
Couples Party Event

Marks POV:

When I am hearing at Tom's interrogation, I am sure that the spy room boy targeted his cadre and tortured him in his room just because to spy on us. I am sure he is not localite and after his work is done he will leave this town. So, we should trap him at every transportation source. So there is a chance we can catch him.

But who appointed this spy?

Why do they want to spy on us?

John tried to attack us with his friends, but he failed. And he doesn't dare to give an immediate attack.

And Anna's father Lucus, as far as I know, he doesn't have credentials to appoint a spy on us.

As far as I know, the spy room boy is not only a spy; he is a murderer too...

He tried to kill the poor room boy and now tortured the old room boy in his own room...

Spying, bomb blast, attacking poor room boy, torturing old room boy, all these can be done by only one who had more influence and he must be rich to manage his all activities.

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