
CCTV footage

Mark's Pov:

I am noting everything in my mind...

1) If I am not wrong, they plan the attack on Anna, and accidentally we exchanged our resorts, so Mona got suffered...

2) If they planned to attack Anna, they should leave by looking at Mona, but they attacked her...


there may be a chance that

they don't know how Anna looks like...

or there may be a chance they came for Mona too...

Shit, shit...

it's confusing...


3) The star tattoo on the wrist...

I saw it somewhere...

I am not getting the idea where I saw it...

but definitely, I saw the star tattoo on somewhere...

I went to the balcony to visualize how they easily escape... there is a rope from the balcony like Tom and I knot on the girls' resort last night, the same way they entered...

I looked at the girls. They are worrying...

I went close to them and sat beside Mona...

Mark: "are you sure there are three..?"

Mona nods her head as yes...

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