
Most beautiful woman in this country?

As they walked towards his office, most of the staff that walked past them, turned to look at them and whisper excitedly, but Yun didn't care.

"Are you sure my being here is okay?" Lijuan asked nervously when she noticed the way they were all looking at them with interest. They weren't even trying to hide the fact that they were staring. 

"What do you expect? You're the first lady they are seeing with me, so I guess they are shocked." Yun told her with a wink.

He couldn't totally understand why he was suddenly feeling so light-hearted, but he could guess it had to do with Lijuan's presence. He was beginning to notice that he always felt that way whenever she was around him.

"Here I was thinking they were staring because I'm too beautiful." Lijuan muttered under her breath in a disappointed tone making him look at her in disbelief.  

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