy mage Rhya.

Hi guys, I know its been a while since my last update (mostly due to uni) but I finally managed to release this chapter... So a lot has happened since then, most notably the death of my grandfather. Not gonna lie, it hit my hard. I couldn't even go back to uni to finish my practical work due to helping out my family members and planning a trip out of the country so I can attend to some legal business. And since this whole Covid thing is going on his death certificate is taking a while to be made. This is problematic for me because without it I can't apply for a coursework extension meaning that I might have failed uni...

Sorry for the depressing talk, just thought that I owed you guys an explanation for any drop in quality in my writing. I try to write Grim as energetic/savage as possible. But my current state of mind is not in the best place.

So yeah, I'll try not to let it effect my writing but I probably won't be able to write as impactful for a little while.

But on a lighter note its a double chapter release.

Aradacreators' thoughts
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