
Chapter 590 Fu Zhenya

During the night, a debate was hotly happening in the most secure place of the sect.

The top dogs of the Hidden Mountain Palace were all here and were deliberating on whether to send forces directly or just assist our bored gamer from afar.

"You simply cannot risk the lives of the sect again, Father!"

"Especially not after what we have already lost in the past!" The primary naysayer of this quest was surprisingly a very attractive woman.

Her name was Fu Zhenya and she was the daughter of the Sect Master Fu De.

Since she was already in the Profound Realm which had a lifespan of 5,000 years, the recent events of the last two hundred years were quite clear to her mind.

One should note that Fu Zhenya was still some 400 years old maiden tonight.

"This is why this quest will not be forced upon anyone, daughter."

"We will only take volunteers along with us." Sect Master Fu De replied calmly to his headstrong daughter.

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