

All through the week, Jinhai remained hopeful that he would see something around the house. He had kept monitoring the mails and always returned to the house to search Yun's room daily, whenever he was sure that their mother and her husband had left the house for work, but so far, all his search had proved futile and had yielded nothing. Either she hadn't received any of those mails lately or she was really good at getting rid of it. But he doubted the latter. 

Thankfully, Yun had brought up a suggestion the previous day which he believed would help them, so he had been working on that also. Something told him that they were going to get their answer soon. He was praying for his mother to be innocent. No child would like to learn that their mother had cheated on their father or their father cheated on their mother. He really wanted it to be a misunderstanding but the more the days passed, the more he doubted it was a misunderstanding. He was really tired, honestly. 

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