
Am I not doing it in a right way?

Anna's POV: 

The moment when I analysed about Rubeus uncle's reports, I understand they are manipulated by the technicians, when I am speaking to Mark about it, suddenly I got a flash of Ria's reports. What if her reports are also manipulated like Rubeus uncle's report?

Yeah, there is a possibility for manipulation that's the reason Mona is re-verifying and inquiring everything but why they should manipulate Ria's reports?

She died because of a suicidal cut on her hand and she clearly mentioned in her last note that John and his friends attacked her and we already caught John's friends and soon we will catch John and we will find the 5th person too. So there might be a chance that 5th person is our enemy that's the reason he might trying to hide Ria's reports information too, but Ria's post-mortem reports clearly show the 5th person details then what information they are trying to hide?

Suddenly, I sense a hard bite on my shoulder...

Anna: Shhhh...

Next chapter