
Crown Prince Yun

A few minutes to seven, Yun called to let Lijuan know he was outside her house. Her heartbeat increased as she prepared to leave the house. 

She wore a simple blue flair gown which covered only half of her thigh and a flat shoe. She had looked through her wardrobe for a modest dress to wear but all of her clothes were either too revealing or too short. She had finally given up and decided to wear the only seemingly decent gown she could find which was the blue gown with a long sleeve. 

Since it was the most modest gown in her closet it would have to do. Her hair was tied in a bun at the back of her head and she wore a mild make up. 

"You can do this Lijuan." She said to herself before breathing in and out slowly. Unfortunately it seemed like with every breath she drew in she managed to feel more nervous so she opened her eyes and decided to try another technique.

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